< Esajas 3 >

1 Thi se, Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, fratager Jerusalem og Juda støtte og Stav, hver Støtte af Brød og hver støtte af vand:
For, behold, the Lord, GOD of Hosts, takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah supply and support, the whole supply of bread, and the whole supply of water;
2 Helt og Krigsmand, Dommer og Profet, Spaamand og Ældste,
the mighty man, the man of war, the judge, the prophet, the diviner, the elder,
3 Halvhundredfører og Stormand, Raadsherre og Haandværksmester og den, der er kyndig i Trolddom.
the captain of fifty, the honorable man, the counselor, the skilled craftsman, and the clever enchanter.
4 Jeg giver dem Drenge til Øverster, Drengekaadhed skal herske over dem.
I will give boys to be their princes, and children shall rule over them.
5 I Folket undertrykker den ene den anden, hver sin Næste; Dreng sætter sig op imod Olding, Usling mod Hædersmand.
The people will be oppressed, everyone by another, and everyone by his neighbor. The child will behave himself proudly against the old man, and the wicked against the honorable.
6 Naar da en Mand tager fat paa en anden i hans Fædrenehus og siger: »Du har en Kappe, du skal være vor Hersker, under dig skal dette faldefærdige Rige staa!«
Indeed a man shall take hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying, “You have clothing, you be our ruler, and let this ruin be under your hand.”
7 saa svarer han paa hin Dag: »Jeg vil ikke være Saarlæge! Jeg har hverken Brød eller Klæder i Huset, gør ikke mig til Folkets Overhoved!«
In that day he will cry out, saying, “I will not be a healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing. You shall not make me ruler of the people.”
8 Thi Jerusalem snubler, og Juda falder, fordi de med Tunge og Gerning er mod HERREN i Trods mod hans Herligheds Øjne.
For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen; because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory.
9 Deres Ansigtsudtryk vidner imod dem; de kundgør deres Synd som Sodoma, dølger intet. Ve deres Sjæl, de styrted sig selv i Vaade.
The look of their faces testify against them. They parade their sin like Sodom. They don’t hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have brought disaster upon themselves.
10 Salige de retfærdige, dem gaar det godt, deres Gerningers Frugt skal de nyde;
Tell the righteous that it will be well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their deeds.
11 ve den gudløse, ham gaar det ilde; han faar, som hans Hænder har gjort.
Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them, for the deeds of their hands will be paid back to them.
12 Mit Folk har en Dreng ved Styret, og over det hersker Kvinder. Dine Ledere, mit Folk, leder vild, gør Vejen, du vandrer, vildsom.
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. My people, those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths.
13 Til Rettergang er HERREN traadt frem, han staar og vil dømme sit Folk.
The LORD stands up to contend, and stands to judge the peoples.
14 HERREN møder til Doms med de Ældste i sit Folk og dets Fyrster: »Det er jer, som gnaved Vingaarden af, I har Rov fra den arme til Huse.
The LORD will enter into judgment with the elders of his people and their leaders: “It is you who have eaten up the vineyard. The plunder of the poor is in your houses.
15 Hvor kan I træde paa mit Folk og male de arme sønder?« saa lyder det fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE.
What do you mean that you crush my people, and grind the face of the poor?” says the Lord, GOD of Hosts.
16 HERREN siger: Eftersom Zions Døtre bryster sig og gaar med knejsende Nakke og kælne Blikke, gaar med trippende Gang og med raslende Ankelkæder —
Moreover the LORD said, “Because the daughters of Zion are arrogant, and walk with outstretched necks and flirting eyes, walking daintily as they go, jingling ornaments on their feet;
17 gør Herren Issen skaldet paa Zions Døtre og blotter deres Tindingers Lokker.
therefore the Lord brings sores on the crown of the head of the women of Zion, and the LORD will make their scalps bald.”
18 Paa hin Dag afriver Herren al deres Pynt: Ankelringe, Pandebaand, Halvmaaner,
In that day the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, the headbands, the crescent necklaces,
19 Perler, Armbaand, Flor,
the earrings, the bracelets, the veils,
20 Hovedsmykker, Ankelkæder, Bælter, Lugtedaaser, Trylleringe,
the headdresses, the ankle chains, the sashes, the perfume containers, the charms,
21 Fingerringe, Næseringe,
the signet rings, the nose rings,
22 Festklæder, Underdragter, Sjaler, Tasker,
the fine robes, the capes, the cloaks, the purses,
23 Spejle, Lin, Hovedbaand og Slør.
the hand mirrors, the fine linen garments, the tiaras, and the shawls.
24 For Vellugt kommer der Stank, i Stedet for Bælte Reb, for Fletninger skaldet Isse, for Stadsklæder Sæk om Hofte, for Skønhedsmærke Brændemærke.
It shall happen that instead of sweet spices, there shall be rottenness; instead of a belt, a rope; instead of well set hair, baldness; instead of a robe, a wearing of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty.
25 Dine Mænd skal falde for Sværd, dit unge Mandskab i Strid.
Your men shall fall by the sword, and your mighty in the war.
26 Hendes Porte skal sukke og klage og hun sidde ensom paa Jorden.
Her gates shall lament and mourn. She shall be desolate and sit on the ground.

< Esajas 3 >