< 3 Mosebog 25 >

1 Og HERREN talede til Moses paa Sinaj Bjerg og sagde:
And the Lord spoke unto Moses on mount Sinai, saying,
2 Tal til Israeliterne og sig til dem: Naar I kommer til det Land, jeg vil give eder, skal Landet holde Sabbatshvile for. HERREN.
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give unto you; then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord.
3 Seks Aar skal du besaa din Mark, og seks Aar skal du beskære din Vingaard og indsamle Landets Afgrøde;
Six years shalt thou sow thy field, and six years shalt thou prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;
4 men i det syvende Aar skal Landet have en fuldkommen Sabbatshvile, en Sabbat for HERREN; din Mark maa du ikke besaa, og din Vingaard maa du ikke beskære.
But in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath [in honor] of the Lord: thy field shalt thou not sow, and thy vineyard shalt thou not prune.
5 Det selvgroede efter din Høst maa du ikke høste, og Druerne paa de ubeskaarne Vinstokke maa du ikke plukke; det skal være et Sabbatsaar for Landet.
That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest shalt thou not reap, and the grapes of thy undressed vine shalt thou not gather: a year of rest shall it be unto the land.
6 Hvad der gror af sig selv, medens Landet holder Sabbat, skal tjene eder til Føde, dig selv, din Træl og din Trælkvinde, din Daglejer og den indvandrede hos dig, dem, der bor som fremmede hos dig;
And [the product of] the sabbath of the land shall be unto you for food, for thee, and for thy man-servant, and for thy maid-servant, and for thy hired laborer, and for thy stranger, that sojourn with thee;
7 dit Kvæg og de vilde Dyr i dit Land skal hele Afgrøden tjene til Føde.
And for thy cattle, and for the beasts that are in thy land, shall all its products be [left] for food.
8 Og du skal tælle dig syv Aarsabbater frem, syv Gange syv Aar, saa de syv Aarsabbater udgør et Tidsrum af ni og fyrretyve Aar.
And thou shalt number unto thee seven sabbaths of years, seven years seven times; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.
9 Saa skal du lade Alarmhornet lyde rundt om paa den tiende Dag i den syvende Maaned; paa Forsoningsdagen skal I lade Hornet lyde rundt om i hele eders Land.
And then shalt thou cause the sound of the cornet to be heard, in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month: on the day of atonement shall ye sound the cornet throughout all your land.
10 Og I skal hellige det halvtredsindstyvende Aar og udraabe Frigivelse i Landet for alle Indbyggerne; et Jubelaar skal det være eder; enhver af eder skal vende tilbage til sin Ejendom, og enhver af eder skal vende tilbage til sin Slægt;
And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim freedom throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return, every man, unto his possession, and ye shall return, every man, unto his family.
11 et Jubelaar skal dette Aar, det halvtredsindstyvende, være eder; I maa ikke saa og ikke høste, hvad der gror af sig selv i det, eller plukke Druer af de ubeskaarne Vinstokke;
A jubilee shall this, the fiftieth year, be unto you: ye shall not sow, nor reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather in it the fruit of the undressed vines.
12 thi det er et Jubelaar, helligt skal det være eder; I skal spise, hvad Marken bærer af sig selv.
For it is the jubilee; holy shall it be unto you: from the field shall ye eat the products thereof.
13 I Jubelaaret skal enhver af eder vende tilbage til sin Ejendom.
In this year of the jubilee shall ye return, every man, unto his possession.
14 Naar du sælger din Næste noget eller køber noget af ham, maa I ikke forurette hinanden.
And if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor, or buy aught of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not overreach one the other;
15 Naar du køber noget af din Næste, skal der regnes med Aarene siden sidste Jubelaar; naar han sælger dig noget, skal der regnes med Afgrøderne indtil næste Jubelaar.
According to the number of years after the jubilee shalt thou buy of thy neighbor, according unto the number of harvest-years shall he sell unto thee;
16 Jo flere Aar der er tilbage, des højere maa du sætte Prisen, jo færre, des lavere, thi hvad han sælger dig, er et vist Antal Afgrøder.
According to the multitude of years shalt thou increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of years shalt thou diminish the price thereof; for a number of harvests doth he sell unto thee.
17 Ingen af eder maa forurette sin Næste; du skal frygte din Gud, thi jeg er HERREN din Gud!
And ye shall not overreach one the other; but thou shalt be afraid of thy God; for I am the Lord your God.
18 I skal gøre efter mine Anordninger og holde mine Lovbud, saa I gør efter dem; saa skal I bo trygt i Landet,
And ye shall do my statutes, and my ordinances shall ye keep and do them; and then shall ye dwell in the land in safety.
19 og Landet skal give sin Frugt, saa I kan spise eder mætte og bo trygt deri.
And the land shall yield its fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell in safety therein.
