< Joel 2 >
1 Stød i Horn paa Zion, blæs Alarm paa mit hellige Bjerg! Alle i Landet skal bæve, thi HERRENS Dag, den kommer;
Blow a horn in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord comes, for near is
2 ja, nær er Mulms og Mørkes Dag, Skyers og Taages Dag. Et stort, et vældigt Folk er bredt som Gry over Bjerge. Dets Lige har aldrig været, skal aldrig komme herefter til fjerneste Slægters Aar.
the day of darkness and gloom, the day of cloud and thick darkness! Like the light of dawn scattered over the mountains, a people great and powerful; its like has not been from of old, neither will be any more after it, even to the years of coming ages.
3 Foran det æder Ild, og bag det flammer Lue; foran det er Landet som Eden og bag det en øde Ørk; fra det slipper ingen bort.
Before them the fire devours, and behind them a flame burns; like the garden of Eden is the land before them, and after them it is a desolate desert, nothing escapes them.
4 At se til er de som Heste, som Hingste farer de frem;
Their appearance is as the appearance of horses, and like horsemen they charge.
5 det lyder som raslende Vogne, naar de hopper paa Bjergenes Tinder, som knitrende Lue, der æder Straa, som en vældig Hær, der er rustet til Strid.
Like the sound of chariots on the tops of the mountains they leap, like the crackle of flames devouring stubble, like a mighty people preparing for battle.
6 Folkeslag skælver for dem, alle Ansigter blusser.
Peoples are in anguish before them, all faces grow pale.
7 Som Helte haster de frem, som Stridsmænd stormer de Mure; enhver gaar lige ud, de bøjer ej af fra Vejen.
Like mighty men they run, like warriors they mount up a wall, they march each by himself, they break not their ranks,
8 De trænger ikke hverandre, hver følger sin egen Sti. Trods Vaabenmagt styrter de frem uden at lade sig standse, de kaster sig over Byen,
none jostles the other. They march each in his path. They fall upon the weapons without breaking.
9 stormer Muren i Løb; i Husene trænger de ind, gennem Vinduer kommer de som Tyve.
They scour the city, they run on the wall. They climb up into the houses. Like a thief they enter the windows.
10 Foran dem skælver Jorden, Himlen bæver; Sol og Maane sortner, Stjernerne mister deres Glans.
Earth trembles before them, the sky quakes, the sun and moon become dark, and the stars withdraw their shining;
11 Foran sin Stridsmagt løfter HERREN sin Røst, thi saare stor er hans Hær, ja, hans Ords Fuldbyrder er vældig; thi stor er HERRENS Dag og saare frygtelig; hvem holder den ud?
and the Lord utters his voice before his army, for his host is exceedingly great. Mighty is he who performs his word. For great is the day of the Lord, it is terrible, who can endure it?
12 Selv nu, saa lyder det fra HERREN, vend om til mig af ganske Hjerte, med Faste og Graad og Klage!
But now this is the message of the Lord: Turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting and weeping and mourning,
13 Sønderriv Hjerterne, ej eders Klæder, vend om til HERREN eders Gud! Thi naadig og barmhjertig er han, langmodig og rig paa Miskundhed, han angrer det onde.
rend your hearts and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God; for he indeed is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and plenteous in love, and relents of the evil.
14 Maaske slaar han om og angrer og levner Velsignelse efter sig, Afgrødeoffer og Drikoffer til HERREN eders Gud.
Who knows but he will turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind him, a cereal and drink-offering for the Lord your God.
15 Stød i Horn paa Zion, helliger Faste, udraab festlig Samling,
Blow a horn in Zion, sanctify a fast, summon an assembly,
16 kald Folket sammen, helliger et Stævne, lad de gamle samles, kald Børnene sammen, ogsaa dem, som dier Bryst; lad Brudgom gaa ud af sit Kammer, Brud af sit Telt!
gather the people, make holy the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and the infants at the breast. Let the bridegroom come forth from his chamber, and the bride from her bridal tent.
