< Josua 22 >

1 Derpaa lod Josua Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme kalde til sig
Then Joshua summoned the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
2 og sagde til dem: »I har holdt alt, hvad HERRENS Tjener Moses bød eder, og adlydt mig i alt, hvad jeg har paabudt eder.
He told them, “You have done everything that Moses, the servant of the Lord, told you to do, and you have followed all the commands I gave you.
3 I har ikke svigtet eders Brødre i denne lange Tid; indtil denne Dag har I holdt HERREN eders Guds Bud.
You have never abandoned your brothers all this time, right up to the present day. You have carefully followed what the Lord your God ordered you to do.
4 Men nu har HERREN eders Gud skaffet eders Brødre Ro, som han lovede dem; vend derfor nu tilbage til eders Telte i det Land, hvor eders Ejendom ligger, som HERRENS Tjener Moses gav eder hinsides Jordan.
Now that the Lord your God has given peace to your brothers, as he promised, go back home to your land that Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave you on the other side of the Jordan.
5 Kun maa I omhyggeligt agte paa at holde det Bud og den Lov, HERRENS Tjener Moses paalagde eder, at elske HERREN eders Gud, vandre paa alle hans Veje, holde hans Bud, holde fast ved ham og tjene ham af hele eders Hjerte og hele eders Sjæl!«
But make sure you keep the commandments and the law as Moses instructed you. Love the Lord your God, follow all his ways, keep his commandments, stay close to him, and serve him with your whole being.”
6 Og Josua velsignede dem og lod dem drage bort, og de begav sig til deres Telte.
Joshua blessed them, sent them on their way, and they went home.
7 Den ene Halvdel af Manasses Stamme havde Moses givet Land i Basan, den anden Halvdel derimod havde Josua givet Land sammen med deres Brødre i Landet vesten for Jordan. Og da Josua lod dem drage hver til sit efter at have velsignet dem,
Moses had given to the half-tribe of Manasseh the land of Bashan, and to the other half of the tribe Joshua had given land west of the Jordan. Joshua blessed them and sent them home.
8 vendte de tilbage til deres Telte med store Rigdomme, med Kvæg i Mængde, med Sølv og Guld, Kobber og Jern og Klæder i stor Mængde; og det Bytte, de havde taget fra deres Fjender, delte de med deres Brødre.
He told them, “Take all the wealth you have gained back home: the great herds of livestock, the things made of gold, silver, copper, and iron, the huge quantity of clothes. Share all this plunder with your brothers.”
9 Saa forlod Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme Israeliterne i Silo i Kana'ans Land og vendte tilbage til Gilead, det Land, de havde faaet i Eje, hvor de havde nedsat sig i Følge HERRENS Bud ved Moses;
So the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh left the rest of the Israelites at Shiloh in the land of Canaan and went home to their land in Gilead that they had received at the Lord's command through Moses.
10 og da Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme kom til Gelilot ved Jordan i Kana'ans Land, byggede de et Alter der ved Jordan, et stort Alter, der saas viden om.
When they approached the Jordan region, still in the land of Canaan, the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh built a large and impressive altar beside the Jordan River.
11 Men det kom Israeliterne for Øre, at Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme havde bygget et Alter paa Grænsen af Kana'ans Land, ved Gelilot ved Jordan, paa Israeliternes Side.
The Israelites were told, “Look, the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar in the Jordan region of the land of Canaan, on the side belonging to the Israelities.”
12 Og da Israeliterne hørte det, samledes hele Israeliternes Menighed i Silo for at drage i Kamp imod dem.
The Israelites gathered at Shiloh to go to war against them.
13 Da sendte Israeliterne Pinehas, Præsten Eleazars Søn, til Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme i Gilead
Before they did so, they sent Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the priest to the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh in the land of Gilead.
14 tillige med ti Øverster, een Øverste for hver af alle Israels Stammer; hver af dem var Overhoved for sin Stamme iblandt Israels Tusinder;
Ten leaders went with him, one from each of the ten tribes of Israel, and each the head of his family.
15 og da de kom til Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme i Gilead, talte de saaledes til dem:
After they arrived they told the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh,
16 »Saaledes siger hele HERRENS Menighed: Hvad er det for en Troløshed, I har begaaet mod Israels Gud, at I i Dag har vendt eder fra HERREN ved at bygge eder et Alter og vise Genstridighed mod HERREN?
“This is what all of the Lord's people say, ‘What is this disloyal act you have committed against the God of Israel by building an altar for yourselves? How could you turn away from him now in such rebellion?
17 Har vi ikke nok i Brøden med Peor, som vi endnu den Dag i Dag ikke har faaet os renset for, og for hvis Skyld der kom Plage over Israels Menighed?
Wasn't our sin at Peor enough? Even now we're still not clean from the plague that attacked the Lord's people.
18 Og dog vender I eder i Dag fra HERREN! Naar I i Dag er genstridige mod HERREN, vil hans Vrede i Morgen bryde løs over hele Israels Menighed.
So why are you turning away from the Lord now? If you rebel against the Lord today, he will be angry with all of us tomorrow!
19 Hvis det Land, I har faaet i Eje, er urent, saa gaa over til det Land, der er HERRENS Ejendom, der, hvor HERRENS Bolig staar, og nedsæt eder iblandt os; men vær ikke genstridige mod HERREN, ej heller mod os ved at bygge eder et Alter til foruden HERREN vor Guds Alter!