20 Men naar I siger: »Hvad skal vi da spise i det syvende Aar, naar vi hverken saar eller indsamler vor Afgrøde?«
And if ye should say, What shall we eat in the seventh year? behold, we are not permitted to sow, and we cannot gather in our harvest:
21 saa vil jeg opbyde min Velsignelse til Bedste for eder i det sjette Aar, saa det bærer Afgrøde for de tre Aar;
Then will I command my blessing unto you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth a harvest for three years.
22 i det ottende Aar skal I saa, men I skal leve af gammelt Korn af den sidste Afgrøde indtil det niende Aar; indtil dets Afgrøde kommer, skal I leve af gammelt Korn.
And when ye sow in the eighth year, then shall ye eat yet of the old harvest; until the ninth year, until its harvest come in, shall ye eat of the old store.
23 Jorden i Landet maa I ikke sælge uigenkaldeligt; thi mig tilhører Landet, I er kun fremmede og indvandrede hos mig;
And the land shall not be sold for a permanence [to the purchaser]; for the land is mine; for strangers and sojourners are ye with me.
24 overalt i det Land, I faar i Eje, skal I sørge for, at Jorden kan indløses.
And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.
25 Naar din Broder kommer i Trang, saa han maa sælge noget af sin Ejendom, skal hans nærmeste Slægtning melde sig som Løser for ham og indløse, hvad hans Broder har solgt.
If thy brother become poor, and sell away some of his possession: then may his nearest of kin come and redeem what his brother hath sold.
26 Hvis en ingen Løser har, men selv bliver i Stand til at skaffe den fornødne Løsesum,
And if the man have none to redeem it, and he acquire the means, sufficient to be able to redeem it himself:
27 skal han udregne, hvor mange Aar der er gaaet siden Salget, og kun tilbagebetale Manden der købte det, for den Tid, der er tilbage, og derpaa igen overtage sin Ejendom.
Then let him reckon the years since his sale, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; and so shall he return unto his possession.
28 Er han derimod ikke i Stand til at skaffe den fornødne Sum til Tilbagebetalingen, saa skal det, han har solgt, blive i Køberens Eje til Jubelaaret; men i Jubelaaret bliver det frit, saa han atter kan overtage sin Ejendom.
But if his means do not suffice to enable him to restore it to him: then shall that which he hath sold remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of the jubilee; and it shall be freed in the jubilee, and he shall return unto his possession.
29 Naar en Mand sælger et Beboelseshus i en By med Mure om, gælder hans Indløsningsret kun et fuldt Aar efter Salget; hans Indløsningsret gælder et Aar.
And if a man sell a dwelling-house in a walled city: then shall the time of redemption last till the end of the year of his sale; a full year shall his time of redemption last.
30 Hvis derfor Indløsning ikke har fundet Sted, før et fuldt Aar er omme, gaar Huset i Byen med Mure om uigenkaldeligt over i Køberens og hans Efterkommeres Eje; det bliver ikke frit i Jubelaaret.
And if it be not redeemed within the expiration of a full year: then shall the house which is in the walled city remain as a permanence to him that bought it throughout his generations; it shall not become freed in the jubilee.
31 Derimod henregnes Huse i Landsbyer, der ikke er omgivne af Mure, til Marklandet; for dem gælder Indløsningsretten, og i Jubelaaret bliver de fri.
But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be counted as the fields of the country: they shall have the right of redemption, and they shall become freed in the jubilee.
32 Men med Hensyn til Leviternes Byer, Husene i de Byer, der tilhører dem, da gælder der en ubegrænset Indløsningsret for Leviterne;
And [respecting] the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities of their possession, a perpetual right of redemption shall belong to the Levites.
33 og naar en af Leviterne ikke gør sin Indløsningsret gældende, bliver Huset, han solgte, i de Byer, der tilhører dem, frit i Jubelaaret, thi Husene i Leviternes Byer er deres Ejendom blandt Israeliterne.
And if a man of the Levites redeem something: then shall the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, become freed in the jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.
34 Heller ikke maa Græsmarkerne, der hører til deres Byer, sælges, thi de tilhører dem som evigt Eje.
And a field of the suburbs of their cities shall not be sold; for a perpetual possession is it unto them.
35 Naar din Broder i dit Nabolag kommer i Trang og ikke kan bjærge Livet, skal du holde ham oppe; som fremmed og indvandret skal han leve hos dig.
And if thy brother become poor, and fall in decay with thee: then shalt thou assist him, [yea] a stranger, or a sojourner, that he may live with thee.
36 Du maa ikke tage Rente eller Opgæld af ham, men du skal frygte din Gud og lade din Broder leve hos dig;
Thou shalt not take of him any usury or increase; but thou shalt be afraid of thy God: that thy brother may live with thee.
