< Esajas 61 >

1 Den Herre HERRENS Aand er over mig, fordi han salvede mig; han sendte mig med Glædesbud til ydmyge, med Lægedom for sønderbrudte Hjerter, for at udraabe Frihed for Fanger og Udgang for dem, som er bundet,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the meek, so as to heal the contrite of heart, to preach leniency to captives and release to the confined,
2 udraabe et Naadeaar fra HERREN, en Hævnens Dag fra vor Gud, for at trøste alle, som sørger,
and so to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vindication of our God: to console all who are mourning,
3 give dem, som sørger i Zion, Højtidspragt for Sørgedragt, for Sørgeklædning Glædens Olie, Lovsang for modløst Sind. Man kalder dem Retfærds Ege, HERRENS Plantning til hans Ære.
to take up the mourners of Zion and to give them a crown in place of ashes, an oil of joy in place of mourning, a cloak of praise in place of a spirit of grief. And there, they shall be called the strong ones of justice, the planting of the Lord, unto glorification.
4 De skal bygge paa ældgamle Tomter, rejse Fortidsruiner, genopbygge nedbrudte Byer, der fra Slægt til Slægt laa i Grus.
And they will rebuild the deserted places of past ages, and they will raise up the ruins of antiquity, and they will repair the desolate cities, which had been dissipated for generation after generation.
5 Fremmede skal staa og vogte eders Smaakvæg, Udlændinge slide paa Mark og i Vingaard.
And foreigners will stand up and will pasture your flocks. And the sons of sojourners will be your farmers and the workers of your vineyards.
6 Men I skal kaldes HERRENS Præster, vor Guds Tjenere være eders Navn. Af Folkenes Gods skal I leve, deres Herlighed faar I til Eje.
But you yourselves will be called the priests of the Lord. It will be said to you, “You are the ministers of our God.” You will eat from the strength of the Gentiles, and you will pride yourself on their glory.
7 Fordi de fik tvefold Skændsel, og Spot og Spyt var deres Lod, faar de tvefold Arv i deres Land, dem tilfalder evig Glæde;
Instead of your double confusion and shame, they will praise their portion. Because of this, they will possess double in their land. Everlasting joy will be for them.
8 thi jeg elsker Ret, jeg, HERREN, jeg hader forbryderisk Rov. Jeg giver dem Løn i Trofasthed og slutter med dem en evig Pagt.
For I am the Lord, who loves judgment and who holds hatred for robbery within a burnt offering. And I will turn their work into truth, and I will forge a perpetual covenant with them.
9 Deres Æt skal kendes blandt Folkene, deres Afkom ude blandt Folkeslag; alle, der ser dem, skal kende dem som Slægten, HERREN velsigner.
And they will know their offspring among the nations, and their progeny in the midst of the peoples. All who see them will recognize them: that these are the offspring whom the Lord has blessed.
10 Jeg vil glæde mig højlig i HERREN, min Sjæl skal juble i min Gud; thi han klædte mig i Frelsens Klæder, hylled mig i Retfærds Kappe, som en Brudgom, der binder sit Hovedbind, som Bruden, der fæster sine Smykker.
I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, and my soul will exult in my God. For he has clothed me with the vestments of salvation, and he has wrapped me in the clothing of justice, like a groom arrayed with a crown, and like a bride adorned with her jewels.
11 Thi som Spiren gror af Jorden, som Sæd spirer frem i en Have, saa lader den Herre HERREN Retfærd gro og Lovsang for al Folkenes Øjne.
For as the earth brings forth its seedlings and the garden produces its seeds, so will the Lord God bring forth justice and praise in the sight of all the nations.

< Esajas 61 >