17 Imellem Forhal og Alter skal Præsterne, HERRENS Tjenere, græde og sige: »HERRE, spar dog dit Folk! Overgiv ej din Arv til Skændsel, til Hedningers Spot! Hvi skal man sige blandt Folkene: Hvor er deres Gud?«
Between the porch and the altar, let the priests, the ministers of the Lord weep aloud, let them say: Spare, the Lord, your people. Make not your heritage an object of reproach, for the heathen to mock them. Why should it be said among the nations, ‘Where is their God?’
18 Og HERREN blev nidkær for sit Land og fik Medynk med sit Folk.
Then the Lord became deeply concerned for his land, and took pity upon his people,
19 Og HERREN svarede sit Folk: Se, jeg sender eder Korn, Most og Olie, saa I kan mættes deraf; og jeg vil ikke længer gøre eder til Skændsel iblandt Hedningerne.
and the Lord answered and said to his people: I will send you grain, wine, and oil. You will be satisfied. I will not make you again an object of scorn among the nations,
20 Fjenden fra Nord driver jeg langt bort fra eder og støder ham ud i et tørt og øde Land, hans Fortrop ud i Havet i Øst og hans Bagtrop i Havet i Vest, og han skal udsprede Stank og ilde Lugt; thi han udførte store Ting.
I will remove far from you the northern foe, and I will drive it into a land barren and desolate, its front into the eastern sea, and its rear to the western sea. And from it a stench will arise. He has done great things!
21 Frygt ikke, Jord, fryd dig, vær glad! Thi HERREN har udført store Ting.
Fear not, land, exult. Rejoice for the Lord has done great things!
22 Frygt ikke, I Markens Dyr! Thi Ørkenens Græsmarker grønnes, og Træerne bærer Frugt; Figentræ og Vinstok giver alt, hvad de kan.
Fear not, animals of the field. For the pastures of the wilderness are putting forth new grass, for the trees bear their fruit, fig tree and vine yield full harvest.
23 Og I, Zions Sønner, fryd eder, vær glade i HERREN eders Gud! Thi han giver eder Føde til Frelse, idet han sender eder Regn, Tidligregn og Sildigregn, som før.
Be glad, then, children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the early rain in just measure, and poured down upon you the winter rain, and sent the latter rain as before.
24 Tærskepladserne skal fyldes med Korn, Persekummerne løbe over med Most og Olie.
The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.
25 Og jeg godtgør eder de Aar, da Græshoppen, Springeren, Æderen og Gnaveren hærgede, min store Hær, som jeg sendte imod eder.
I will repay you for the years which the swarming locust has eaten. The hopping, the destroying, and the cutting locusts, my great army which I sent among you, and my people will never again be put to shame.
26 I skal spise og mættes og love HERREN eders Guds Navn, fordi han handler underfuldt med eder; og mit Folk skal i Evighed ikke blive til Skamme.
You will eat your food and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt so wonderfully by you,
27 Og I skal kende, at jeg er i Israels Midte, og at jeg, og ingen anden, er HERREN eders Gud; og mit Folk skal i Evighed ikke blive til Skamme.
and you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, that I am the Lord your God and none else, and my people will never again be put to shame.
28 Og det skal ske derefter, at jeg vil udgyde min Aand over alt Kød, eders Sønner og eders Døtre skal profetere, eders gamle skal drømme Drømme og eders unge skue Syner;
Afterwards, I will pour out my spirit on everyone. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions,
29 ogsaa over Trælle og Trælkvinder vil jeg udgyde min Aand i de Dage.
and even on your male and female slaves in those days, I will pour out my spirit.
30 Og jeg lader ske Tegn paa Himmelen og paa Jorden, Blod, Ild og Røgstøtter.
And I will show signs in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 Solen skal vendes til Mørke og Maanen til Blod, før HERRENS store og frygtelige Dag kommer.
The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
32 Men enhver, som paakalder HERRENS Navn, skal frelses; thi paa Zions Bjerg og i Jerusalem skal der være Frelse, som HERREN har sagt; og til de undslupne skal hver den høre, som HERREN kalder.
But whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, even as the Lord has said, and among the fugitives those whom the Lord calls.