< Ezra 9 >

1 Men da alt dette var gjort, kom Øversterne til mig og sagde: »Folket, Israel og Præsterne og Leviterne, har ikke skilt sig ud fra Hedningerne eller fra deres Vederstyggeligheder, Kana'anæerne, Hetiterne, Perizziterne, Jebusiterne, Ammoniterne, Moabiterne, Ægypterne og Amoriterne;
Some time later, the Jewish leaders came to me and said, “Many Israelis, and even some priests and [other men who are] descendants of Levi [who work in the temple], have not kept themselves from [doing what] the other people who are living in this land [do]. They are practicing the detestable things that the Canaan, Heth, Periz, Jebus, Ammon, and Amor people-groups, and the people from Moab and Egypt do.
2 thi af deres Døtre har de taget sig selv og deres Sønner Hustruer, saa at den hellige Sæd har blandet sig med Hedningerne; og Øversterne og Forstanderne var de første til at øve denne Troløshed!«
[Specifically, some] Israeli men have married women who are not Israelis, and they have allowed their sons to do the same thing. So we, God’s sacred people, have become (contaminated/polluted in God’s sight). And some of our leaders and officials have been the first/worst ones to do this.”
3 Da jeg hørte den Tale, sønderrev jeg min Kjortel og min Kappe, rev Haar af mit Hoved og Skæg og satte mig hen i stum Smerte.
When I heard that, [I became very angry, with the result that] I tore my clothes and tore some hair from my head and from my beard. Then I sat down, very shocked/dismayed. [The Israelis knew that God had warned us that he would punish us if we disobeyed] what he had said to us [about marrying women who are not Israelis].
4 Da samlede sig omkring mig alle de, der bævede for Israels Guds Ord mod Troløsheden hos dem, der havde været i Landflygtighed; og jeg sad i stum Smerte til Aftenafgrødeofferets Tid.
[So] many of the Israelis trembled/were afraid when they heard that some of those who had returned from Babylonia had sinned by disobeying the God of us Israelis like that. They came and sat with me until it was time to offer the evening sacrifices [of grain].
5 Men ved Aftenafgrødeofferets Tid rejste jeg mig af min Selvydmygelse, og idet jeg sønderrev min Kjortel og min Kappe, kastede jeg mig paa Knæ og udbredte Hænderne til, HERREN min Gud
When it was time to offer those sacrifices, I was still sitting there, wearing those torn clothes and mourning/sad. I stood up, and then I quickly prostrated myself on the ground. I lifted up my hands to Yahweh, my God,
6 og sagde: »Min Gud, jeg skammer mig og blues ved at løfte mit Ansigt til dig, min Gud, thi vore Misgerninger er vokset os over Hovedet, og vor Skyld er saa stor, at den rækker til Himmelen!
and this is what I prayed: “Yahweh my God, I am very ashamed to raise my head in front of you. The sins that we Israelis have committed [are very great; it is as though they] have risen up higher than our heads, and our guilt [for committing those sins, it is as though it] rises up to the heavens.
7 Fra vore Fædres Tid indtil denne Dag har vor Skyld været stor, og for vore Misgerninger blev vi, vore Konger og Præster givet til Pris for Landenes Konger, for Sværd, Fangenskab, Udplyndring og Vanære, saaledes som det er den Dag i Dag.
Since the time that our ancestors lived until now, we have been very guilty. That is the reason that we and our kings and our priests have been defeated by [the armies of] the kings of other lands. They killed [some of our people], they captured [some], they robbed [some], and they [caused them all to be] disgraced, just like we are today.
8 Og nu er der en føje Stund blevet os Naade til Del fra HERREN vor Gud, idet han har ladet os beholde en undsluppet Rest og givet os at slaa vor Teltpæl paa sit hellige Sted, for at vor Gud kan lade vore Øjne lyse og give os en Smule Livskraft i vor Trældom;
“But now, Yahweh God, you have been very kind to us. You have allowed some of us to (survive/continue to live). You have revived our spirits [IDM] and allowed us to escape from being slaves [in Babylonia] and to return safely [IDM] to live in this sacred place.
9 thi er vi end Trælle, har vor Gud dog ikke forladt os i vor Trældom, men vundet os Naade for Perserkongernes Aasyn, saa at han har givet os Livskraft til at rejse vor Guds Hus og opbygge dets Grushobe og givet os et Gærde i Juda og Jerusalem.
We were slaves, but you did not abandon us. Instead, because you faithfully love us, you caused the kings of Persia to be very kind to us. You have allowed us to continue to live and to rebuild your temple which had been completely destroyed. You have allowed us to start to live safely here in Jerusalem and in [other towns in] Judah.
10 Men hvad skal vi nu sige, vor Gud, efter alt dette? Vi har jo forladt dine Bud,
“Our God, what more can we say now [RHQ]? In spite of all that [you have done for us], we have disobeyed your commands.
11 som du gav os ved dine Tjenere Profeterne, da du sagde: Det Land, I drager ind i og tager i Besiddelse, er et urent Land paa Grund af Hedningernes Urenhed, paa Grund af de Vederstyggeligheder, de i deres Urenhed har fyldt det med fra Ende til anden;
They are commands that you gave to your servants, the prophets, to tell to us. They said that the land that we would occupy was polluted because of the detestable/disgusting things that were done by the people who lived there. They said that in the land there were people from one end to the other who did immoral/shameful things.
12 derfor maa I ikke give deres Sønner eders Døtre eller tage deres Døtre til Hustruer for eders Sønner og ingen Sinde søge deres Velfærd og Lykke, at I kan blive stærke og nyde Landets Goder og sikre eders Sønner Besiddelsen deraf for evigt!
They said, ‘Do not allow your daughters to marry their sons! Do not allow your sons to marry their daughters! Do not even try to cause things to go well for those people-groups! If you obey these instructions, your nation will be strong, and you will enjoy the good crops that grow on the land, and the land will belong to your descendants forever.’
13 Efter alt, hvad der er vederfaret os paa Grund af vore onde Gerninger og vor svare Skyld — og endda har du vor Gud ikke i fuldt Maal tilregnet os vore Synder, men skænket os en saadan Flok undslupne —
“You punished us because we were very guilty for having done wicked things. But you have not punished us as much as we deserve to be punished. [I say this because] you, our God, have allowed some of us to survive.
14 skal vi da paa ny krænke dine Bud ved at besvogre os med Folk, der øver slige Vederstyggeligheder? Vil du da ikke vredes saaledes paa os, at du ødelægger os aldeles, saa der ikke levnes nogen Rest, og ingen undslipper?
However, some of us are again disobeying your commands, and we are marrying women who do those detestable things. If we continue to do that, surely you will get rid of all of us [RHQ], with the result that none of us will remain alive.
15 HERRE, Israels Gud! Du er retfærdig, derfor er vi nu en Rest tilbage, som er undsluppet; se, vi staar for dig i vor Syndeskyld; thi det er umuligt at bestaa for dit Aasyn, naar sligt kan ske!«
Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship/belong to], you are fair/just. We are guilty. We are only a few people who have escaped [from Babylonia], but we pray to you, even though we do not deserve to stand in your presence.”

< Ezra 9 >