< Hoseas 5 >

1 Hører dette, I Præster, lyt til du Israels Hus, laan Øre, du Kongehus, thi eder gælder Dommen. Thi I blev en Snare for Mizpa, et Garn bredt ud over Tabor,
Hear this, O ye priests; and listen well, O ye house of Israel; and give ye ear, O house of the king; for the punishment threateneth you; because ye have been a snare on Mizpah, and a net spread out upon Thabor.
2 en dyb Faldgrube i Sjittim; men jeg er en Lænke for alle.
And for murdering they who had rebelled [against God] concealed themselves in deep places; but I will inflict correction on them all.
3 Efraim kender jeg, ej skjult er Israel for mig; thi du har bolet, Efraim, uren er Israel blevet.
I well know Ephraim, and Israel is not hidden from me; for now, O Ephraim, hast thou played the harlot, [and] Israel is defiled.
4 Deres Gerninger tillader ikke, at de vender sig til deres Gud; thi Horeaand har de i sig, HERREN kender de ej.
Their doings will not permit them to return unto their God; for the spirit of lewdness is in their bosom, and the Lord they have not known.
5 Mod Israel vidner dets Hovmod; Efraim styrter for sin Brøde, med dem skal og Juda styrte.
Therefore shall the pride of Israel be humbled before his face: and Israel and Ephraim shall stumble in their iniquity; Judah also shall stumble with them.
6 Da gaar de med Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg hen for at søge HERREN; men ham skal de ikke finde, thi bort fra dem vil han vige.
With their flocks and with their herds will they go to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him: he hath withdrawn himself from them.
7 Troløse var de mod HERREN, thi uægte Børn har de født; nu vil han opsluge dem, Plovmand sammen med Mark.
Against the Lord have they dealt treacherously; for strange children have they begotten: now shall one month devour them together with their possessions.
8 Lad Hornet gjalde i Gibea, Trompeten i Rama, opløft Raab i Bet-Aven, Benjamin, var dig!
Blow ye the cornet in Gib'ah, the trumpet in Ramah: blow the alarm at Beth-aven, [The enemy is] after thee, O Benjamin.
9 Til Ørk skal Efraim blive paa Straffens Dag. Jeg kundgør om Israels Stammer, hvad sikkert skal ske.
Ephraim shall be made desolate on the day of chastisement: among the tribes of Israel had I made known that which is true.
10 Som Folk, der flytter Skel, blev Judas Fyrster, over dem vil jeg øse min Harme som Vand.
The princes of Judah were like those that remove the landmark: my wrath, therefore, will I pour out upon them like water.
11 Efraim er undertrykt, Retten knust; frivilligt løb han efter Fjenden.
Oppressed is Ephraim, broken through punishment; because he willingly walked after the commandment [of false prophets].
12 Jeg er som Møl for Efraim, Edder for Judas Hus.
But like the moth became I unto Ephraim, and like rottenness to the house of Judah.
13 Da Efraim mærked sin Sygdom og Juda mærked sin Byld, gik Efraim hen til Assur, Storkongen sendte han Bud. Men han kan ej give jer Helse, han læger ej eders Byld.
Then saw Ephraim his sickness, and Judah his wound, and Ephraim went to Asshur, and [the other] sent to the king that should contend [[Jareb]]; but he will never be able to heal you, nor remove from you your wound.
14 Thi jeg er som en Løve for Efraim, en Løveunge for Judas Hus; jeg, jeg river sønder og gaar, slæber bort, og ingen redder.
For I am as a lion unto Ephraim, and as a young lion to the house of Judah: I, even I myself will tear in pieces and go away; I will bear away, and none shall deliver.
15 Jeg gaar til mit sted igen, indtil de bøder for Skylden og søger frem for mit Aasyn, søger mig i deres Trængsel.
I will go [from here, and] return to my place, till they acknowledge their guilt, and seek my presence: in their affliction will they seek for me.

< Hoseas 5 >