< Markus 14 >
1 Men to Dage derefter var det Paaske og de usyrede Brøds Højtid. Og Ypperstepræsterne og de skriftkloge søgte, hvorledes de med List kunde gribe og ihjelslaa ham.
to be then the/this/who Passover lamb and the/this/who unleavened with/after two day and to seek the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who scribe how! it/s/he in/on/among deceit to grasp/seize to kill
2 Thi de sagde: „Ikke paa Højtiden, for at der ikke skal blive Oprør iblandt Folket.‟
to say (for *N(k)O*) not in/on/among the/this/who festival not once/when to be commotion the/this/who a people
3 Og da han var i Bethania, i Simon den spedalskes Hus, kom der, medens han sad til Bords, en Kvinde, som havde en Alabastkrukke med ægte, saare kostbar Nardussalve; og hun sønderbrød Alabastkrukken og udgød den paa hans Hoved.
and to be it/s/he in/on/among Bethany in/on/among the/this/who home Simon the/this/who leprous to recline it/s/he to come/go woman to have/be jar ointment nard pure valuable (and *ko*) to break (the/this/who *N(k)O*) jar to pour it/s/he (according to *k*) the/this/who head
4 Men der var nogle, som bleve vrede hos sig selv og sagde: „Hvortil er denne Spilde af Salven sket?
to be then one be indignant to/with themself (and to say *ko*) toward which? the/this/who destruction this/he/she/it the/this/who ointment to be
5 Denne Salve kunde jo være solgt for mere end tre Hundrede Denarer og være given til de fattige.‟ Og de overfusede hende.
be able for this/he/she/it (the/this/who ointment *no*) to sell above denarius three hundred and to give the/this/who poor and be agitated it/s/he
6 Men Jesus sagde: „Lader hende være, hvorfor volde I hende Fortrædeligheder? Hun har gjort en god Gerning imod mig.
the/this/who then Jesus to say to release: leave it/s/he which? it/s/he labor to furnish occasion good work to work (in/on/among I/we *N(k)O*)
7 De fattige have I jo altid hos eder, og naar I ville, kunne I gøre vel imod dem; men mig have I ikke altid.
always for the/this/who poor to have/be with/after themself and when(-ever) to will/desire be able (it/s/he *N(k)O*) (always *O*) well/well done! to do/make: do I/we then no always to have/be
8 Hun gjorde, hvad hun kunde; hun salvede forud mit Legeme til Begravelsen.
which (to have/be *N(k)O*) (this/he/she/it *ko*) to do/make: do to take beforehand to anoint the/this/who body me toward the/this/who burial
9 Sandelig, siger jeg eder, hvor som helst i hele Verden Evangeliet bliver prædiket, skal ogsaa det, som hun har gjort, omtales til hendes Ihukommelse.‟
amen (then *no*) to say you where(-ever) (if *N(k)O*) to preach the/this/who gospel (this/he/she/it *k*) toward all the/this/who world and which to do/make: do this/he/she/it to speak toward memorial it/s/he
10 Og Judas Iskariot, en af de tolv, gik hen til Ypperstepræsterne for at forraade ham til dem.
and (the/this/who *k*) Judas Iscariot the/this/who one the/this/who twelve to go away to/with the/this/who high-priest in order that/to it/s/he to deliver it/s/he
11 Men da de hørte det, bleve de glade og de lovede at give ham Penge; og han søgte, hvorledes han kunde faa Lejlighed til at forraade ham.
the/this/who then to hear to rejoice and to profess it/s/he money to give and to seek how! it/s/he well timed to deliver
12 Og paa de usyrede Brøds første Dag, da man slagtede Paaskelammet, sige hans Disciple til ham: „Hvor vil du, at vi skulle gaa hen og træffe Forberedelse til, at du kan spise Paaskelammet?‟
and the/this/who first day the/this/who unleavened when the/this/who Passover lamb to sacrifice to say it/s/he the/this/who disciple it/s/he where? to will/desire to go away to make ready in order that/to to eat the/this/who Passover lamb
13 Og han sender to af sine Disciple og siger til dem: „Gaar ind i Staden, saa skal der møde eder en Mand, som bærer en Vandkrukke; følger ham;
and to send two the/this/who disciple it/s/he and to say it/s/he to go toward the/this/who city and to meet you a human clay jar water to carry to follow it/s/he
14 og hvor han gaar ind, der skulle I sige til Husbonden: Mesteren siger: Hvor er mit Herberge, hvor jeg kan spise Paaskelammet med mine Disciple?
