< Esajas 13 >

1 Et Udsagn om Babel, som Esajas, Amoz's Søn skuede:
The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw:
2 Rejs Banner paa et nøgent Bjerg, raab ogsaa til dem, vink, saa de drager igennem Fyrsternes Porte!
Set up a banner on the bare mountain. Lift up your voice to them. Wave your hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.
3 Jeg har opbudt min viede Hær til at tjene min Vrede og kaldt mine Helte hid, de jublende, stolte.
I have commanded my consecrated ones; I have also called my mighty men to carry out my anger, my proudly exulting ones.
4 Hør i Bjergene Larm som af talrigt Krigsfolk, hør, hvor det buldrer af Riger, af samlede Folk! Hærskarers HERRE er ved at mønstre sin Krigshær.
The noise of a multitude is in the mountains, as of a great people; the noise of an uproar of the kingdoms of the nations gathered together. Jehovah of hosts is mustering the army for the battle.
5 De kommer fra fjerne Egne, fra Himlens Grænse, HERREN og hans Vredes Værktøj for at hærge al Jorden.
They come from a far country, from the uttermost part of heaven, even Jehovah, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.
6 Jamrer, thi HERRENS Dag er nær, den kommer som Vold fra den Vældige.
Wail; for the day of Jehovah is at hand. It will come as destruction from Shaddai.
7 Derfor slappes hver Haand, hvert Menneskehjerte smelter,
Therefore all hands will be feeble, and everyone's heart will melt.
8 de ræddes, gribes af Veer og Smerter, vaander sig som fødende Kvinde; de stirrer i Angst paa hverandre med blussende røde Kinder.
They will be dismayed. Pangs and sorrows will seize them. They will be in pain like a woman in labor. They will look in amazement one at another. Their faces will be faces of flame.
9 Se, HERRENS Dag kommer, grum, med Harme og brændende Vrede; Jorden gør den til Ørk og rydder dens Synder bort.
Look, the day of Jehovah comes, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger; to make the land a desolation, and to destroy its sinners out of it.
10 Thi Himlens Stjerner og Billeder udstraaler ej deres Lys, mørk rinder Solen op, og Maanen skinner ikke.
For the stars of the sky and its constellations will not give their light. The sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine.
11 Jeg hjemsøger Jorden for dens Ondskab, de gudløse for deres Brøde, gør Ende paa frækkes Overmod, bøjer Voldsmænds Hovmod.
I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will humble the haughtiness of the terrible.
12 En Mand gør jeg sjældnere end Guld og et Menneske end Ofirs Guld.
I will make people more rare than fine gold, even a person than the pure gold of Ophir.
13 Derfor bæver Himlen, og Jorden flytter sig skælvende ved Hærskarers HERRES Harme paa hans brændende Vredes Dag.
Therefore I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place in the wrath of Jehovah of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
14 Og som en skræmt Gazel, som Faar, der ej holdes i Flok, skal hver søge hjem til sit Folk, og hver skal fly til sit Land.
It will happen that like a hunted gazelle, and like sheep that no one gathers, they will each turn to their own people, and will each flee to their own land.
15 Enhver, der indhentes, spiddes, enhver, der gribes, falder for Sværdet;
Everyone who is found will be thrust through. Everyone who is captured will fall by the sword.
16 deres spæde knuses for deres Øjne, Husene plyndres, Kvinderne skændes.
Their infants also will be dashed in pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be ransacked, and their wives raped.
17 Se, imod dem rejser jeg Mederne, som agter Sølv for intet og ej regner Guld for noget.
Look, I will stir up the Medes against them, who will not value silver, and as for gold, they will not delight in it.
18 Deres Buer fælder de unge, Livsfrugt skaaner de ej, med Børn har deres Øjne ej Medynk.
Their bows will dash the young men in pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb. Their eyes will not spare children.
19 Det gaar med Babel, Rigernes Krone, Kaldæernes stolte Pryd, som dengang Gud omstyrtede Sodoma og Gomorra.
Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' pride, will be like when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 Det skal aldrig i Evighed bebos, ej bebygges fra Slægt til Slægt; der telter Araberen ikke, der lejrer Hyrder sig ej;
It will never be inhabited, neither will it be lived in from generation to generation. The Arabian will not pitch a tent there, neither will shepherds make their flocks lie down there.
21 men Vildkatte lejrer sig der, og Husene fyldes med Ugler; der holder Strudsene til, og Bukketroldene springer;
But wild animals of the desert will lie there, and their houses will be full of jackals. Ostriches will dwell there, and wild goats will frolic there.
22 Sjakaler tuder i Borgene, Hyæner i de yppige Slotte. Dets Time stunder nu til, dets Dage bliver ej mange.
Wolves will cry in their fortresses, and jackals in the pleasant palaces. Her time is near to come, and her days will not be prolonged.

< Esajas 13 >