< 3 Mosebog 15 >

1 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og Aron og sagde:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me and Aaron,
2 Tal til Israeliterne og sig til dem: Naar en Mand faar Flaad fra sin Blusel, da er dette hans Flaad urent.
“Tell this to the Israelis: When an infected discharge comes out of a man’s sexual organs [EUP], that fluid should not be touched.
3 Og saaledes skal man forholde sig med den ved hans Flaad opstaaede Urenhed: Hvad enten hans Blusel flyder eller holder sit Flaad tilbage, er der Urenhed hos ham.
Whether that fluid is blocked or continues to drip, it causes him to be someone who should not be touched.
4 Ethvert Leje, som den, der lider af Flaad, ligger paa, skal være urent, og ethvert Sæde, han sidder paa, skal være urent.
“And any bed that such a man lies on should not be touched, and anything that he sits on should not be touched.
5 Den der rører ved hans Leje, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften;
Anyone who touches that person’s bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
6 den, der sidder paa et Sæde, som den, der lider af Flaad, har siddet paa, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften;
Anyone who sits on something that man has sat on must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
7 den, der rører ved en, der lider af Flaad, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
“Anyone who touches such a man must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
8 Hvis den, der lider af Flaad, spytter paa en, som er uren, skal denne tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
“If such a man spits on someone else, that person who is spit upon should not be touched. He must wash his clothes, and no one should touch him until that evening.
9 Ethvert Befordringsmiddel, som bruges af den, der lider af Flaad, skal være urent.
“Everything that a man who has such a discharge of fluid sits on while he is riding [a horse or a donkey] should not be touched,
10 Den, der rører ved noget, han har ligget eller siddet paa, skal være uren til Aften; den, der bærer noget saadant, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
and anyone who touches the seat or saddle that he was sitting on also should not be touched until that evening. And anyone who picks up the seat or saddle must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
11 Enhver, som den, der lider af Flaad, rører ved uden at have skyllet sine Hænder i Vand, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
Anyone whom the man with such a discharge of fluid from his body touches without first rinsing his hands in water must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
12 Lerkar, som den, der lider af Flaad, rører ved, skal slaas itu, og alle Trækar skal skylles i Vand.
“If such a man touches a clay pot, that pot must be broken into pieces. Anything made from wood that he touches must be rinsed in water.
13 Men naar den, der lider af Flaad, bliver ren for sit Flaad, skal han tælle syv Dage frem, fra den Dag han bliver ren, og saa tvætte sine Klæder og bade sit Legeme i rindende Vand; saa er han ren.
“If such a man is healed from his flow of fluid, he must wait for seven days. Then he must wash his clothes and bathe in water from a spring. Then he will be able to be with others.
14 Og den ottende Dag skal han tage sig to Turtelduer eller Dueunger og komme hen for HERRENS Aasyn ved Aabenbaringsteltets Indgang og give Præsten dem.
On the eighth/next day, he must take two doves or two young pigeons and come in front of Yahweh at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and give them to the priest.
15 Saa skal Præsten bringe dem som Offer, den ene som Syndoffer, den anden som Brændoffer, og saaledes skal Præsten skaffe ham Soning for HERRENS Aasyn for hans Flaad.
The priest will sacrifice them. One will be an offering for the man to become acceptable to God, and the other one will be completely burned [on the altar]. As a result of the priest doing that, the man will be forgiven for having sinned.
16 Naar der gaar Sæd fra en Mand, skal han bade hele sit Legeme i Vand og være uren til Aften.
“Then semen accidentally flows from a man’s sexual organs [EUP], he must bathe his whole body, and no one should touch him until that evening.
17 Enhver Klædning og alt Læder, der er kommet Sæd paa, skal tvættes i Vand og være urent til Aften.
Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed, and no one should touch it until that evening.
18 Og naar en Mand har Samleje med en Kvinde, skal de bade sig i Vand og være urene til Aften.
When a man has sex with a woman and some semen spills, both of them must bathe, and no one should touch them until that evening.
19 Naar en Kvinde har Flaad, idet der flyder Blod fra hendes Blusel, da skal hendes Urenhed vare syv Dage. Enhver, der rører ved hende, skal være uren til Aften.
