< Jeremias 50 >

1 Det Ord, HERREN talede mod Babel, mod Kaldæernes Land, ved Profeten Jeremias.
The word which the Lord said about Babylon, about the land of the Chaldaeans, by Jeremiah the prophet.
2 Forkynd det blandt Folkene, kundgør det, rejs et Banner, kundgør det, dølg det ikke, sig: Babel er indtaget, Bel gjort til Skamme, Merodak knust, til Skamme er dets Afguder blevet, knust dets Afgudsbilleder.
Give it out among the nations, make it public, and let the flag be lifted up; give the word and keep nothing back; say, Babylon is taken, Bel is put to shame, Merodach is broken, her images are put to shame, her gods are broken.
3 Thi et Folk fra Nord drager op imod det og gør dets Land til en Ørken, saa ingen bor der; baade Mennesker og Dyr er flygtet.
For out of the north a nation is coming up against her, which will make her land waste and unpeopled: they are in flight, man and beast are gone.
4 I hine Dage og til hin Tid, lyder det fra HERREN, skal Israeliterne, sammen med Judæerne, komme; de skal vandre under Graad og søge HERREN deres Gud;
In those days and in that time, says the Lord, the children of Israel will come, they and the children of Judah together; they will go on their way weeping and making prayer to the Lord their God.
5 de skal spørge om Vej til Zion, did er deres Ansigter vendt; de skal komme og klynge sig til HERREN i en evig Pagt, der aldrig glemmes.
They will be questioning about the way to Zion, with their faces turned in its direction, saying, Come, and be united to the Lord in an eternal agreement which will be kept in mind for ever.
6 En Flok bortkomne Faar var mit Folk, deres Hyrder havde ført dem vild, paa Afveje i Bjergene; de flakkede fra Bjerg til Høj, glemte deres Hvilested.
My people have been wandering sheep: their keepers have made them go out of the right way, turning them loose on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, having no memory of their resting-place.
7 Enhver, som traf paa dem, fortærede dem; deres Fjender sagde: »Vi er sagesløse!« Det skete, fordi de syndede mod HERREN, Retfærdsgræsgangen og deres Fædres Haab, HERREN.
They have been attacked by all those who came across them: and their attackers said, We are doing no wrong, because they have done evil against the Lord in whom is righteousness, against the Lord, the hope of their fathers.
8 Fly ud af Babel, drag bort fra Kaldæernes Land, bliv som Bukke foran en Hjord!
Go in flight out of Babylon, go out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and be like he-goats before the flocks.
9 Thi se, jeg vækker fra Nordens Land en Sværm af vældige Folk og fører dem frem mod Babel, og de skal ruste sig imod det; fra den Kant skal det indtages; dens Pile er som den sejrsæle Helts, der ikke vender tomhændet hjem.
For see, I am moving and sending up against Babylon a band of great nations from the north country: and they will put their armies in position against her; and from there she will be taken: their arrows will be like those of an expert man of war; not one will come back without getting its mark.
10 Kaldæa gøres til Bytte; alle, som gør det til Bytte, mættes, lyder det fra HERREN.
And the wealth of Chaldaea will come into the hands of her attackers: all those who take her wealth will have enough, says the Lord.
11 Glæd eder kun og jubl, I, som plyndrede min Arvelod, spring som Kalve i Engen, vrinsk som Hingste —
Because you are glad, because you are lifted up with pride, you wasters of my heritage, because you are playing like a young cow put out to grass, and you make a noise like strong horses;
12 eders Moder skal dybt beskæmmes; hun, som bar eder, skal blive til Skamme. Se, det ringeste af Folkene, en Ørken, tørt Land og Ødemark!
Your mother will be put to shame; she who gave you birth will be looked down on: see, she will be the last of the nations, a waste place, a dry and unwatered land.
13 For HERRENS Vredes Skyld skal det ligge ubeboet hen og overalt være en Ørken; alle, som kommer forbi Babel, skal slaas af Rædsel og spotte over alle dets Saar.
Because of the wrath of the Lord no one will be living in it, and it will be quite unpeopled: everyone who goes by Babylon will be overcome with wonder, and make sounds of fear at all her punishments.
14 Rust eder mod Babel paa alle Kanter, alle, som spænder Bue; skyd paa det, spar ikke paa Pile, thi mod HERREN har det syndet.
Put your armies in position against Babylon on every side, all you bowmen; let loose your arrows at her, not keeping any back: for she has done evil against the Lord.
15 Jubl over det fra alle Kanter: »Det har udrakt sin Haand, dets Støttemure er faldet, dets Volde nedbrudt.« Thi det er HERRENS Hævn. Hævn eder paa det, gør med det, som det selv har gjort!
