< Jeremias 13 >
1 Saaledes sagde HERREN til mig: »Gaa hen og køb dig et linned Bælte og bind det om din Lænd, lad det ikke komme i Vand!«
The LORD said to me, “Go, and buy yourself a linen belt, and put it on your waist, and do not put it in water.”
2 Og jeg købte Bæltet efter HERRENS Ord og bandt det om min Lænd.
So I bought a belt according to the LORD’s word, and put it on my waist.
3 Saa kom HERRENS Ord atter til mig saaledes:
The LORD’s word came to me the second time, saying,
4 »Tag Bæltet, du købte og har om Lænden, og gaa til Frat og gem det der i en Klipperevne!«
“Take the belt that you have bought, which is on your waist, and arise, go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a cleft of the rock.”
5 Og jeg gik hen og gemte det ved Frat, som HERREN bød.
So I went and hid it by the Euphrates, as the LORD commanded me.
6 Men lang Tid efter sagde HERREN til mig: »Gaa til Frat og hent Bæltet, jeg bød dig gemme der!«
After many days, the LORD said to me, “Arise, go to the Euphrates, and take the belt from there, which I commanded you to hide there.”
7 Og jeg gik til Frat og gravede Bæltet op, hvor jeg havde gemt det: og se, Bæltet var ødelagt og duede ikke til noget.
Then I went to the Euphrates, and dug, and took the belt from the place where I had hidden it; and behold, the belt was ruined. It was profitable for nothing.
8 Og HERRENS Ord kom til mig saaledes:
Then the LORD’s word came to me, saying,
9 Saa siger HERREN: Saaledes vil jeg ødelægge Judas og Jerusalems store Herlighed.
“The LORD says, ‘In this way I will ruin the pride of Judah, and the great pride of Jerusalem.
10 Dette onde Folk, som vægrer sig ved at høre mine Ord og vandrer i deres Hjertes Stivsind og holder sig til andre Guder og dyrker og tilbeder dem, skal blive som dette Bælte, der ikke duer til noget.
This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who walk in the stubbornness of their heart, and have gone after other gods to serve them and to worship them, will even be as this belt, which is profitable for nothing.
11 Thi som Bæltet slutter sig tæt til en Mands Lænd, saaledes har jeg sluttet hele Israels Hus og hele Judas Hus tæt til mig, lyder det fra HERREN, for at de skulde være mit Folk og blive mig til Navnkundighed, Pris og Ære; men de hørte ikke.
For as the belt clings to the waist of a man, so I have caused the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah to cling to me,’ says the LORD; ‘that they may be to me for a people, for a name, for praise, and for glory; but they would not hear.’
12 Og du skal sige til dette Folk: Saa siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Enhver Vindunk fyldes med Vin! Og siger de til dig: »Skulde vi ikke vide, at enhver Vindunk fyldes med Vin?«
“Therefore you shall speak to them this word: ‘The LORD, the God of Israel says, “Every container should be filled with wine.”’ They will tell you, ‘Do we not certainly know that every container should be filled with wine?’
13 saa svar dem: Saa siger HERREN: Se, jeg vil fylde alle dette Lands Indbyggere, Kongerne, der sidder paa Davids Trone, Præsterne, Profeterne og alle Jerusalems Borgere, saa de bliver drukne;
Then tell them, ‘The LORD says, “Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants of this land, even the kings who sit on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with drunkenness.
14 og jeg knuser dem mod hinanden, baade Fædre og Sønner, lyder det fra HERREN; uden Skaansel, Medynk og Barmhjertighed ødelægger jeg dem.
I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together,” says the LORD: “I will not pity, spare, or have compassion, that I should not destroy them.”’”
15 Hør og lyt uden Hovmod, thi HERREN taler.
Hear, and give ear. Do not be proud, for the LORD has spoken.
16 Lad HERREN eders Gud faa Ære, før det mørkner, før I støder eders Fødder paa Skumringsbjerge, saa I maa bie paa Lys, men han gør det til Mulm, han gør det til Mørke.
Give glory to the LORD your God, before he causes darkness, and before your feet stumble on the dark mountains, and while you look for light, he turns it into the shadow of death, and makes it deep darkness.
17 Men dersom I ikke hører, da græder min Sjæl i Løn for Hovmodets Skyld, den fælder saa bitre Taarer; mit Øje rinder med Graad, thi HERRENS Hjord føres bort.
But if you will not hear it, my soul will weep in secret for your pride. My eye will weep bitterly, and run down with tears, because the LORD’s flock has been taken captive.
18 Sig til Kongen og til Herskerinden: »Tag lavere Sæde, thi af eders Hoved faldt den dejlige Krone.«
Say to the king and to the queen mother, “Humble yourselves. Sit down, for your crowns have come down, even the crown of your glory.
19 Sydlandets Byer er lukkede, ingen lukker op, hele Juda er bortført til sidste Mand.
The cities of the South are shut up, and there is no one to open them. Judah is carried away captive: all of them. They are wholly carried away captive.
20 Løft dine Øjne og se dem komme fra Nord! Hvor er den Hjord, du fik, dine dejlige Faar?
Lift up your eyes, and see those who come from the north. Where is the flock that was given to you, your beautiful flock?
21 Hvad vil du sige, naar du faar dem til Herrer, hvem du lærte at komme til dig som Venner? Vil ikke Veer da gribe dig som Kvinde i Barnsnød?
What will you say when he sets over you as head those whom you have yourself taught to be friends to you? Will not sorrows take hold of you, as of a woman in travail?
22 Og siger du i dit Hjerte: »Hvi hændtes mig dette?« For din svare Skyld blev dit Slæb løftet op, dine Hæle skændet.
If you say in your heart, “Why have these things come on me?” Your skirts are uncovered because of the greatness of your iniquity, and your heels suffer violence.
23 Hvis en Neger kunde skifte sin Hud, en Panter sine Striber, saa kunde og I gøre godt, I Mestre i ondt!
Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good, who are accustomed to do evil.
24 Jeg spreder dem som Straa, der flyver for Ørkenens Vind;
“Therefore I will scatter them as the stubble that passes away by the wind of the wilderness.
25 det er din Lod, din tilmaalte Del fra mig, saa lyder det fra HERREN, fordi du lod mig gaa ad Glemme og stoled paa Løgn.
This is your lot, the portion measured to you from me,” says the LORD, “because you have forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.”
26 Ja, dit Slæb slaar jeg over dit Ansigt, din Skam skal ses,
Therefore I will also uncover your skirts on your face, and your shame will appear.
27 dit Ægteskabsbrud og din Vrinsken, din skamløse Utugt; paa Højene og ude paa Marken saa jeg dine væmmelige Guder. Ve dig, Jerusalem, du bliver ej ren — hvor længe endnu?
I have seen your abominations, even your adulteries and your neighing, the lewdness of your prostitution, on the hills in the field. Woe to you, Jerusalem! You will not be made clean. How long will it yet be?”