“Then a woman has her monthly menstrual period, no one should touch her for seven days. If anyone touches her [during that time], no one should touch the person who touched her until that evening.
20 Alt, hvad hun ligger paa under sin maanedlige Urenhed, skal være urent, og alt, hvad hun sidder paa, skal være urent.
No one should touch anything that she lies on or sits on during that time.
21 Enhver, der rører ved hendes Leje, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften;
Anyone who touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch that person until that evening.
22 og enhver, der rører ved et Sæde, hun har siddet paa, skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
Anyone who touches something that she has been sitting on, a bed or anything else, must wash his clothes, and no one should touch that person until that evening.
23 Og hvis nogen rører ved noget, der har ligget paa Lejet eller Sædet, hun har siddet paa, skal han være uren til Aften.
24 Dersom en Mand ligger ved Siden af hende og hendes Urenhed kommer paa ham, skal han være uren i syv Dage, og ethvert Leje, han ligger paa, skal være urent.
“If a man has sex with a woman [during that time] and some of the menstrual blood touches him, no one should touch him for seven days, and no one should touch the bed that he lies on.
25 Men naar en Kvinde har Blodflaad i længere Tid, uden for den Tid hun har sin maanedlige Urenhed, eller naar Flaaddet varer længere end sædvanligt ved hendes maanedlige Urenhed, saa skal hun, i al den Tid hendes urene Flaad varer, være stillet, som i de Dage hun har sin maanedlige Urenhed; hun skal være uren;
“Then a woman has a vaginal discharge of blood for (many days/a long time), which is not her monthly flow of blood, or if her flow of blood continues after her monthly flow ends, no one should touch her until it stops.
26 ethvert Leje, hun ligger paa, saa længe hendes Flaad varer, skal være som hendes Leje under hendes maanedlige Urenhed, og et hvert Sæde, hun sidder paa, skal være urent som under hendes maanedlige Urenhed;
And no one should touch the bed that she lies on or anything that she sits on while that flow of blood continues, just like during her monthly menstrual period.
27 enhver, der rører derved, bliver uren og skal tvætte sine Klæder og bade sig i Vand og være uren til Aften.
Anyone who touches those things should not touch anyone else; he must wash his clothes and bathe, and he should not touch anyone else until that evening.
28 Men naar hun bliver ren for sit Flaad, skal hun tælle syv Dage frem og saa være ren.
“After a woman’s monthly menstrual flow ends, she must wait seven days before she touches anyone.
29 Paa den ottende Dag skal hun tage sig to Turtelduer eller Dueunger og bringe dem til Præsten ved Aabenbaringsteltets Indgang.
On the eighth/next day, she must take two doves or two pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
30 Og Præsten skal ofre den ene som Syndoffer, den anden som Brændoffer, og saaledes skal Præsten skaffe hende Soning for HERRENS Aasyn for hendes Urenheds Flaad.
The priest will sacrifice one of them to be an offering to enable her to become acceptable to Yahweh again, and completely burn the other one [on the altar]. By doing that he will cause me, Yahweh, to forgive her for having sinned [DOU].
31 I skal advare Israeliterne for deres Urenhed, for at de ikke skal dø i deres Urenhed, naar de gør min Bolig, som er i deres Midte, uren.
“You must warn the Israeli people not to do things that (defile them/cause them to be unacceptable to me). If they become (unacceptable to me/defiled), they will cause my Sacred Tent which is among them to become an unacceptable place to worship me, and as a result they will die.”
32 Det er Loven om Mænd, der lider af Flaad, og fra hvem der gaar Sæd, saa de bliver urene derved,
“Those are the regulations for a man who has a fluid that flows from his sexual organs or who should not be touched because some of his semen spills out while having sex [with a woman],
33 og om Kvinder, der lider af deres maanedlige Urenhed, om Mænd og Kvinder, der har Flaad, og om Mænd, der ligger ved Siden af urene Kvinder.
and for any woman during her monthly menstrual period, and for any man who has sex with a woman during her menstrual period.”

< 3 Mosebog 15 >