Give a loud cry against her on every side; she has given herself up, her supports are overturned, her walls are broken down: for it is the payment taken by the Lord; give her payment; as she has done, so do to her.
16 Udryd af Babel den, der saar, og den, der svinger Le i Høstens Tid! For det hærgende Sværd vender enhver hjem til sit Folk, enhver flyr til sit Land.
Let the planter of seed be cut off from Babylon, and everyone using the curved blade at the time of the grain-cutting: for fear of the cruel sword, everyone will be turned to his people, everyone will go in flight to his land.
17 En adsplittet Hjord er Israel, Løver har spredt det. Først fortærede Assyrerkongen det, og nu sidst har Kong Nebukadrezar af Babel gnavet dets Knogler.
Israel is a wandering sheep; the lions have been driving him away: first he was attacked by the king of Assyria, and now his bones have been broken by Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon.
18 Derfor, saa siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: Se, jeg hjemsøger Babels Konge og hans Land, som jeg hjemsøgte Assyrerkongen;
So this is what the Lord of armies, the God of Israel, has said: See, I will send punishment on the king of Babylon and on his land, as I have given punishment to the king of Assyria.
19 og jeg fører Israel tilbage til dets Græsgang; det skal græsse paa Karmel og Basan og mættes i Efraims Bjerge og Gilead.
And I will make Israel come back to his resting-place, and he will get his food on Carmel and Bashan, and have his desire in full measure on the hills of Ephraim and in Gilead.
20 I hine Dage og til hin Tid, lyder det fra HERREN, skal man søge efter Israels Brøde, og den er der ikke, efter Judas Synder, og de findes ikke; thi jeg tilgiver dem, jeg lader blive til Rest,
In those days and in that time, says the Lord, when the evil-doing of Israel is looked for, there will be nothing; and in Judah no sins will be seen: for I will have forgiveness for those whom I will keep safe.
21 Drag op mod Meratajims Land, drag op imod det og mod dem, som bor i Pekod, læg øde, læg Band paa dem, saa lyder det fra HERREN, gør nøje, som jeg har budt dig!
Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the people of Pekod; put them to death and send destruction after them, says the Lord, and do everything I have given you orders to do.
22 Krigslarm lyder i Landet, alt bryder sammen.
There is a sound of war in the land and of great destruction.
23 Hvor er dog al Jordens Hammer knækket og brudt, hvor er dog Babel blevet til Rædsel blandt Folkene!
How is the hammer of all the earth cut in two and broken! how has Babylon become a waste among the nations!
24 Jeg lagde dig Snarer, du fangedes, Babel, og mærked det ej; du grebes, og fast blev du holdt, thi du kæmped mod HERREN.
I have put a net for you, and you have been taken, O Babylon, without your knowledge: you have been uncovered and taken because you were fighting against the Lord.
25 HERREN lukked op for sit Forraad og fremtog sin Vredes Værktøj. Thi et Værk har Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, for i Kaldæernes Land.
From his store-house the Lord has taken the instruments of his wrath: for the Lord, the Lord of armies, has a work to do in the land of the Chaldaeans.
26 Træng derind fra Ende til anden, luk op for dets Lader, dyng det op som Neg og læg Band derpaa, lad intet levnes.
Come up against her one and all, let her store-houses be broken open: make her into a mass of stones, give her to the curse, till there is nothing of her to be seen.
27 ødelæg alle dets Okser, før dem ned til Slagtning! Ve dem, deres Dag er kommet, Hjemsøgelsens Tid.
Put all her oxen to the sword; let them go down to death: sorrow is theirs, for their day has come, the time of their punishment.
28 Hør, hvor de flyr og redder sig fra Babels Land for at melde i Zion om Hævnen fra HERREN vor Gud, Hævn for hans Helligdom.
The voice of those who are in flight, who have got away safe from the land of Babylon, to give news in Zion of punishment from the Lord our God, even payment for his Temple.
29 Kald Skytterne sammen mod Babel, enhver, som spænder Bue, slaa Ring omkring det, lad ingen faa Lov at slippe; gengæld det efter dets Gerning; efter alt, hvad det gjorde, skal I gøre imod det; thi Frækhed viste det mod HERREN, Israels Hellige.
Send for the archers to come together against Babylon, all the bowmen; put up your tents against her on every side; let no one get away: give her the reward of her work; as she has done, so do to her: for she has been uplifted in pride against the Lord, against the Holy One of Israel.
30 Derfor falder dets Ynglinge paa dets Torve, alle Krigsfolkene omkommer paa hin Dag, lyder det fra HERREN.
For this cause her young men will be falling in her streets, and all her men of war will be cut off in that day, says the Lord.