and where(-ever) (if *NK(o)*) to enter to say the/this/who householder that/since: that the/this/who teacher to say where? to be the/this/who guest room/inn (me *no*) where(-ever) the/this/who Passover lamb with/after the/this/who disciple me to eat
15 Og han skal vise eder en stor Sal, opdækket og rede; og der skulle I berede det for os.‟
and it/s/he you to show an upper room great to spread ready (and *no*) there to make ready me
16 Og hans Disciple gik bort og kom ind i Staden og fandt det, saaledes som han havde sagt dem; og de beredte Paaskelammet.
and to go out the/this/who disciple (it/s/he *ko*) and to come/go toward the/this/who city and to find/meet as/just as to say it/s/he and to make ready the/this/who Passover lamb
17 Og da det var blevet Aften, kommer han med de tolv.
and evening to be to come/go with/after the/this/who twelve
18 Og medens de sade til Bords og spiste, sagde Jesus: „Sandelig siger jeg eder, en af eder, som spiser med mig, vil forraade mig.‟
and to recline it/s/he and to eat the/this/who Jesus to say amen to say you that/since: that one out from you to deliver me the/this/who to eat with/after I/we
19 De begyndte at bedrøves og at sige til ham, en efter en: „Det er dog vel ikke mig?‟
(the/this/who then *ko*) be first to grieve and to say it/s/he one according to one surely not I/we (and another surely not I/we *K*)
20 Men han sagde til dem: „En af de tolv, den, som dypper med mig i Fadet.
the/this/who then (to answer *k*) to say it/s/he one (out from *ko*) the/this/who twelve the/this/who to dip in with/after I/we toward the/this/who (one *O*) bowl
21 Thi Menneskesønnen gaar vel bort, som der er skrevet om ham; men ve det Menneske, ved hvem Menneskesønnen bliver forraadt! Det var godt for det Menneske, om han ikke var født.‟
(that/since: since *no*) the/this/who on the other hand son the/this/who a human to go as/just as to write about it/s/he woe! then the/this/who a human that through/because of which the/this/who son the/this/who a human to deliver good (to be *ko*) it/s/he if no to beget the/this/who a human that
22 Og medens de spiste, tog han Brød, velsignede og brød det og gav dem det og sagde: „Tager det; dette er mit Legeme.‟
and to eat it/s/he to take (the/this/who *ko*) (Jesus *KO*) bread to praise/bless to break and to give it/s/he and to say to take (to eat *K*) this/he/she/it to be the/this/who body me
23 Og han tog en Kalk, takkede og gav dem den; og de drak alle deraf.
and to take (the/this/who *k*) cup to thank to give it/s/he and to drink out from it/s/he all
24 Og han sagde til dem: „Dette er mit Blod, Pagtens, hvilket udgydes for mange.
and to say it/s/he this/he/she/it to be the/this/who blood me (the/this/who *ko*) the/this/who (new *K*) covenant the/this/who to pour out (above/for *N(k)O*) much
25 Sandelig, siger jeg eder, at jeg skal ingen Sinde mere drikke af Vintræets Frugt indtil den Dag, da jeg skal drikke den ny i Guds Rige.‟
amen to say you that/since: that no still no not to drink out from the/this/who (produce *N(k)O*) the/this/who vine until the/this/who day that when(-ever) it/s/he to drink new in/on/among the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
26 Og da de havde sunget Lovsangen, gik de ud til Oliebjerget.
and to praise to go out toward the/this/who mountain the/this/who Olivet
27 Og Jesus siger til dem: „I skulle alle forarges; thi der er skrevet: Jeg vil slaa Hyrden, og Faarene skulle adspredes.
