< 1 Mosebog 50 >

1 Da kastede Josef sig over sin Faders Ansigt, græd og kyssede ham;
Then Ioseph fell vpon his fathers face and wept vpon him, and kissed him.
2 og Josef befalede de lægekyndige blandt sine Tjenere at balsamere hans Fader, og Lægerne balsamerede Israel.
And Ioseph commanded his seruantes the physicions, to enbaume his father, and the physicions enbaumed Israel.
3 Dermed gik fyrretyve Dage, thi saa lang Tid tager Balsameringen: og Ægypterne begræd ham i halvfjerdsindstyve Dage.
So fourtie dayes were accomplished (for so long did the dayes of them that were enbaumed last) and the Egyptians bewayled him seuentie dayes.
4 Da Grædetiden var omme, sagde Josef til Faraos Husfolk: »Hvis I har Godhed for mig, saa sig paa mine Vegne til Farao:
And when the dayes of his mourning were past, Ioseph spake to the house of Pharaoh, saying, If I haue nowe found fauour in your eyes, speake, I pray you, in the eares of Pharaoh, and say,
5 Min Fader tog mig i Ed, idet han sagde: Naar jeg er død, saa jord mig i den Grav, jeg lod mig grave i Kana'ans Land! Lad mig derfor drage op og jorde min Fader og saa vende tilbage hertil!«
My father made me sweare, saying, Loe, I die, bury me in my graue, which I haue made me in the land of Canaan: now therefore let me go, I pray thee, and bury my father, and I wil come againe.
6 Da sagde Farao: »Drag kun op og jord din Fader, som han har ladet dig sværge.«
Then Pharaoh said, Goe vp and bury thy father, as he made thee to sweare.
7 Saa drog Josef op for at jorde sin Fader, og med ham drog alle Faraos Tjenere, de ypperste i hans Hus og de ypperste i Ægypten,
So Ioseph went vp to bury his father, and with him went all the seruants of Pharaoh, both the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt.
8 hele Josefs Hus og hans Brødre og hans Faders Hus, kun deres Kvinder og Børn, Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg lod de blive tilbage i Gosen;
Likewise all the house of Ioseph, and his brethren, and his fathers house: onely their children, and their sheepe, and their cattell left they in the land of Goshen.
9 og med ham fulgte baade Stridsvogne og Ryttere, saa det blev en overmaade stor Karavane.
And there went vp with him both charets and horsemen: and they were an exceeding great company.
10 Da de kom til Goren-ha-atad hinsides Jordan, holdt de der en overmaade stor og højtidelig Dødeklage, og han fejrede Sørgefest for sin Fader i syv Dage.
And they came to Goren Atad, which is beyond Iorden, and there they made a great and exceeding sore lamentation: and he mourned for his father seuen dayes.
11 Men da Landets Indbyggere, Kana'anæerne, saa denne Sørgefest i Goren-ha-atad, sagde de: »Ægypterne holder en højtidelig Sørgefest.« Derfor gav man det Navnet Abel-Mizrajim; det ligger hinsides Jordan.
And when the Canaanites the inhabitants of the lande sawe the mourning in Goren Atad, they sayde, This is a great mourning vnto the Egyptians: wherefore the name thereof was called Abel Mizraim, which is beyond Iorden.
12 Og hans Sønner gjorde, som han havde paalagt dem;
So his sonnes did vnto him, according as he had commanded them:
13 hans Sønner førte ham til Kana'ans Land og jordede ham i Hulen paa Makpelas Mark, den Mark, som Abraham havde købt til Gravsted af Hetiten Efron over for Mamre.
For his sonnes caried him into the lande of Canaan, and buried him in the caue of the fielde of Machpelah, which caue Abraham bought with the fielde, to be a place to bury in, of Ephron the Hittite besides Mamre.
14 Efter at have jordet sin Fader vendte Josef tilbage til Ægypten med sine Brødre og alle dem, der var draget op med ham til hans Faders Jordefærd.
Then Ioseph returned into Egypt, he and his brethren, and al that went vp with him to bury his father, after that he had buried his father.
15 Da Josefs Brødre saa, at deres Fader var død, sagde de: »Blot nu ikke Josef vil vise sig fjendsk mod os og gengælde os alt det onde, vi har gjort ham!«
And when Iosephs brethren saw that their father was dead, they sayde, It may be that Ioseph will hate vs, and will pay vs againe all the euill, which we did vnto him.
16 Derfor sendte de Bud til Josef og sagde: »Din Fader paalagde os før sin Død
Therefore they sent vnto Ioseph, saying, Thy father commanded before his death, saying,
17 at sige til Josef: Tilgiv dog dine Brødres Brøde og Synd, thi de har gjort ondt imod dig! Saa tilgiv nu din Faders Guds Tjenere deres Brøde!« Da græd Josef over deres Ord til ham.
Thus shall ye say vnto Ioseph, Forgiue now, I pray thee, the trespasse of thy brethren, and their sinne: for they rewarded thee euil. And nowe, we pray thee, forgiue the trespasse of the seruants of thy fathers God. And Ioseph wept, when they spake vnto him.
18 Siden kom hans Brødre selv og faldt ham til Fode og sagde: »Se, vi vil være dine Trælle!«
Also his brethren came vnto him, and fell downe before his face, and sayde, Beholde, we be thy seruants.
19 Da sagde Josef til dem: »Frygt ikke, er jeg vel i Guds Sted?
To whome Ioseph sayde, Feare not: for am not I vnder God?
20 I tænkte ondt mod mig, men Gud tænkte at vende det til det gode for at gøre, hvad nu er sket, og holde mange Folk i Live;
When ye thought euill against mee, God disposed it to good, that he might bring to passe, as it is this day, and saue much people aliue.
21 frygt ikke, jeg vil sørge for eder og eders Kvinder og Børn!« Saaledes trøstede han dem og satte Mod i dem.
Feare not nowe therefore, I will nourish you, and your children: and hee comforted them, and spake kindly vnto them.
22 Josef blev nu i Ægypten, baade han og hans Faders Hus, og Josef blev 110 Aar gammel.
So Ioseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and his fathers house: and Ioseph liued an hundreth and tenne yeere.
23 Josef saa Børn i tredje Led af Efraim; ogsaa Børn af Manasses Søn Makir fødtes paa Josefs Knæ.
And Ioseph saw Ephraims children, euen vnto the third generation: also the sonnes of Machir the sonne of Manasseh were brought vp on Iosephs knees.
24 Derpaa sagde Josef til sine Brødre: »Jeg dør snart, men Gud vil se til eder og føre eder fra Landet her til det Land, han tilsvor Abraham, Isak og Jakob.«
And Ioseph sayd vnto his brethren, I am ready to dye, and God will surely visite you, and bring you out of this land, vnto ye land which hee sware vnto Abraham, vnto Izhak, and vnto Iaakob.
25 Og Josef tog Israels Sønner i Ed og sagde: »Naar Gud ser til eder, skal I føre mine Ben bort herfra!«
And Ioseph tooke an othe of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visite you, and ye shall cary my bones hence.
26 Josef døde 110 Aar gammel, og man balsamerede ham og lagde ham i Kiste i Ægypten.
So Ioseph died, when he was an hundreth and ten yere olde: and they enbaumed him and put him in a chest in Egypt.

< 1 Mosebog 50 >