31 Se, jeg kommer over dig, »Frækhed«, lyder det fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, thi hin Dag er kommet, Hjemsøgelsens Tid.
See, I am against you, O pride, says the Lord, the Lord of armies, for your day has come, the time when I will send punishment on you.
32 Da falder »Frækhed« og styrter, og ingen rejser det. Jeg sætter Ild paa dets Byer, og den fortærer alt deromkring.
And pride will go with uncertain steps and have a fall, and there will be no one to come to his help: and I will put a fire in his towns, burning up everything round about him.
33 Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE: Baade med Israeliterne og Judæerne er der handlet ilde; alle de, der bortførte dem, holder fast paa dem, vægrer sig ved at give dem fri.
This is what the Lord of armies has said: The children of Israel and the children of Judah are crushed down together: all those who took them prisoner keep them in a tight grip; they will not let them go.
34 Deres Genløser er stærk, Hærskarers HERRE er hans Navn; han vil føre deres Strid og give Jorden Ro og Babels Indbyggere Uro.
Their saviour is strong; the Lord of armies is his name: he will certainly take up their cause, so that he may give rest to the earth and trouble to the people of Babylon.
35 Sværd over Kaldæerne, lyder det fra HERREN, og over Babels Indbyggere, over dets Fyrster og Vismænd!
A sword is on the Chaldaeans, says the Lord, and on the people of Babylon, and on her rulers and on her wise men.
36 Sværd over Sandsigerne, saa de bliver Taaber! Sværd over dets Helte, saa de taber Modet!
A sword is on the men of pride, and they will become foolish: a sword is on her men of war, and they will be broken.
37 Sværd over dets Heste og Vogne og over alt det blandede Slæng i dets Midte, saa de bliver til Kvinder! Sværd over dets Skatte, saa de plyndres!
A sword is on all the mixed people in her, and they will become like women: a sword is on her store-houses, and they will be taken by her attackers.
38 Tørke over dets Vande, saa de tørres ud! Thi det er et Land for Gudebilleder, og de gør sig til af dem, de frygter.
A sword is on her waters, drying them up; for it is a land of images, and their minds are fixed on false gods.
39 Derfor skal Ørkendyr bo der sammen med Sjakaler, ogsaa Strudse skal bo der; aldrig mer skal det bebos, men være ubeboet fra Slægt til Slægt.
For this reason the beasts of the waste land with the wolves will make their holes there and the ostriches will be living in it: never again will men be living there, it will be unpeopled from generation to generation.
40 Som det gik, da Gud omstyrtede Sodoma og Gomorra og Nabobyerne, lyder det fra HERREN, skal intet Menneske bo der, intet Menneskebarn dvæle der.
As when Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbouring towns were overturned by God, says the Lord, so no man will be living in it, and no son of man will have a resting-place there.
41 Se, der kommer et Folk fra Nord, et vældigt Folk og mange Konger bryder op fra det yderste af Jorden.
See, a people is coming from the north; a great nation and a number of kings will be put in motion from the inmost parts of the earth.
42 De fører Bue og Spyd, er grumme uden Barmhjertighed, deres Røst er som Havets Brusen, de rider paa Heste, rustet som en Mand til Strid mod dig, Babels Datter!
Bows and spears are in their hands; they are cruel and have no mercy; their voice is like the thunder of the sea, and they go on horses; everyone in his place like men going to the fight, against you, O daughter of Babylon.
43 Babels Konge hørte Rygtet derom, og hans Hænder blev slappe, Rædsel greb ham, Skælven som den fødende Kvindes.
The king of Babylon has had news of them, and his hands have become feeble: trouble has come on him and pain like the pain of a woman in childbirth.
44 Som en Løve, der fra Jordans Stolthed skrider op til den stedsegrønne Græsgang, saaledes vil jeg i et Nu drive dem bort derfra. Thi hvem er den udvalgte, jeg vil sætte over dem? Thi hvem er min Lige, og hvem kræver mig til Regnskab? Hvem er den Hyrde, der staar sig mod mig?
See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make them go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will keep his place before me?
45 Hør derfor det Raad, HERREN har for mod Babel, og de Tanker, han har tænkt mod Kaldæernes Land: Visselig skal Hjordens ringeste slæbes bort, visselig skal deres Græsgang forfærdes over dem.
So give ear to the decision of the Lord which he has made against Babylon, and to his purposes designed against the land of the Chaldaeans; Truly, they will be pulled away by the smallest of the flock; truly, he will make waste their fields with them.
46 Ved Raabet: »Babel er indtaget!« skal Jorden skælve, og deres Skrig skal høres blandt Folkene.
At the cry, Babylon is taken! the earth is shaking, and the cry comes to the ears of the nations.

< Jeremias 50 >