and to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus that/since: that all to cause to stumble (in/on/among I/we in/on/among the/this/who night this/he/she/it *K*) that/since: since to write to strike the/this/who shepherd and the/this/who sheep (to scatter *N(k)O*)
28 Men efter at jeg er bleven oprejst, vil jeg gaa forud for eder til Galilæa.‟
but with/after the/this/who to arise me to go/bring before you toward the/this/who Galilee
29 Men Peter sagde til ham: „Dersom de endog alle forarges, vil jeg dog ikke forarges.‟
the/this/who then Peter to assert it/s/he if: even though and all to cause to stumble but no I/we
30 Og Jesus siger til ham: „Sandelig siger jeg dig, i Dag, i denne Nat, førend Hanen galer to Gange, skal du fornægte mig tre Gange.‟
and to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus amen to say you that/since: that (you *no*) today this/he/she/it (in/on/among *k*) the/this/who night before or twice rooster to call three times me to deny
31 Men han sagde end yderligere: „Om jeg end skulde dø med dig, vil jeg ingenlunde fornægte dig.‟ Men ligesaa sagde de ogsaa alle.
the/this/who then out from excessively (to speak *N(k)O*) (more *K*) if be necessary me to die with you no not you (to deny *NK(o)*) likewise then and all to say
32 Og de komme til en Gaard, hvis Navn var Gethsemane; og han siger til sine Disciple: „Sætter eder her, imedens jeg beder.‟
and to come/go toward place which the/this/who name Gethsemane and to say the/this/who disciple it/s/he to seat here until to pray
33 Og han tager Peter og Jakob og Johannes med sig, og han begyndte at forfærdes og svarlig at ængstes.
and to take the/this/who Peter and the/this/who James and (the/this/who *no*) John with/after (it/s/he *N(k)O*) and be first be awe-struck and be distressed
34 Og han siger til dem: „Min Sjæl er dybt bedrøvet indtil Døden; bliver her og vaager!‟
and to say it/s/he sorrowful to be the/this/who soul: myself me until death to stay here and to keep watch
35 Og han gik lidt frem, kastede sig ned paa Jorden og bad om, at den Time maatte gaa ham forbi, om det var muligt.
and (to go before *NK(o)*) small (to collapse *N(k)O*) upon/to/against the/this/who earth: soil and to pray in order that/to if able to be to pass by away from it/s/he the/this/who hour
36 Og han sagde: „Abba Fader! alting er dig muligt; tag denne Kalk fra mig; dog ikke hvad jeg vil, men hvad du vil.‟
and to say Abba the/this/who father all able you to take away the/this/who cup this/he/she/it away from I/we but no which? I/we to will/desire but which? you
37 Og han kommer og finder dem sovende og siger til Peter: „Simon, sover du? Kunde du ikke vaage een Time?
and to come/go and to find/meet it/s/he to sleep and to say the/this/who Peter Simon to sleep no be strong one hour to keep watch
38 Vaager og beder, for at I ikke skulle falde i Fristelse; Aanden er vel redebon, men Kødet er skrøbeligt.‟
to keep watch and to pray in order that/to not (to come/go *N(k)O*) toward temptation/testing: temptation the/this/who on the other hand spirit/breath: spirit eager the/this/who then flesh weak
39 Og han gik atter hen og bad og sagde det samme Ord.
and again to go away to pray the/this/who it/s/he word to say
40 Og han vendte tilbage og fandt dem atter sovende; thi deres Øjne vare betyngede, og de vidste ikke, hvad de skulde svare ham.
and again (to come/go *N(k)O*) to find/meet it/s/he to sleep to be for it/s/he the/this/who eye (to burden *N(k)O*) and no to perceive: know which? to answer it/s/he
41 Og han kommer tredje Gang og siger til dem: „Sove I fremdeles og hvile eder? Det er nok; Timen er kommen; se, Menneskesønnen forraades i Synderes Hænder.
and to come/go the/this/who third and to say it/s/he to sleep the/this/who henceforth and to give rest to have in full to come/go the/this/who hour look! to deliver the/this/who son the/this/who a human toward the/this/who hand the/this/who sinful
42 Staar op, lader os gaa; se, han, som forraader mig, er nær.‟
to arise to bring look! the/this/who to deliver me to come near
43 Og straks, medens han endnu talte, kommer Judas, en af de tolv, og med ham en stor Skare med Sværd og Knipler fra Ypperstepræsterne og de skriftkloge og de Ældste.
