< Jeremias 21 >

1 Det Ord, som kom til Jeremias fra HERREN, da Kong Zedekias sendte Pasjhur, Malkijas Søn, og Præsten Zefanja, Ma'asejas Søn, til ham og lod sige:
The word that has been to Jeremiah from YHWH, in King Zedekiah’s sending to him Pashhur son of Malchiah and Zephaniah son of Maaseiah the priest, saying,
2 »Raadspørg HERREN for os, thi Kong Nebukadrezar af Babel angriber os; maaske vil HERREN handle med os efter alle sine Undergerninger, saa Nebukadrezar drager bort fra os.«
“Please inquire of YHWH for us, for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has fought against us; perhaps YHWH deals with us according to all His wonders, and causes him to go up from off us.”
3 Jeremias svarede dem: »Sig til Zedekias:
And Jeremiah says to them, “Thus you say to Zedekiah,
4 Saa siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Se, Vaabnene i eders Haand, med hvilke I uden for Muren kæmper mod Babels Konge og Kaldæerne, der belejrer eder, dem driver jeg tilbage og samler dem midt i denne By;
Thus said YHWH, God of Israel: Behold, I am turning around the weapons of battle That [are] in your hand, With which you fight the king of Babylon, And the Chaldeans, who are laying siege against you, At the outside of the wall, And I have gathered them into the midst of this city,
5 og jeg vil selv kæmpe mod eder med udrakt Haand og stærk Arm, i Vrede og Harme og stor Fortørnelse;
And I have fought against you, With an outstretched hand, and with a strong arm, And in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath,
6 og jeg slaar denne Bys Indbyggere, ja baade Folk og Fæ, med voldsom Pest, saa de dør.
And I have struck the inhabitants of this city, Both man and beast, They die by a great pestilence.
7 Og siden, lyder det fra HERREN, giver jeg Kong Zedekias af Juda og hans Tjenere og Folket, der levnes i denne By af Pesten, Sværdet og Hungeren, i Kong Nebukadrezar af Babels og i deres Fjenders Haand, og i deres Haand, som staar dem efter Livet; de skal hugge dem ned med Sværdet, og jeg vil ikke ynkes over dem eller vise Skaansel eller Barmhjertighed!«
And after this,” A declaration of YHWH, “I give Zedekiah king of Judah, And his servants, and the people, And those left in this city, From the pestilence, from the sword, and from the famine, Into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, And into the hand of their enemies, And into the hand of those seeking their life, And he has struck them by the mouth of the sword, He has no pity on them, Nor does he spare, nor does he have mercy.”
8 Og sig til dette Folk: »Saa siger HERREN: Se, jeg forelægger eder Livets Vej og Dødens Vej.
“And you say to this people, Thus said YHWH: Behold, I am setting before you the way of life, And the way of death!
9 Den, som bliver i denne By, skal dø ved Sværd, Hunger og Pest; men den, som gaar ud og overgiver sig til Kaldæerne, der belejrer eder, skal leve og vinde sit Liv som Bytte,
Whoever is abiding in this city—dies, By sword, and by famine, and by pestilence, And whoever is going forth, And has fallen to the Chaldeans, Who are laying siege against you—lives, And his life has been for a spoil to him.
10 Thi jeg retter mit Aasyn mod denne By til Ulykke og ikke til Lykke, lyder det fra HERREN; i Babels Konges Haand skal den gives, og han skal opbrænde den med Ild.«
For I have set My face against this city for calamity, And not for good,” A declaration of YHWH. “It is given into the hand of the king of Babylon, And he has burned it with fire.
11 Og sig til Judas Konges Hus: Hør HERRENS Ord,
And as for the house of the king of Judah,” Hear a word of YHWH;
12 Davids Hus! Saa siger HERREN: Hold aarle retfærdig Dom, fri den, som er plyndret, af Voldsmandens Haand, at ikke min Vrede slaar ud som Ild og brænder, saa ingen kan slukke, for eders onde Gerningers Skyld.
O house of David, thus said YHWH: “Decide judgment in the morning, And deliver the plundered from the hand of the oppressor, Lest My fury go forth as fire, And has burned, and none is quenching, Because of the evil of your doings.
13 Se, jeg kommer over dig, du By i Dalen, du Slettens Klippe, lyder det fra HERREN, I, som siger: »Hvo falder over os, hvo trænger ind i vore Boliger?«
Behold, I [am] against you,” A declaration of YHWH, “O inhabitant of the valley, rock of the plain, Who are saying, Who comes down against us? And who comes into our habitations?
14 Efter eders Gerningers Frugt hjemsøger jeg jer, lyder det fra HERREN; jeg sætter Ild paa dens Skov, den fortærer alt deromkring.
And I have laid a charge against you, According to the fruit of your doings,” A declaration of YHWH, “And I have kindled a fire in its forest, And it has consumed all its outskirts!”

< Jeremias 21 >