< 1 Mosebog 26 >

1 Da der opstod Hungersnød i Landet — en anden end den forrige paa Abrahams Tid — begav Isak sig til Filisterkongen Abimelek i Gerar.
There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude]. Isaac [Laughter] went to Abimelech [My father king] king of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)], to Gerar.
2 Og HERREN aabenbarede sig for ham og sagde: »Drag ikke ned til Ægypten, men bliv i det Land, jeg siger dig;
Adonai appeared to him, and said, “Don’t go down into Egypt [Abode of slavery]. Live in the land I will tell you about.
3 bo som fremmed i det Land, saa vil jeg være med dig og velsigne dig; thi dig og dit Afkom vil jeg give alle disse Lande og stadfæste den Ed, jeg tilsvor din Fader Abraham;
Live in this land, and I will be with you, and will bless you. For I will give to you, and to your offspring, all these lands, and I will establish the oath which I swore to Abraham [Father of a multitude] your father.
4 og jeg vil gøre dit Afkom talrigt som Himmelens Stjerner og give dit Afkom alle disse Lande, og i din Sæd skal alle Jordens Folk velsignes,
I will multiply your offspring as the stars of the sky, and will give all these lands to your offspring. By your seed, all the nations of the earth be blessed,
5 fordi Abraham adlød mine Ord og holdt sig mine Forskrifter efterrettelig, mine Bud, Anordninger og Love.«
because Abraham [Father of a multitude] sh'ma ·heard obeyed· my voice, and heeded what I told him to do— he followed my mitzvot ·instructions·, my regulations, and my torot ·teachings·.”
6 Saa blev Isak boende i Gerar.
Isaac [Laughter] lived in Gerar.
7 Da nu Mændene der paa Stedet forhørte sig om hans Hustru, sagde han: »Det er min Søster!« Thi han turde ikke sige, at hun var hans Hustru, af Frygt for at Mændene der paa Stedet skulde slaa ham ihjel for Rebekkas Skyld; thi hun var meget smuk.
The men of the place asked him about his wife. He said, “She is my sister,” for he was afraid to say, “My wife,” lest, he thought, “the men of the place might kill me for Rebekah [Securely bound], because she is beautiful to look at.”
8 Men da han havde boet der en Tid lang, hændte det, at Filisterkongen Abimelek lænede sig ud af Vinduet og saa Isak kærtegne sin Hustru Rebekka.
When he had been there a long time, Abimelech [My father king] king of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] looked out at a window, and saw, and, behold, Isaac [Laughter] was caressing Rebekah [Securely bound], his wife.
9 Saa lod Abimelek Isak kalde og sagde: »Hun er jo din Hustru; hvor kunde du da sige, at hun er din Søster« Isak svarede: »Jo, jeg tænkte: Jeg vil ikke udsætte mig for at miste Livet for hendes Skyld.«
Abimelech [My father king] called Isaac [Laughter], and said, “Behold, surely she is your wife. Why did you say, ‘She is my sister?’” Isaac [Laughter] said to him, “Because I said, ‘Lest I die because of her.’”
10 Men Abimelek sagde: »Hvad er det dog, du har gjort imod os! Hvor let kunde det ikke være sket, at en af Folket havde ligget hos din Hustru, og saa havde du bragt Skyld over os!«
Abimelech [My father king] said, “What is this you have done to us? One of the people might easily have lain with your wife, and you would have brought fault incurring guilt on us!”
11 Saa bød Abimelek alt Folket: »Hver den, der rører denne Mand eller hans Hustru, skal lide Døden.«
Abimelech [My father king] enjoined all the people, saying, “He who touches this man or his wife will surely be put to death.”
12 Isak saaede der i Landet og fik samme Aar 100 Fold; og HERREN velsignede ham,
Isaac [Laughter] sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year one hundred times what he planted. Adonai blessed him.
13 saa han blev en mægtig Mand og stadig gik frem, indtil han blev saare mægtig,
The man grew great, and grew more and more until he became very great.
14 og han havde Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg og Trælle i Mængde. Derover blev Filisterne skinsyge paa ham.
He had possessions of flocks, possessions of herds, and a great household. The Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] envied him.
15 Alle de Brønde, hans Faders Trælle havde gravet i hans Fader Abrahams Dage, kastede Filisterne til og fyldte dem med Jord;
Now all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his father, the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] had stopped, and filled with earth.
16 og Abimelek sagde til Isak: »Drag bort fra os, thi du er blevet os for stærk!«
Abimelech [My father king] said to Isaac [Laughter], “Go from us, for you are much mightier than we.”
17 Saa drog Isak bort og slog Lejr i Gerars Dal og bosatte sig der.
Isaac [Laughter] departed from there, encamped in the valley of Gerar, and lived there.
