< 3 Mosebog 19 >
1 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
The Lord told Moses,
2 Tal til hele Israeliternes Menighed og sig til dem: I skal være hellige, thi jeg HERREN eders Gud er hellig!
“Tell all the Israelites: You must be holy because I am holy; I am the Lord your God.
3 I skal frygte hver sin Moder og sin Fader, og mine Sabbater skal I holde. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
Show respect for your mother and father, and keep my Sabbaths. I am the Lord your God.
4 Vend eder ikke til Afguderne og gør eder ikke støbte Gudebilleder! Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
Don't turn to idols for help or make for metal images of gods. I am the Lord your God.
5 Naar I ofrer Takoffer til HERREN, skal I ofre det saaledes, at I kan vinde Guds Velbehag.
When you sacrifice a peace offering to the Lord, make sure you do it correctly so God will accept you.
6 Den Dag, I ofrer det, og Dagen efter maa det spises, men hvad der levnes til den tredje Dag, skal opbrændes;
It needs to be eaten the day you sacrifice it, or the next day. Whatever is left over on the third day must be burned.
7 spises det den tredje Dag, er det at regne for raaddent Kød og vinder ikke Guds Velbehag;
If you do eat some of it on the third day, the sacrifice becomes repulsive and won't be accepted.
8 den, der spiser deraf, skal undgælde for sin Brøde, thi han vanhelliger det, som var helliget HERREN, og det Menneske skal udryddes af sin Slægt.
Anyone who eats it eats it will bear responsibility for their guilt, for they have made unclean what is holy to the Lord. They must be expelled from their people.
9 Naar I høster eders Lands Høst, maa du ikke høste helt hen til Kanten af din Mark, ej heller maa du sanke Efterslætten efter din Høst.
When you harvest the crops grown on your land, don't harvest right up to the edges of your field, or collect what has been missed.
10 Heller ikke maa du holde Efterhøst eller sanke de nedfaldne Bær i din Vingaard; til den fattige og den fremmede skal du lade det blive tilbage. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
Don't take every last grape from your vineyard or pick up the ones that have fallen. Leave them for the poor people and foreigners. I am the Lord your God.
11 I maa ikke stjæle, I maa ikke lyve, I maa ikke bedrage hverandre.
Don't steal. Don't lie. Don't deceive each other.
12 I maa ikke sværge falsk ved mit Navn, saa du vanhelliger din Guds Navn. Jeg er HERREN!
Don't swear oaths in my name that are not true, otherwise you defame the character of your God. I am the Lord.
13 Du maa intet aftvinge din Næste, du maa intet røve; Daglejerens Løn maa ikke blive hos dig Natten over.
Don't cheat others or rob them. Don't refuse to pay wages due to workers until the morning.
14 Du maa ikke forbande den døve eller lægge Stød for den blindes Fod, du skal frygte din Gud. Jeg er HERREN!
Don't speak badly about deaf people. Don't put objects in the way of blind people to trip them up. Instead show respect to your God. I am the Lord.
15 I maa ikke øve Uret, naar I holder Rettergang; du maa ikke begunstige den ringe, ej heller tage Parti for den store, men du skal dømme din Næste med Retfærdighed.
Don't be a corrupt judge. Don't show favoritism to the poor or to the rich. Judge others fairly.
16 Du maa ikke gaa rundt og bagvaske din Landsmand eller staa din Næste efter Livet. Jeg er HERREN!
Don't go around spreading false rumors about people. Don't keep quiet when the lives of others are at risk. I am the Lord.
17 Du maa ikke bære Nag til din Broder i dit Hjerte, men du skal tale din Næste til Rette, at du ikke skal paadrage dig Synd for hans Skyld.
Don't hold onto hateful feelings towards others. Talk honestly with your neighbors, so that you don't sin because of them.
18 Du maa ikke hævne dig eller gemme paa Vrede mod dit Folks Børn, du skal elske din Næste som dig selv. Jeg er HERREN!
Don't look for revenge or hold a grudge against anybody, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
19 Hold mine Anordninger! Du maa ikke lade to Slags Kvæg parre sig med hinanden; du maa ikke saa to Slags Sæd i din Mark; og du maa ikke bære Klæder, der er vævede af to Slags Garn.
