< Job 2 >

1 Nu hændte det en Dag, at Guds Sønner kom og traadte frem for HERREN, og iblandt dem kom ogsaa Satan og traadte frem for ham.
On another day, the angels came again and gathered together in front of Yahweh, and Satan came too.
2 HERREN spurgte Satan: »Hvor kommer du fra?« Satan svarede HERREN: »Jeg har gennemvanket Jorden paa Kryds og tværs.«
Yahweh asked Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan replied, “I have come from the earth, where I have been traveling back and forth, seeing what is happening.”
3 HERREN spurgte da Satan: »Har du lagt Mærke til min Tjener Job? Der findes ingen som han paa Jorden, saa from og retsindig en Mand, som frygter Gud og viger fra det onde. Endnu holder han fast ved sin Fromhed, og uden Grund har du ægget mig til at ødelægge ham!«
Yahweh asked Satan, “Have you (noticed/thought about) my [faithful] servant Job? He is very godly/righteous [DOU], he greatly respects/reveres me, and he [always] avoids doing evil things. And he still acts in a very godly/righteous manner, even though you persuaded me to [let you] cause disastrous things to happen to him for no reason.”
4 Men Satan svarede HERREN: »Hud for Hud! En Mand giver alt, hvad han ejer, for sit Liv!
Satan replied to Yahweh, “He praises you only because you bless him [IDM]. People will give up everything they have to save their own lives.
5 Men ræk engang din Haand ud og rør ved hans Ben og Kød! Sandelig, han vil forbande dig lige op i dit Ansigt!«
But if you harm his body [MTY], he will surely curse you openly [IDM]!”
6 Da sagde HERREN til Satan: »Se, han er i din Haand; kun skal du skaane hans Liv!«
Yahweh replied to Satan, “(All right/Okay), you may do to him whatever you want to do, but do not cause him to die.”
7 Saa gik Satan bort fra HERRENS Aasyn, og han slog Job med ondartede Bylder fra Fodsaal til Isse.
So Satan left, and he caused Job to be afflicted with very painful boils, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.
8 Og Job tog sig et Potteskaar til at skrabe sig med, medens han sad i Askedyngen.
Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped the boils on his skin, and he sat in ashes [as people did when they were mourning for those who had died].
9 Da sagde hans Hustru til ham: »Holder du endnu fast ved din Fromhed? Forband Gud og dø!«
His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to (be loyal to/faithfully trust in) God? You should curse God, and then you will die.”
10 Men han svarede hende: »Du taler som en Daare! Skulde vi tage imod det gode fra Gud, men ikke imod det onde?« I alt dette syndede Job ikke med sine Læber.
But Job replied, “You talk like people who do not know God talk. (Should we accept only the good things that God [does for us]?/We should not accept only the good things that God [does for us].) [RHQ] We should also accept bad things.” So in spite of all these [things that happened to] Job, [he] did not say anything against God.
11 Da Jobs tre Venner hørte om al den Ulykke, der havde ramt ham, kom de hver fra sin Hjemstavn. Temaniten Elifaz, Sjuhiten Bildad og Na'amatiten Zofar, og aftalte at gaa hen og vise ham deres Medfølelse og trøste ham.
Among Job’s friends were Eliphaz from Teman [town], Bildad from Shuah [land] and Zophar from Naamah [land]. When they heard about all the terrible things that had happened to Job, they left their home areas and went together to Job to console/comfort him [DOU].
12 Men da de i nogen Frastand saa op og ikke kunde genkende ham, opløftede de deres Røst og græd, sønderrev alle tre deres Kapper og kastede Støv op over deres Hoveder.
When they saw Job from a distance, they almost did not recognize him. They wailed loudly, they tore their robes, and they threw dust over their heads [to show how sorry they were because of what had happened to Job].
13 Saa sad de paa Jorden hos ham i syv Dage og syv Nætter, uden at nogen af dem mælede et Ord til ham; thi de saa, at hans Lidelser var saare store.
Then they sat on the ground with Job for seven days. None of them said anything to Job, because they saw that he was suffering greatly, [and they did not think that anything that they said would lessen his pain].

< Job 2 >