and immediately still it/s/he to speak to come (the/this/who *o*) Judas (the/this/who Iscariot *O*) one (to be *k*) the/this/who twelve and with/after it/s/he crowd (much *K*) with/after sword and wood from/with/beside the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who scribe and the/this/who elder: Elder
44 Men han, som forraadte ham, havde givet dem et aftalt Tegn og sagt: „Den, som jeg kysser, ham er det; griber ham, og fører ham sikkert bort!‟
to give then the/this/who to deliver it/s/he an agreed signal it/s/he to say which if to love it/s/he to be to grasp/seize it/s/he and (to lead away *N(k)O*) securely
45 Og da han kom, traadte han straks hen til ham og siger: „Rabbi! Rabbi!‟ og han kyssede ham.
and to come/go immediately to come near/agree it/s/he to say (it/s/he *o*) Rabbi (Rabbi *K*) and to kiss it/s/he
46 Men de lagde Haand paa ham og grebe ham.
the/this/who then to put on/seize the/this/who hand (it/s/he *k*) (it/s/he *N(k)O*) and to grasp/seize it/s/he
47 Men en af dem, som stode hos, drog Sværdet, slog Ypperstepræstens Tjener og afhuggede hans Øre.
one then one the/this/who to stand by to draw the/this/who sword to strike the/this/who slave the/this/who high-priest and to remove it/s/he the/this/who (ear *N(k)O*)
48 Og Jesus svarede og sagde til dem: „I ere gaaede ud som imod en Røver, med Sværd og med Knipler for at fange mig.
and to answer the/this/who Jesus to say it/s/he as/when upon/to/against robber/rebel to go out with/after sword and wood to seize/conceive/help me
49 Daglig var jeg hos eder i Helligdommen og lærte, og I grebe mig ikke; men dette sker, for at Skrifterne skulle opfyldes.‟
according to day to be to/with you in/on/among the/this/who temple to teach and no to grasp/seize me but in order that/to to fulfill the/this/who a writing
50 Og de forlode ham alle og flyede.
and to release: leave it/s/he to flee all
51 Og en enkelt, et ungt Menneske, som havde et Linklæde over det blotte Legeme, fulgte med ham; og de gribe ham;
and (one *k*) young man one (to accompany *N(K)(o)*) it/s/he to clothe linen upon/to/against naked and to grasp/seize it/s/he (the/this/who young man *k*)
52 men han slap Linklædet og flygtede nøgen.
the/this/who then to leave behind the/this/who linen naked to flee (away from it/s/he *k*)
53 Og de førte Jesus hen til Ypperstepræsten; og alle Ypperstepræsterne og de Ældste og de skriftkloge komme sammen hos ham.
and to lead away the/this/who Jesus to/with the/this/who high-priest and to assemble (it/s/he *ko*) all the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who elder: Elder and the/this/who scribe
54 Og Peter fulgte ham i Frastand til ind i Ypperstepræstens Gaard, og han sad hos Svendene og varmede sig ved Ilden.
and the/this/who Peter away from from afar to follow it/s/he until in/inner/inwardly toward the/this/who palace/courtyard the/this/who high-priest and to be to sit with with/after the/this/who servant and to warm to/with the/this/who light
55 Men Ypperstepræsterne og hele Raadet søgte Vidnesbyrd imod Jesus, for at de kunde aflive ham; og de fandt intet.
the/this/who then high-priest and all the/this/who council to seek according to the/this/who Jesus testimony toward the/this/who to kill it/s/he and no to find/meet
56 Thi mange sagde falsk Vidnesbyrd imod ham, men Vidnesbyrdene stemmede ikke overens.
much for to perjure according to it/s/he and equal the/this/who testimony no to be
57 Og nogle stode op og vidnede falsk imod ham og sagde:
and one to arise to perjure according to it/s/he to say
58 „Vi have hørt ham sige: Jeg vil nedbryde dette Tempel, som er gjort med Hænder, og i tre Dage bygge et andet, som ikke er gjort med Hænder.‟
that/since: that me to hear it/s/he to say that/since: that I/we to destroy/lodge the/this/who temple this/he/she/it the/this/who hand-made and through/because of Three day another not man-made to build
