< Lukas 14 >
1 Og det skete, da han kom ind i en af de øverste Farisæeres Hus paa en Sabbat for at holde Maaltid, at de toge Vare paa ham.
And it came to pass, that he went, on the sabbath-day, into the house of one of the chief men of the Pharisees, to eat bread; and they watched him.
2 Og se, der stod en vattersottig Mand foran ham.
And behold, there was a man before him, who had the dropsy.
3 Og Jesus tog til Orde og sagde til de lovkyndige og Farisæerne: „Er det tilladt at helbrede paa Sabbaten eller ej?”
And Jesus answered and spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying: Is it lawful to cure on the sabbath-day?
4 Men de tav. Og han tog paa ham og helbredte ham og lod ham fare.
But they were silent. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go.
5 Og han tog til Orde og sagde til dem: „Hvem er der iblandt eder, som ikke straks, naar hans Søn eller Okse falder i en Brønd, drager dem op paa Sabbatsdagen?”
And he answered and said to them: Which of you, if his son or his ox should fall into a pit, would not immediately pull him out on the sabbath-day?
6 Og de kunde ikke give Svar derpaa.
And they were not able to give him an answer to these things.
7 Men han sagde en Lignelse til de budne, da han gav Agt paa, hvorledes de udvalgte sig de øverste Pladser ved Bordet, og sagde til dem:
And he spoke a parable to those who had been invited, when he observed how they were choosing the first places at table; and he said to them:
8 „Naar du bliver buden af nogen til Bryllup, da sæt dig ikke øverst til Bords, for at ikke en fornemmere end du maatte være buden af ham,
When you are invited by any one to a wedding, do not recline in the first place, lest a more honorable man than you may have been invited by him;
9 og han, som indbød dig og ham, maatte komme og sige til dig: Giv denne Plads, og du da med Skam komme til at sidde nederst.
and he that invited you and him, come and say to you, Give place to this man; and then you shall begin with shame to take the last place.
10 Men naar du bliver buden, da gaa hen og sæt dig nederst, for at, naar han kommer, som har indbudt dig, han da maa sige til dig: Ven! sæt dig højere op; da skal du have Ære for alle dem, som sidde til Bords med dig.
But when you are invited, go and recline in the last place, that when he that invited you shall come, he may say to you, Friend, go up higher. Then you shall have honor in the presence of those who recline with you.
11 Thi enhver, som ophøjer sig selv, skal fornedres; og den, som fornedrer sig selv, skal ophøjes.”
For every one that exalts himself shall be humbled; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.
12 Men han sagde ogsaa til ham, som havde indbudt ham: „Naar du gør Middags- eller Aftensmaaltid, da byd ikke dine Venner, ej heller dine Brødre, ej heller dine Frænder, ej heller rige Naboer, for at ikke ogsaa de skulle indbyde dig igen, og du faa Vederlag.
Then he said also to him that had invited him: When you make a dinner or a supper, call not your friends, nor your brothers, nor your relatives, nor your rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return, and a recompense be made you.
13 Men naar du gør et Gæstebud, da indbyd fattige, vanføre, lamme, blinde!
But when you make a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind;
14 Saa skal du være salig; thi de have intet at gengælde dig med; men det skal gengældes dig i de retfærdiges Opstandelse.”
and you shall be blessed; for they have no power to repay you; but you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.
15 Men da en af dem, som sade med til Bords, hørte dette, sagde han til ham: „Salig er den, som holder Maaltid i Guds Rige.”
And a certain one of those who reclined at table with him, after hearing these things, said to him: Blessed is he who shall cat bread in the kingdom of God.
16 Men han sagde til ham: „Der var en Mand, som gjorde en stor Nadvere og indbød mange.
And he said to him: A certain man made a great supper, and invited many.
17 Og han udsendte sin Tjener paa Nadverens Time for at sige til de budne: Kommer! thi nu er det beredt.
And he sent his servant at the hour of supper, to say to those who had been invited, Come, for all things are now ready.
18 Og de begyndte alle som een at undskylde sig. Den første sagde til ham: Jeg har købt en Mark og har nødig at gaa ud og se den; jeg beder dig, hav mig undskyldt!
And they all, with one consent, began to make excuse. The first said to him, I have bought a farm, and I must go and see it; I pray you, have me excused.
19 Og en anden sagde: Jeg har købt fem Par Okser og gaar hen at prøve dem; jeg beder dig, hav mig undskyldt!
And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them; I pray you, have me excused.
20 Og en anden sagde: Jeg har taget mig en Hustru til Ægte, og derfor kan jeg ikke komme.
And another said, I have married a wife, and, for this reason, I can not come.
21 Og Tjeneren kom og meldte sin Herre dette; da blev Husbonden vred og sagde til sin Tjener: Gaa hurtig ud paa Byens Stræder og Gader, og før de fattige og vanføre og lamme og blinde herind!
And that servant came and told his lord these things. Then the master of the house was angry, and said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor and the maimed, the lame and the blind.
22 Og Tjeneren sagde: Herre! det er sket, som du befalede, og der er endnu Rum.
And the servant said, Lord, it is done as you commanded, and yet there is room.
23 Og Herren sagde til Tjeneren: Gaa ud paa Vejene og ved Gærderne og nød dem til at gaa ind, for at mit Hus kan blive fuldt.
And the lord said to his servant, Go out into the roads, and among the hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be full.
24 Thi jeg siger eder, at ingen af hine Mænd, som vare budne, skal smage min Nadvere.”
For I say to you, that not one of those men who have been invited, shall taste of my supper.
25 Men store Skarer gik med ham, og han vendte sig og sagde til dem:
And many multitudes were journeying with him; and he turned and said to them:
26 „Dersom nogen kommer til mig og ikke hader sin Fader og Moder og Hustru og Børn og Brødre og Søstre, ja endog sit eget Liv, kan han ikke være min Discipel.
If any one comes to me, and hates not his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and his own life also, he can not be my disciple.
27 Den, som ikke bærer sit Kors og følger efter mig, kan ikke være min Discipel.
And whoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, can not be my disciple.
28 Thi hvem iblandt eder, som vil bygge et Taarn, sætter sig ikke først hen og beregner Omkostningen, om han har nok til at fuldføre det,
For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down, and count the cost, whether he has the means to finish it?
29 for at ikke, naar han faar lagt Grunden og ej kan fuldende det, alle, som se det, skulle begynde at spotte ham og sige:
Lest, when he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all that see it begin to deride him,
30 Dette Menneske begyndte at bygge og kunde ikke fuldende det.
saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.
31 Eller hvilken Konge, som drager ud for at gaa i Kamp imod en anden Konge, sætter sig ikke først hen og raadslaar, om han er mægtig til med ti Tusinde at møde den, som kommer imod ham med tyve Tusinde?
Or, what king, going to make war against another king, does not first sit down, and deliberate whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him that is coming; against him with twenty thousand?
32 Men hvis ikke, sender han, medens den anden endnu er langt borte, Sendebud hen og underhandler om Fred.
And if not, while he is yet at a distance, he sends an embassy, and asks for conditions of peace.
33 Saaledes kan da ingen af eder, som ikke forsager alt det, han ejer, være min Discipel.
So, then, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has, can not be my disciple.
34 Saltet er altsaa godt; men dersom ogsaa Saltet mister sin Kraft, hvorved skal det da faa den igen?
Salt is good; but if the salt become tasteless, by what means shall it become salt again?
35 Det er ikke tjenligt hverken til Jord eller til Gødning; man kaster det ud. Den, som har Øren at høre med, han høre!”
It is fit neither for earth, nor for manure; but they cast it out. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.