< Jeremias 6 >
1 Fly, I Benjamins Sønner, bort fra Jerusalem og stød i Hornet i Tekoa, hejs Mærket over Bet-Kerem! Thi Ulykke truer fra Nord, et vældigt Sammenbrud.
Flee, O ye sons of Benjamin, from Jerusalem, And blow ye the trumpet in Tekoa, And lift up the banner in Beth-haccerem! For evil threateneth from the North; Yea, great destruction.
2 Jeg tilintetgør Zions Datter, den yndige, forvænte —
O daughter of Zion, the comely and delicate, Thee have I doomed to destruction!
3 til hende kommer der Hyrder med deres Hjorde; de opslaar Telte i Ring om hende, afgræsser hver sit Stykke.
The shepherds with their flocks shall come to her; They shall pitch their tents against her round about; They shall feed each one in his place.
4 Helliger Angrebet paa hende! Op! Vi rykker frem ved Middag! Ve os, thi Dagen hælder, thi Aftenskyggerne længes.
“Prepare ye war against her, [[shall they say; ]] Arise, and let us go up at noonday; Alas for us! for the day goeth away, For the shadows of evening are lengthened.
5 Op! Vi rykker frem ved Nat og lægger hendes Borge øde.
Arise, and let us go up by night, And let us destroy her palaces!”
6 Thi saa siger Hærskarers HERRE: Fæld Træer og opkast en Vold imod Jerusalem! Ve Løgnens By med lutter Voldsfærd i sin Midte!
For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Hew ye down trees, And raise a mound against Jerusalem! She is a city to be punished; She is full of oppression.
7 Som Brønden sit Vand holder Byen sin Ondskab frisk; der høres om Voldsfærd og Hærværk, Saar og Slag har jeg altid for Øje.
As a fountain sendeth forth its waters, So she sendeth forth her wickedness. Violence and rapine are heard within her; Before me continually are bruises and wounds.
8 Jerusalem, tag ved Lære, at min Sjæl ej vender sig fra dig, at jeg ikke skal gøre dig til Ørk, til folketomt Land.
Receive correction, O Jerusalem, Lest my soul be alienated from thee, Lest I make thee a desolation, A land not inhabited!
9 Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE: Hold Efterhøst paa Israels Rest, som det sker paa en Vinstok, ræk som en Vingaardsmand atter din Haand til dens Ranker!
Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: They shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine; Turn thy hand like a grape-gatherer again to the baskets!
10 »For hvem skal jeg tale og vidne, saa de hører derpaa? Se, de har uomskaarne Ører, kan ej lytte til; se, HERRENS Ord er til Spot og huer dem ikke.
To whom shall I speak? To whom give warning, so that they shall hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, so that they cannot hearken; Behold, the word of Jehovah is to them a derision; They have no delight in it.
11 Jeg er fuld af HERRENS Vrede og træt af at tæmme den.« Gyd den ud over Barnet paa Gaden, over hele de unges Flok; baade Mand og Kvinde skal fanges, gammel og Olding tillige;
Therefore I am full of the fury of Jehovah; I am weary of holding it; I will pour it out alike upon the children in the street, And upon the assembly of the young men. Yea, also the husband with the wife shall be taken, The old man, and he that is full of days.
12 deres Huse, Marker og Kvinder skal alle tilfalde andre; thi jeg udrækker Haanden mod Landets Folk, saa lyder det fra HERREN.
Their houses also shall be transferred to others, Their fields and their wives together, For I will stretch out my hand over the inhabitants of the land, saith Jehovah.
13 Thi fra smaa til store søger hver eneste Vinding, de farer alle med Løgn fra Profet til Præst.
For from the least of them even to the greatest, Every one is greedy of gain; Prophet and priest alike, Every one of them practiseth deceit.
14 De læger mit Folks Brøst som den simpleste Sag, idet de siger: »Fred, Fred!« skønt der ikke er Fred.
They heal the wound of my people slightly, Saying, Peace! peace! when there is no peace.
15 De skal faa Skam, thi de har gjort vederstyggelige Ting, og dog blues de ikke, dog kender de ikke til Skam. Derfor skal de falde paa Valen; paa Hjemsøgelsens Dag skal de snuble, siger HERREN.
