< Jonas 2 >
1 Da bad Jonas i Fiskens Bug til HERREN sin Gud
Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish.
2 og sagde: Jeg raabte i Nøden til HERREN, og han svarede mig; jeg skreg fra Dødsrigets Skød, og du hørte min Røst. (Sheol )
He began, “In my agony I cried out to the Lord and he answered me; from the depths of Sheol I pleaded for help and you answered me. (Sheol )
3 Du kasted mig i Dybet midt i Havet, Strømmen omgav mig; alle dine Brændinger og Bølger skyllede over mig.
You threw me into the deep, all the way down to the bottom of the sea. Water flooded all around me; your crashing waves rolled over me.
4 Jeg tænkte: »Bort er jeg stødt fra dine Øjne, aldrig mer skal jeg skue dit hellige Tempel.«
I said to myself, ‘The Lord has banished me from his sight. Will I ever see your holy Temple again?’
5 Vandene trued min Sjæl, Dybet omgav mig, Tang var viklet om mit Hoved; til Bjergenes Rødder
The water swirled over me so I couldn't breathe; the deep sucked me down; seaweed wrapped itself around my head.
6 steg jeg ned, til Jordens Slaaer, de evige Grundvolde; da drog du mit Liv op af Graven, HERRE min Gud.
I sank down to the base of the mountains; the earth barred me in forever. But you, my Lord, my God, brought me back up from the abyss.
7 Da min Sjæl vansmægtede i mig, kom jeg HERREN i Hu, og min Bøn steg op til dig i dit hellige Tempel.
As my life ebbed away, I remembered the Lord; my prayer came to you in your holy Temple.
8 De, der dyrker det tomme Gøgl, lader Gudsfrygt fare;
Those who worship worthless idols give up their trust in God's goodness.
9 men jeg vil bringe dig Ofre med Lovsangs Toner og indfri de Løfter, jeg gav. Hos HERREN er Frelse.
But I will offer you sacrifices, shouting out my thanks. I will keep my promises to you, for salvation comes from the Lord.”
10 Saa talede HERREN til Fisken, og den spyede Jonas ud paa det tørre Land.
Then the Lord told the fish to spit out Jonah onto the shore.