59 Og end ikke saaledes stemmede deres Vidnesbyrd overens.
and nor thus(-ly) equal to be the/this/who testimony it/s/he
60 Og Ypperstepræsten stod op midt iblandt dem og spurgte Jesus og sagde: „Svarer du slet intet paa, hvad disse vidne imod dig?‟
and to arise the/this/who high-priest toward (the/this/who *k*) midst to question the/this/who Jesus to say no to answer none which? this/he/she/it you to testify against
61 Men han tav og svarede intet. Atter spurgte Ypperstepræsten ham og siger til ham: „Er du Kristus, den Højlovedes Søn?‟
the/this/who then be quiet and (no *no*) to answer none again the/this/who high-priest to question it/s/he and to say it/s/he you to be the/this/who Christ the/this/who son the/this/who praiseworthy
62 Men Jesus sagde: „Jeg er det; og I skulle se Menneskesønnen sidde ved Kraftens højre Haand og komme med Himmelens Skyer.‟
the/this/who then Jesus to say I/we to be and to appear the/this/who son the/this/who a human out from right to sit the/this/who power and to come/go with/after the/this/who cloud the/this/who heaven
63 Men Ypperstepræsten sønderrev sine Klæder og sagde: „Hvad have vi længere Vidner nødig?
the/this/who then high-priest to tear the/this/who tunic it/s/he to say which? still need to have/be witness
64 I have hørt Gudsbespottelsen; hvad tykkes eder?‟ Men de fældede alle den Dom over ham, at han var skyldig til Døden.
to hear the/this/who blasphemy which? you to shine/appear the/this/who then all to condemn it/s/he liable for to exist death
65 Og nogle begyndte at spytte paa ham og tilhylle hans Ansigt og give ham Næveslag og sige til ham: „Profetér!‟ og Svendene modtoge ham med Slag paa Kinden.
and be first one to spit on/at it/s/he and to cover it/s/he the/this/who face and to beat it/s/he and to say it/s/he to prophesy and the/this/who servant slap it/s/he (to take *N(K)O*)
66 Og medens Peter var nedenfor i Gaarden, kommer en af Ypperstepræstens Piger,
and to be the/this/who Peter under in/on/among the/this/who palace/courtyard to come/go one the/this/who maidservant the/this/who high-priest
67 og da hun ser Peter varme sig, ser hun paa ham og siger: „Ogsaa du var med Nazaræeren, med Jesus.‟
and to perceive: see the/this/who Peter to warm to look into/upon it/s/he to say and you with/after the/this/who Nazareth to be (the/this/who *no*) Jesus
68 Men han nægtede og sagde: „Jeg hverken ved eller forstaar, hvad du siger; ‟ og han gik ud i Forgaarden, og Hanen galede.
the/this/who then to deny to say (neither *N(k)O*) to know (neither *N(k)O*) to know/understand you which? to say and to go out out/outside(r) toward the/this/who entryway and rooster to call
69 Og Pigen saa ham og begyndte atter at sige til dem, som stode hos: „Denne er en af dem.‟
and the/this/who maidservant to perceive: see it/s/he be first again to say the/this/who to stand by that/since: that this/he/she/it out from it/s/he to be
70 Men han nægtede det atter. Og lidt derefter sagde atter de, som stode hos, til Peter: „Sandelig du er en af dem; du er jo ogsaa en Galilæer.‟
the/this/who then again to deny and with/after small again the/this/who to stand by to say the/this/who Peter truly out from it/s/he to be and for Galilean to be (and the/this/who speech you to resemble *KO*)
71 Men han begyndte at forbande sig og sværge: „Jeg kender ikke dette Menneske, om hvem I tale.‟
the/this/who then be first to take an oath and to swear that/since: that no to know the/this/who a human this/he/she/it which to say
72 Og straks galede Hanen anden Gang. Og Peter kom det Ord i Hu, som Jesus sagde til ham: „Førend Hanen galer to Gange, skal du fornægte mig tre Gange.‟ Og han brast i Graad.
and (immediately *NO*) out from secondly rooster to call and to remind the/this/who Peter (the/this/who declaration *N(k)O*) (as/when *NO*) (which *k(o)*) to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus that/since: that before rooster to call twice three times me to deny and to put on/seize to weep