18 Men Isak lod atter de Brønde udgrave, som hans Fader Abrahams Trælle havde gravet, og som Filisterne havde tilkastet efter Abrahams Død, og gav dem de samme Navne, som hans Fader havde givet dem.
Isaac [Laughter] dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his father. For the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] had stopped them after the death of Abraham [Father of a multitude]. He called their names after the names by which his father had called them.
19 Da nu Isaks Trælle gravede i Dalen, stødte de paa en Brønd med rindende Vand;
Isaac [Laughter]’s servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water.
20 men Gerars Hyrder yppede Kiv med Isaks og sagde: »Dette Vand tilhører os!« Derfor kaldte han Brønden Esek, thi der stredes de med ham.
The herdsmen of Gerar argued with Isaac [Laughter]’s herdsmen, saying, “The water is ours.” He called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.
21 Saa flyttede han derfra og lod grave en ny Brønd; og da de ogsaa yppede Kiv om den, kaldte han den Sitna.
They dug another well, and they argued over that, also. He called its name Sitnah.
22 Saa flyttede han derfra og lod grave en ny Brønd; og da de ikke yppede Kiv om den, kaldte han den Rehobot, idet han sagde: »Nu har HERREN skaffet os Plads, saa vi kan blive talrige i Landet!«
He left that place, and dug another well. They didn’t argue over that one. He called it Rehoboth. He said, “For now Adonai has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land.”
23 Saa drog han derfra til Be'ersjeba.
He went up from there to Be'er-Sheva [Well of Seven, Well of an Oath].
24 Samme Nat aabenbarede HERREN sig for ham og sagde: »Jeg er din Fader Abrahams Gud; frygt ikke, thi jeg er med dig, og jeg vil velsigne dig og gøre dit Afkom talrigt for min Tjener Abrahams, Skyld!«
Adonai appeared to him the same night, and said, “I am the God of Abraham [Father of a multitude] your father. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you, and will bless you, and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham [Father of a multitude]’s sake.”
25 Da byggede Isak et Alter der og paakaldte HERRENS Navn; og der opslog han sit Telt, og hans Trælle gravede der en Brønd.
He built an altar there, and called on Adonai’s name, and pitched his tent there. There Isaac [Laughter]’s servants dug a well.
26 Imidlertid kom Abimelek til ham fra Gerar med sin Ven Ahuzzat og sin Hærfører Pikol.
Then Abimelech [My father king] went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath his friend, and Phicol the captain of his army.
27 Isak sagde til dem: »Hvorfor kommer I til mig, naar I dog hader mig og har jaget mig bort fra eder?«
Isaac [Laughter] said to them, “Why have you come to me, since you hate me, and have sent me away from you?”
28 Men de svarede: »Vi ser tydeligt, at HERREN er med dig, derfor har vi tænkt: Lad der blive et Edsforbund mellem os og dig, og lad os slutte en Pagt med dig,
They said, “We saw plainly that Adonai was with you. We said, ‘Let there now be an oath between us, even between us and you, and let us make a covenant ·binding contract between two or more parties· with you,
29 at du ikke vil gøre os noget ondt, ligesom vi ikke har voldet dig Men, men kun handlet vel imod dig og ladet dig fare i Fred; du er og bliver jo HERRENS velsignede!«
that you will do us no harm, as we have not touched you, and as we have done to you nothing but good, and have sent you away in peace.’ You are now the blessed of Adonai.”
30 Saa gjorde han et Gæstebud for dem, og de spiste og drak.
He made them a feast, and they ate and drank.
31 Næste Morgen svor de hinanden Eder, og derefter tog Isak Afsked med dem, og de drog bort i Fred.
They rose up some time in the morning, and swore to one another. Isaac [Laughter] sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.
32 Samme Dag kom Isaks Trælle og bragte ham Melding om den Brønd, de havde gravet, og sagde: »Vi har fundet Vand!«
The same day, Isaac [Laughter]’s servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had dug, and said to him, “We have found water.”
33 Saa kaldte han den Sjib'a; og derfor hedder Byen den Dag i Dag Be'ersjeba.
He called it Shibah. Therefore the name of the city is Be'er-Sheva [Well of Seven, Well of an Oath] to this day.
34 Da Esau var fyrretyve Aar gammel, tog han Judit, en Datter af Hetiten Be'eri, og Basemat, en Datter af Hetiten Elon, til Ægte.
When Esau [Hairy] was forty years old, he took as wife Judith, the daughter of Beeri the Hittite [Descendant of Trembling fear], and Basemath, the daughter of Elon the Hittite [Descendant of Trembling fear].
35 Det var Isak og Rebekka en Hjertesorg.
They grieved Isaac [Laughter]’s and Rebekah [Securely bound]’s spirits.

< 1 Mosebog 26 >