Are they ashamed that they have done abominable things? Nay, they are not at all ashamed; They know not how to blush; Therefore shall they fall with them that fall; At the time when I punish them, They shall be cast down, saith Jehovah.
16 Saa siger HERREN: Staa ved Vejene og se efter, spørg efter de gamle Stier, hvor Vejen er til alt godt, og gaa paa den; saa finder I Hvile for eders Sjæle. Men de svarede: »Det vil vi ikke.«
Thus saith Jehovah: Stand ye upon the ways and look; And ask for the old paths, “Where is the good way?” Walk ye in it, and ye shall find for yourselves rest. But they say, We will not walk in it.
17 Og jeg satte Vægtere over dem: »Hør Hornets Klang!« Men de svarede: »Det vil vi ikke.«
I have also set watchmen over you, [[saying, ]] Hearken to the sound of the trumpet! But they say, We will not hearken.
18 Hør derfor, I Folk, og vidn imod dem!
Therefore hear, O ye nations, And know, ye assembled multitude, What shall come upon them!
19 Hør, du Jord! Se, jeg sender Ulykke over dette Folk, Frugten af deres Frafald, thi de lyttede ikke til mine Ord og lod haant om min Lov.
Hear thou, O earth! Behold, I bring evil upon this people, The fruit of their devices; Because they have not hearkened to my words, And have even rejected my law.
20 Hvad skal jeg med Røgelsen, der kommer fra Saba, med den dejlige Kalmus fra det fjerne Land? Eders Brændofre er ej til Behag, eders Slagtofre huer mig ikke.
To what purpose is incense brought to me from Sheba, And the sweet-smelling reed from a far country? Your burnt-offerings are not acceptable, Nor are your sacrifices sweet to me.
21 Derfor, saa siger HERREN: Se, jeg sætter Anstød for dette Folk, og de skal støde an derimod, baade Fædre og Sønner; baade Nabo og Genbo skal omkomme.
Therefore thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I lay stumbling-blocks before this people, Upon which fathers and sons shall stumble together, The neighbor and his friend, and shall perish.
22 Saa siger HERREN: Se, et Folkeslag kommer fra Nordens Land, et vældigt Folk bryder op fra det yderste af Jorden.
Thus saith Jehovah: Behold, a people cometh from the land of the North; A great nation riseth up from the extremities of the earth.
23 De fører Bue og Spyd, er skaanselsløst grumme; deres Røst er som Havets Brusen, de rider paa Heste, rustet som Stridsmand mod dig, du Zions Datter.
They bear the bow and the spear; They are cruel and show no mercy; Their voice roareth like the sea; And upon horses do they ride, Arrayed as a warrior against thee, O daughter of Zion.
24 Vi hørte Rygtet derom, vore Hænder blev slappe, Rædsel greb os, Skælven som fødende Kvinde.
We have heard the report thereof; Our hands lose their strength; Anguish hath taken hold of us, Pain, as of a woman in travail.
25 Gaa ikke ud paa Marken og følg ej Vejen, thi Fjenden bærer Sværd, trindt om er Rædsel.
Go not forth into the field, Nor walk ye in the highway! For the sword of the enemy And terror are on every side.
26 Klæd dig i Sæk, mit Folks Datter, vælt dig i Støvet, hold Sorg som over den enbaarne, bitter Klage! Thi Hærværksmanden skal brat komme over os.
O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, And roll thyself in ashes! Make thee mourning as for an only son, Most bitter lamentation! For suddenly shall the spoiler come upon us.
27 Til Metalprøver, Guldprøver, gjorde jeg dig i mit Folk til at kende og prøve deres Færd.
I have set thee, like a tower, for an assayer among my people, That thou mayst know and try their way.
28 De faldt alle genstridige fra, de gaar og bagtaler, er kun Kobber og Jern, alle handler de slet.
They are all stubborn revolters, Slanderers are they, brass and iron; They are all corrupt.
29 Bælgen blæser, af Ilden kommer kun Bly. Al Smelten er spildt, de onde udskilles ej.
The bellows burn; The lead is consumed by the fire; The refiner hath melted in vain, For the bad are not separated.
30 Giv dem Navn af vraget Sølv, thi dem har HERREN vraget.
Rejected silver shall men call them, Because Jehovah hath rejected them.