< 1 Mosebog 40 >

1 Nogen Tid efter hændte det, at Ægypterkongens Mundskænk og Bager forbrød sig mod deres Herre Ægypterkongen,
And after these things, the butler of the King of Egypt and his baker offended their lorde the King of Egypt.
2 og Farao vrededes paa sine to Hofmænd, Overmundskænken og Overbageren,
And Pharaoh was angrie against his two officers, against the chiefe butler, and against the chiefe baker.
3 og lod dem sætte i Forvaring i Livvagtens Øverstes Hus, i samme Fængsel, hvor Josef sad fængslet;
Therefore he put them in ward in his chiefe stewardes house, in the prison and place where Ioseph was bound.
4 og Livvagtens Øverste gav dem Josef til Opvartning, og han gik dem til Haande. Da de nu havde været i Forvaring en Tid lang,
And the chiefe steward gaue Ioseph charge ouer them, and he serued them: and they continued a season in warde.
5 drømte Ægypterkongens Mundskænk og Bager, som sad i Fængselet, samme Nat hver sin Drøm med sin særlige Betydning.
And they both dreamed a dreame, eyther of them his dreame in one night, eche one according to the interpretation of his dreame, both the butler and the baker of the King of Egypt, which were bounde in the prison.
6 Da Josef om Morgenen kom ind til Faraos Hofmænd, der sammen med ham var i Forvaring i hans Herres Hus, og saa, at de var nedslaaede,
And when Ioseph came in vnto them in the morning, and looked vpon them, beholde, they were sad.
7 spurgte han dem: »Hvorfor ser I saa ulykkelige ud i Dag?«
And he asked Pharaohs officers, that were with him in his masters warde, saying, Wherefore looke ye so sadly to day?
8 Besvarede: »Vi har haft en Drøm, og her er ingen, som kan tyde den.« Da sagde Josef til dem: »Er det ikke Guds Sag at tyde Drømme? Fortæl mig det da!«
Who answered him, We haue dreamed, eche one a dreame, and there is none to interprete the same. Then Ioseph saide vnto them, Are not interpretations of God? tell them me nowe.
9 Saa fortalte Overmundskænken Josef sin Drøm og sagde: »Jeg saa i Drømme en Vinstok for mig;
So the chiefe butler tolde his dreame to Ioseph, and said vnto him, In my dreame, behold, a vine was before me,
10 paa Vinstokken var der tre Ranker, og næppe havde den sat Skud, før Blomsterne sprang ud, og Klaserne bar modne Druer;
And in the vine were three branches, and as it budded, her flowre came foorth: and the clusters of grapes waxed ripe.
11 og jeg havde Faraos Bæger i Haanden og tog Druerne og pressede dem i Faraos Bæger og rakte Farao det.«
And I had Pharaohs cup in mine hande, and I tooke the grapes, and wrung the into Pharaohs cup, and I gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand.
12 Da sagde Josef: »Det skal udtydes saaledes: De tre Ranker betyder tre Dage;
Then Ioseph sayde vnto him, This is the interpretation of it: The three braunches are three dayes.
13 om tre Dage skal Farao løfte dit Hoved og genindsætte dig i dit Embede, saa du atter rækker Farao Bægeret som før, da du var hans Mundskænk.
Within three dayes shall Pharaoh lift vp thine head, and restore thee vnto thine office, and thou shalt giue Pharaohs cup into his hand after the olde maner, when thou wast his butler.
14 Vilde du nu blot tænke paa mig, naar det gaar dig vel, og vise mig Godhed og omtale mig for Farao og saaledes hjælpe mig ud af dette Hus;
But haue me in remembrance with thee, when thou art in good case, and shew mercie, I pray thee, vnto me, and make mention of me to Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring me out of this house.
15 thi jeg er stjaalet fra Hebræernes Land og har heller ikke her gjort noget, de kunde sætte mig i Fængsel for.«
For I was stollen away by theft out of the land of the Ebrewes, and here also haue I done nothing, wherefore they should put mee in the dungeon.
16 Da nu Overbageren saa, at Josef gav Mundskænken en gunstig Tydning, sagde han til ham: »Jeg havde en lignende Drøm: Se, jeg bar tre Kurve Hvedebrød paa mit Hoved.
And when the chiefe baker sawe that the interpretation was good, hee saide vnto Ioseph, Also mee thought in my dreame that I had three white baskets on mine head.
17 I den øverste Kurv var der alle Haande Bagværk til Faraos Bord, men Fuglene aad det af Kurven paa mit Hoved!«
And in the vppermost basket there was of all maner baken meates for Pharaoh: and the birdes did eate them out of the basket vpon mine head.
18 Da sagde Josef: »Det skal udtydes saaledes: De tre Kurve betyder tre Dage;
Then Ioseph answered, and saide, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets are three dayes:
19 om tre Dage skal Farao løfte dit Hoved og hænge dig op paa en Pæl, og Fuglene skal æde Kødet af din Krop!«
Within three dayes shall Pharaoh take thine head from thee, and shall hang thee on a tree, and the birdes shall eate thy flesh from off thee.
20 Tre Dage efter, da det var Faraos Fødselsdag, gjorde han et Gæstebud for alle sine Tjenere, og da løftede han Overmundskænkens og Overbagerens, Hoveder iblandt sine Tjenere.
And so the third day, which was Pharaohs birthday, hee made a feast vnto all his seruants: and hee lifted vp the head of the chiefe butler, and the head of the chiefe baker among his seruants.
21 Overmundskænken genindsatte han i hans Embede, saa han atter rakte Farao Bægeret,
And he restored the chiefe butler vnto his butlershippe, who gaue the cup into Pharaohs hande,
22 og Overbageren lod han hænge, som Josef havde tydet det for dem.
But he hanged the chiefe baker, as Ioseph had interpreted vnto them.
23 Men Overmundskænken tænkte ikke paa Josef; han glemte ham.
Yet the chiefe butler did not remember Ioseph, but forgate him.

< 1 Mosebog 40 >