37 du maa ikke laane ham Penge mod Renter eller give ham af din Føde mod Opgæld.
Thy money shalt thou not give him upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.
38 Jeg er HERREN eders Gud, som førte eder ud af Ægypten for at give eder Kana'ans Land, for at være eders Gud.
I am the Lord your God, who have brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give unto you the land of Canaan, to be unto you a God.
39 Naar din Broder i dit Nabolag kommer i Trang og han maa sælge sig selv til dig, maa du ikke lade ham arbejde som Træl,
And if thy brother become poor near thee, and be sold unto thee: thou shalt not compel him to work as a bond-servant.
40 men han skal være hos dig som Daglejer eller indvandret; han skal arbejde hos dig til Jubelaaret.
But as a hired laborer, as a sojourner, shall he be with thee; until the year of the jubilee shall he serve with thee:
41 Da skal han gives fri sammen med sine Børn og vende tilbage til sin Slægt og sine Fædres Ejendom,
And then shall he depart from thee, he and his children with him; and he shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return.
42 thi mine Trælle er de, som jeg førte ud af Ægypten; de maa ikke sælges, som man sælger Trælle.
For my servants are they, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: they shall not be sold as bond-men are sold.
43 Du maa ikke bruge din Magt over ham med Haardhed; du skal flygte din Gud.
Thou shalt not rule over him with rigor; but thou shalt have fear of thy God.
44 Men har du Brug for Trælle og Trælkvinder, skal du købe dem af de Folkeslag, der bor rundt om eder;
But thy bond-man, and thy bond-woman that shall remain thine, shall be of the nations that are round about you; of them may ye buy bond-man and bond-woman.
45 ogsaa af Børnene efter de indvandrede, der bor som fremmede hos eder, maa I købe og af deres Familier, som er hos eder, og som de har avlet i eders Land; de maa blive eders Ejendom,
And also of the children of the strangers that sojourn with you, of them may ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they have begotten in your land; and they shall remain to you as a possession.
46 og dem maa I lade gaa i Arv og Eje til eders Børn efter eder; dem maa I bruge som Trælle paa Livstid; men over Israeliterne, eders Brødre, maa du ikke bruge din Magt med Haardhed, Broder over Broder.
And ye may transfer them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; you may hold them to service for ever; but over your brethren the children of Israel, one over the other, ye shall not rule with rigor.
47 Naar en fremmed eller en indvandret hos dig kommer til Velstand, og en af dine Brødre i hans Nabolag kommer i Trang, og han maa sælge sig til den fremmede eller den indvandrede hos dig eller til en Efterkommer af en fremmeds Slægt,
And if a stranger or sojourner wax rich near thee, and thy brother become poor near him, and he sell himself unto the sojourning stranger near thee, or to a descendant of a stranger's family:
48 saa gælder Indløsningsretten for ham efter Salget; en af hans Brødre maa indløse ham,
After he hath sold himself shall he have the right of redemption; one of his brethren may redeem him.
49 eller ogsaa maa hans Farbroder eller Fætter eller en anden kødelig Slægtning af hans Familie indløse ham; han maa ogsaa indløse sig selv, hvis han faar Evne dertil.
Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him, or any that is near of kin unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he obtain the means, he may redeem himself.
50 Da skal han sammen med den, der købte ham, udregne Tiden fra det Aar, han solgte sig til ham, til Jubelaaret, og Købesummen skal svare til det Aaremaal; hans Arbejdstid hos ham skal regnes som en Daglejers.
And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he sold himself to him unto the year of the jubilee: and the price of his sale shall be according to the number of years, as the time of a hired laborer shall he have been with him.
51 Er der endnu mange Aar tilbage, skal han i Løsesum udrede den tilsvarende Del af Købesummen.
If there be yet many years, according to them shall he return the price of his redemption out of his purchase-money.
52 Og er der kun faa Aar tilbage til Jubelaaret, skal han regne dermed og udrede sin Løsesum i Forhold til de Aar, han har tilbage.
And if there remain but few years unto the year of the jubilee: then shall he reckon with him; according to his years shall he return the price of his redemption.
53 Som en Aar for Aar lejet Daglejer skal han være hos ham; du maa ikke roligt se paa, at Køberen bruger sin Magt over ham med Haardhed.
As a laborer hired from year to year shall he be with him; he shall not rule over him with rigor before thy eyes.
54 Men indløses han ikke paa en af disse Maader, skal han frigives i Jubelaaret, baade han selv og hans Børn.
And if he be not redeemed by [one of] these means: then shall he go out in the year of the jubilee, both he, and his children with him.
55 Thi mig tilhører Israeliterne som Trælle; mine Trælle er de, thi jeg førte dem ud af Ægypten. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
For unto me are the children of Israel servants, my servants are they, whom I have brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the Eternal your God.

< 3 Mosebog 25 >