Do what I tell you! Don't make different kinds of livestock breed together. Don't sow your fields with two different kinds of seed. Don't wear clothes made of two different kinds of material.
20 Naar en Mand har Samleje med en Kvinde, og det er en Trælkvinde, en anden Mands Medhustru, som ikke er løskøbt eller frigivet, saa skal Afstraffelse finde Sted; dog skal de ikke lide Døden, thi hun var ikke frigivet.
If a man has sex with a servant girl promised to become another man's wife, but who hasn't yet been bought or set free, then compensation has to be paid. However, they are not to be killed, because she hadn't been set free.
21 Og han skal bringe sit Skyldoffer for HERREN til Aabenbaringsteltets Indgang, en Skyldoffervæder,
But the man must bring a ram as his guilt offering to the Lord at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting.
22 og Præsten skal med Skyldoffervæderen skaffe ham Soning for HERRENS Aasyn for den Synd, han har begaaet, saa han finder Tilgivelse for den Synd, han har begaaet.
The priest will set things right for him before the Lord using the ram of the guilt offering for the sin he has committed, and his sin will be forgiven.
23 Naar I kommer ind i Landet og planter alskens Frugttræer, skal I lade deres Forhud, den første Frugt, urørt; i tre Aar skal de være eder uomskaarne og maa ikke spises;
When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, treat the fruit at first as unclean. For three years you are forbidden to eat it.
24 det fjerde Aar skal al deres Frugt under Høstjubel helliges HERREN;
The fourth year all the fruit must be dedicated to the Lord as a praise offering.
25 først det femte Aar maa I spise deres Frugt, for at I kan faa saa meget større Udbytte deraf. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
However, the fifth year you may eat the fruit and in this way you will have an even greater harvest. I am the Lord your God.
26 I maa ikke spise noget med Blodet i. I maa ikke give eder af med at tage Varsler og øve Trolddom.
Don't eat meat with blood in it. Don't use fortune-telling or witchcraft.
27 I maa ikke runde Haaret paa Tindingerne; og du maa ikke studse dit Skæg;
Don't cut your hair on the sides of your head or trim the sides of your beard,
28 I maa ikke gøre Indsnit i eders Legeme for de dødes Skyld eller indridse Tegn paa eder. Jeg er HERREN!
don't cut your bodies in some pagan ritual for the dead, and don't get yourselves tattoos. I am the Lord.
29 Du maa ikke vanhellige din Datter ved at lade hende bedrive Hor, for at ikke Landet skal forfalde til Horeri og fyldes med Utugt.
Don't bring shame on your daughter by making her a prostitute, otherwise the land will become morally and spiritually depraved.
30 Mine Sabbater skal I holde, og min Helligdom skal I frygte. Jeg er HERREN!
Keep my Sabbaths and show respect for my sanctuary. I am the Lord.
31 Henvend eder ikke til Genfærd og Sandsigeraander; søg dem ikke, saa I gør eder urene ved dem. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud!
Don't try and find help from mediums or spiritists—don't even go looking for them, otherwise they will corrupt you. I am the Lord your God.
32 Du skal rejse dig for de graa Haar og ære Oldingen, og du skal frygte din Gud. Jeg er HERREN!
Stand up and be respectful of older people. Show reverence for your God. I am the Lord.
33 Naar en fremmed bor hos dig i eders Land, maa I ikke lade ham lide Overlast;
Don't mistreat foreigners who live in your country.
34 som en af eders egne skal I regne den fremmede, der bor hos eder, og du skal elske ham som dig selv, thi I var selv fremmede i Ægypten. Jeg et HERREN eders Guld!
Treat them in the same way as a fellow citizen, and love them as you love yourself, because you were once foreigners living in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
35 Naar I holder Rettergang, maa I ikke øve Uret ved Længdemaal, Vægt eller Rummaal;
Don't use dishonest weights and measures.
36 Vægtskaale, der vejer rigtigt, Lodder, der holder Vægt, Efa og Hin, der holder Maal, skal I have. Jeg er HERREN eders Gud, som førte eder ud af Ægypten!
Make sure your scales and weights are accurate, that your measures of ephah and hin are correct. I am the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt.
37 Hold alle mine Anordninger og Lovbud og gør efter dem. Jeg er HERREN!
Keep all my rules and regulations, and make sure you follow them. I am the Lord.”