But if you think your land is tainted then come over to the land of the Lord where the Tabernacle of the Lord is located and share some of our land with us. Just don't rebel against the Lord, or against us, by building for yourselves an altar other than the altar of the Lord our God.
20 Dengang Akan, Zeras Søn, øvede Svig med det bandlyste, kom der da ikke Vrede over hele Israels Menighed, skønt han kun var en enkelt Mand? Maatte han ikke dø for sin Brøde?«
When Achan, son of Zerah, acted disloyally in taking consecrated things, didn't the whole of Israel suffer punishment? He wasn't the only one who died because of his sin!”
21 Da svarede Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme overhovederne for Israels Tusinder saaledes:
Then the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh answered the Israelite leaders,
22 »Gud, Gud HERREN, Gud, Gud HERREN ved det, og Israel skal vide det: Hvis det er i Genstridighed eller Troløshed mod HERREN, i den Hensigt at vende os fra HERREN,
“The Lord is God of gods, the Lord is God of gods, and he knows! May Israel also know! If we're in rebellion against God or being disloyal to him then kill us right now!
23 at vi har bygget os et Alter, gid han saa maa unddrage os sin Hjælp i Dag! Hvis det er for at bringe Brændofre og Afgrødeofre derpaa eller for at bringe Takofre derpaa, saa straffe HERREN det!
If our action of building an altar was to turn away from the Lord, or to use the altar to make burnt offerings or grain offerings or friendship offerings, then may the Lord punish us.
24 Nej, vi har gjort det af Frygt for det Tilfælde, at eders Børn engang i Fremtiden skulde sige til vore: Hvad har I med HERREN, Israels Gud, at gøre?
We did this because we were worried that in the future your descendants might say to ours, ‘What have you got to do with the Lord, the God of Israel?
25 HERREN har jo sat Jordan som Grænse imellem os, og eder, Rubeniter og Gaditer; I har ingen Del i HERREN! Og saaledes kunde eders Børn faa vore til at høre op med at frygte HERREN.
The Lord put a border—the Jordan River—between us and you, descendants of Reuben and Gad. You don't belong to the Lord.’ So your descendants might stop our descendants from worshiping the Lord.
26 Derfor tænkte vi: Lad os bygge dette Alter, ikke til Brændoffer eller Slagtoffer,
So we said to ourselves, ‘Let's build an altar, not for burnt offerings or for sacrifices,
27 men for at det kan være Vidne mellem os og eder og mellem vore Efterkommere efter os om, at vi vil forrette HERRENS Tjeneste for hans Aasyn med vore Brændofre, Slagtofre og Takofre, for at eders Børn ikke engang i Fremtiden skal sige til vore: I har ingen Del i HERREN!
but as a witness between us and you, and for the generations that come after us, that we will come to worship the Lord in his presence with our burnt offerings, sacrifices, and friendship offerings.’ Then your descendants will not be able to say to ours in the future, ‘You don't belong to the Lord.’
28 Og vi tænkte: Hvis de i Fremtiden siger saaledes til os og vore Efterkommere, saa siger vi: Læg dog Mærke til, hvorledes det HERRENS Alter er bygget, som vore Forfædre rejste, ikke til Brændofre eller Slagtofre, men for at det kunne være Vidne mellem os og eder.
If they were to do so in the future, our descendants could reply, ‘Look at this copy of the Lord's altar which our forefathers made, not for burnt offerings or for sacrifices, but as a witness between us and you.’
29 Det være langt fra os at være genstridige mod HERREN eller vende os fra HERREN i Dag ved at bygge et Alter til Brændoffer, Afgrødeoffer og Slagtoffer foruden HERREN vor Guds Alter, som staar foran hans Bolig!«
We would never think to rebel against the Lord or to turn away from him now by building an altar to make burnt offerings or grain offerings or sacrifices. The only altar of the Lord our God is the one stands in front of his Tabernacle.”
30 Da Præsten Pinehas og Menighedens Øverster og Overhovederne for Israels Tusinder, som ledsagede ham, hørte de Ord, som Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manassiterne talte, var de tilfredse,
When Phinehas and the Israelite leaders heard this from the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh they were delighted.
31 og Pinehas, Præsten Eleazars Søn, sagde til Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manassiterne: »I Dag erkender vi, at HERREN er iblandt os, siden I ikke har øvet denne Svig imod HERREN; derved har I frelst Israeliterne fra HERRENS Haand!«
Phinehas replied to the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, “Today we know that the Lord is with us because you have not acted disloyally in doing this. Now you have saved the Israelites from being punished by the Lord.”
32 Derpaa vendte Pinehas, Præsten Eleazars Søn, og Øversterne tilbage fra Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme i Gilead til Israeliterne i Kana'ans Land og aflagde dem Beretning,
Then Phinehas and the Israelite leaders left the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh in the land of Gilead and returned to the land of Canaan to explain the situation to the Israelites.
33 og Israeliterne var tilfredse ved Meddelelsen, og Israeliterne priste Gud og tænkte ikke mere paa at drage i Kamp mod dem for at ødelægge det Land, Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme boede i.
The Israelites were pleased with the report and God blessed them. They didn't talk about going to war any more to destroy the land where the tribes of Reuben and Gad were living.
34 Og Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme kaldte Alteret: Vidne; »thi, « sagde de, »det skal være Vidne mellem os om, at HERREN er Gud!«
The tribes of Reuben and Gad called the altar, “Witness,” because they said, “It is a witness between us that the Lord is also our God.”

< Josua 22 >