< Job 36 >

1 Og videre sagde Elihu:
And Elihu added and said: —
2 Bi nu lidt, jeg har noget at sige dig, thi end har jeg Ord til Forsvar for Gud.
Restrain thyself for me a little, and I will shew thee, that, yet—for GOD, there is justification,
3 Jeg vil hente min Viden langvejsfra og skaffe min Skaber Ret;
I will bring my knowledge from afar, and, to my Maker, will I attribute righteousness.
4 thi for vist, mine Ord er ikke Opspind, en Mand med fuldkommen Indsigt har du for dig.
For, of a truth—not false, are my words, One of competent knowledge, is with thee.
5 Se, Gud forkaster det stive Sind,
Lo! GOD, is mighty, yet will he not despise, Mighty in vigour of mind;
6 den gudløse holder han ikke i Live; de arme lader han faa deres Ret,
He will not keep alive one who is lawless, but, the right of oppressed ones, will he grant;
7 fra retfærdige vender han ikke sit Blik, men giver dem Plads for stedse hos Konger paa Tronen i Højhed.
He will not withdraw—from a righteous one—his eyes, —but, with kings on the throne, He hath seated men triumphantly, and they have been exalted.
8 Og hvis de bindes i Lænker, fanges i Nødens Baand,
But, if, bound in fetters, they have been captured with cords of affliction,
9 saa viser han dem deres Gerning, deres Synder, at de hovmodede sig,
Then hath he declared to them their deed, and their transgressions—that they were wont to behave themselves proudly;
10 aabner deres Øre for Tugt og byder dem vende sig bort fra det onde.
Thus hath he uncovered their ear to a warning, and said—that they should turn from iniquity.
11 Hvis de saa hører og bøjer sig, da ender de deres Dage i Lykke, i liflig Fryd deres Aar.
If they would hearken, and serve, they should complete their days, in prosperity, and their years, in pleasantness;
12 Men hører de ikke, falder de for Sværd og opgiver Aanden i Uforstand.
But, if they would not hearken, by a weapon, should they pass away, and breathe their last, no one knowing.
13 Men vanhellige Hjerter forbitres; naar han binder dem, raaber de ikke om Hjælp;
Yea, the impious in heart, should store up anger, They should not cry for help, when he bound them.
14 i Ungdommen dør deres Sjæl, deres Liv faar Mandsskøgers Lod.
Their soul should die in youth, and their life, among the unclean.
15 Den elendige frelser han ved hans Elende og aabner hans Øre ved Trængsel.
He would deliver the humbled in his humiliation, and would uncover—in oppression—their ear.
16 Men dig har Medgangen lokket, du var i Fred for Ulykkens Gab; ingen Trængsel indjog dig Skræk, fuldt var dit Bord af fede Retter.
Yea he might even have allured thee—out of the mouth of straitness, [into] a wide space—no narrowness there, —and, the food set down on thy table, should have been full of fatness.
17 Den gudløses som kom til fulde over dig, hans retfærdige Dom greb dig fat.
But, with the plea of a lawless one, thou art full, Plea and sentence, will take fast hold.
18 Lad dig ikke lokke af Vrede til Spot eller Bødens Storhed lede dig vild!
Because there is wrath, [beware] lest he take thee away with a stroke, Then let not, a great ransom, mislead thee.
19 Kan vel dit Skrig gøre Ende paa Nøden, eller det at du opbyder al din Kraft?
Will he value thy riches? Nay not precious ore, nor all the forces of strength.
20 Ej maa du længes efter Natten, som opskræmmer Folkeslag der, hvor de er;
Do not pant for the night, when peoples disappear from their place.
21 va'r dig og vend dig ikke til Uret, saa du foretrækker ondt for at lide.
Beware, do not turn unto iniquity, For, this, thou hast chosen rather than affliction.
22 Se, ophøjet er Gud i sin Vælde, hvo er en Lærer som han?
Lo, GOD, exalteth himself by his strength, Who like him doth teach?
23 Hvo foreskrev ham hans Vej, og hvo turde sige: »Du gjorde Uret!«
Who enjoined on him his way? and who ever said, Thou hast wrought perversity?
24 Se til at ophøje hans Værk, som Mennesker priser i Sang!
Remember, that thou extol his work, of which men have sung;
25 Alle Mennesker ser det med Fryd, skønt dødelige skuer det kun fra det fjerne.
Every son of earth, hath viewed it, Mortal man, looketh at it from afar.
26 Se, Gud er ophøjet, kan ikke ransages, Tal paa hans Aar kan ikke findes.
Lo, GOD, is greater than we can know, The number of his years, even past finding out!
27 Thi Draaber drager han ud af Havet, i hans Taage siver de ned som Regn,
For he draweth up drops of water, They trickle as rain through his mist;
28 og Skyerne lader den strømme og dryppe paa mange Folk.
With which the clouds flow down, They drop on man in abundance.
29 Hvo fatter mon Skyernes Vidder eller hans Boligs Bulder?
But surely none can understand the burstings of the cloud, the crashing of his pavilion!
30 Se, han breder sin Taage om sig og skjuler Havets Rødder;
Lo! he hath spread out over it, his lightning, The bed of the sea, hath he covered.
31 Thi dermed nærer han Folkene, giver dem Brød i Overflod;
For, by those things, he executeth judgment on peoples, He giveth food in abundance:
32 han hyller sine Hænder i Lys og sender det ud imod Maalet;
Upon both hands, he putteth a covering of lightning, and layeth command upon it against an assailant:
33 hans Torden melder hans Komme, selv Kvæget melder hans Optræk.
His rolling thunder telleth concerning him, —The cattle, even, concerning him that is coming up.

< Job 36 >