< Josua 18 >

1 Hele Israeliternes Menighed kom sammen i Silo, og de rejste Aabenbaringsteltet der, da de nu havde underlagt sig Landet.
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled themselves together at Shiloh, and set up the tent of meeting there; and the land was subdued before them.
2 Men der var endnu syv Stammer tilbage af Israeliterne, som ikke havde faaet deres Arvelod tildelt.
And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance.
3 Josua sagde derfor til Israeliterne: »Hvor længe vil I endnu nøle med at drage hen og tage det Land i Besiddelse, som HERREN, eders Fædres Gud, har givet eder?
And Joshua said unto the children of Israel: 'How long are ye slack to go in to possess the land, which the LORD, the God of your fathers, hath given you?
4 Udse eder tre Mænd af hver Stamme, som jeg kan udsende; de skal gøre sig rede og drage Landet rundt og affatte en Beskrivelse derover til Brug ved Fastsættelsen af deres Arvelod og saa komme tilbage til mig.
Appoint for you three men for each tribe; and I will send them, and they shall arise, and walk through the land, and describe it according to their inheritance; and they shall come unto me.
5 De skal dele det i syv Dele; Juda skal beholde sit Omraade mod Syd og Josefs Slægt sit mod Nord.
And they shall divide it into seven portions: Judah shall abide in his border on the south, and the house of Joseph shall abide in their border on the north.
6 Og I skal saa affatte en Beskrivelse over Landet, delt i syv Dele, og bringe mig den; saa vil jeg kaste Lod for eder her for HERREN vor Guds Aasyn.
And ye shall describe the land into seven portions, and bring the description hither to me; and I will cast lots for you here before the LORD our God.
7 Thi Leviterne faar ingen Del iblandt eder, da HERRENS Præstedømme er deres Arvelod; og Gad, Ruben og Manasses halve Stamme har paa Jordans Østside faaet deres Arvelod, som HERRENS Tjener Moses gav dem!«
For the Levites have no portion among you, for the priesthood of the LORD is their inheritance; and Gad and Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.'
8 Da begav Mændene sig paa Vej; og Josua bød de bortdragende affatte en Beskrivelse over Landet, idet han sagde: »Drag Landet rundt, affat en Beskrivelse over det og kom saa tilbage til mig; saa vil jeg kaste Lod for eder her for HERRENS Aasyn i Silo!«
And the men arose, and went; and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying: 'Go and walk through the land, and describe it, and come back to me, and I will cast lots for you here before the LORD in Shiloh.'
9 Saa begav, Mændene sig paa Vej og drog igennem Landet og affattede en Beskrivelse derover, By for By, i syv Dele; og derpaa kom de tilbage til Josua i Lejren ved Silo.
And the men went and passed through the land, and described it by cities into seven portions in a book, and they came to Joshua unto the camp at Shiloh.
10 Men Josua kastede Lod for dem i Silo for HERRENS Aasyn og udskiftede der Landet til Israeliterne, Afdeling, for Afdeling.
And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD; and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions.
11 Da faldt Loddet for Benjaminiternes Stamme efter deres Slægter; og det Omraade, der blev deres Lod, kom til at ligge mellem Judas og Josefs Sønner.
And the lot of the tribe of the children of Benjamin came up according to their families; and the border of their lot went out between the children of Judah and the children of Joseph.
12 Deres Nordgrænse begynder ved Jordan, og Grænsen strækker sig op til Bjergryggen norden for Jeriko og mod Vest op i Bjerglandet, saa den ender i Bet-Avens Ørken;
And their border on the north side was from the Jordan; and the border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill-country westward; and the goings out thereof were at the wilderness of Beth-aven.
13 derfra gaar Grænsen videre til Luz, til Bjergryggen sønden for Luz, det er Betel, og strækker sig ned til Atarot-Addar over Bjerget sønden for Nedre-Bet-Horon.
And the border passed along from thence to Luz, to the side of Luz — the same is Beth-el — southward; and the border went down to Atroth-addar, by the mountain that lieth on the south of Beth-horon the nether.
14 Derpaa bøjer Grænsen om og løber som Vestgrænse sydpaa fra Bjerget lige sønden for Bet-Horon og ender ved Kirjat-Ba'al, det er den judæiske By Kirjat-Jearim; det er Vestgrænsen.
And the border was drawn and turned about on the west side southward, from the mountain that lieth before Beth-horon southward; and the goings out thereof were at Kiriath-baal — the same is Kiriath-jearim — a city of the children of Judah; this was the west side.
15 Sydgrænsen begynder ved Udkanten af Kirjat-Ba'al, og Grænsen gaar til Neftoas Vandkilde;
And the south side was from the uttermost part of Kiriath-jearim, and the border went out westward, and went out to the fountain of the waters of Nephtoah.
16 derpaa strækker den sig ned til Randen af Bjerget lige over for Hinnoms Søns Dal norden for Refaimdalen og videre til Hinnoms Dal sønden om Jebusiternes Bjergryg og til Rogelkilden;
And the border went down to the uttermost part of the mountain that lieth before the Valley of the son of Hinnom, which is in the vale of Rephaim northward; and it went down to the Valley of Hinnom, to the side of the Jebusite southward, and went down to En-rogel.
17 saa drejer den nordpaa og fortsætter til Sjemesjkilden og videre til Gelilot lige over for Adummimpasset, derpaa ned til Rubens Søn Bohans Sten
And it was drawn on the north, and went out at En-shemesh, and went out to Geliloth, which is over against the ascent of Adummim; and it went down to the Stone of Bohan the son of Reuben.
18 og gaar saa videre til Bjergryggen norden for Bet-Araba og ned i Arabalavningen;
And it passed along to the side over against the Arabah northward, and went down unto the Arabah.
19 saa gaar den videre til Bjergryggen norden for Bet-Hogla og ender norden for Salthavets Bugt ved Jordans Udløb; det er Sydgrænsen.
And the border passed along to the side of Beth-hoglah northward; and the goings out of the border were at the north bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan; this was the south border.
20 Mod Øst danner Jordan Grænse. Det er Benjaminiternes Arvelod med dens Grænser efter deres Slægter.
And the Jordan was to be the border of it on the east side. This was the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, by the borders thereof round about, according to their families.
21 Og Benjaminiternes Stammes Byer efter deres Slægter er følgende: Jeriko, Bet-Hogla, Emek-Keziz,
Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, and Beth-hoglah, and Emek-keziz;
22 Bet-Araba, Zemarajim, Betel,
and Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim, and Beth-el;
23 Avvim, Para, Ofra,
and Avvim, and Parah, and Ophrah;
24 Kefar-Ammoni, Ofni og Geba; tilsammen tolv Byer med Landsbyer.
and Chephar-ammonah, and Ophni, and Geba; twelve cities with their villages:
25 Gibeon, Rama, Be'erot,
Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth;
26 Mizpe, Kefira, Moza,
and Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mozah;
27 Rekem, Jirpe'el, Tar'ala,
and Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah;
28 Zela, Elef, Jebus, det er Jerusalem, Gibeat og Kirjat-Jearim; tilsammen fjorten Byer med Landsbyer. Det er Benjaminiternes Arvelod efter deres Slægter.
and Zela, Eleph, and the Jebusite — the same is Jerusalem, Gibeath, and Kiriath; fourteen cities with their villages. This is the inheritance of the children of Benjamin according to their families.

< Josua 18 >