< Ezekiel 40 >
1 I det fem og tyvende Aar efter at vi var ført i Landflygtighed, ved Nytaarstide, paa den tiende Dag i Maaneden i det fjortende Aar efter Byens indtagelse, netop paa den Dag kom HERRENS Haand over mig, og han førte mig
In the five and twentieth year of our exile, in the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city had been smitten, on the selfsame day came the inspiration of the Lord upon me, and brought me thither.
2 i Guds Syner til Israels Land og satte mig paa et saare højt Bjerg, og paa det var der bygget noget som en By mod Syd;
In the visions of God brought he me unto the land of Israel, and set me down upon a very high mount, on which there was built something like a city on the south.
3 og da han havde ført mig derhen, se, da var der en Mand som Kobber at se til med en Hørgarnssnor og en Maalestang i Haanden, og han stod ved Porten.
And when he had brought me thither, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of copper, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring-rod: and he was standing in the gate.
4 Manden sagde til mig: »Menneskesøn, se med dine Øjne, hør med dine Ører og læg vel Mærke til alt, hvad jeg viser dig; thi du er ført hid, for at jeg skal vise dig det. Kundgør Israels Hus alt, hvad du ser!«
And the man spoke unto me, Son of man, behold with thy eyes, and hear with thy ears, and direct thy heart unto all that I am about to show thee; for in order to show it unto thee art thou brought hither: tell all that thou seest to the house of Israel.
5 Og se, der var en Mur uden om Templet til alle Sider. Manden holdt i Haanden en Maalestang, som var seks Alen lang, en Alen en Haandsbred længere end sædvanlig, og han maalte Muren; den var eet Maal bred og eet Maal høj.
And behold there was a wall on the outside of the house all round about, and in the man's hand was a measuring-rod of six cubits long by the cubit which was a hand's breadth longer than usual; and he measured the breadth of the building, one rod, and the height, one rod.
6 Saa gik han op ad syv Trappetrin ind i den Port, hvis Forside vendte mod Øst; og han maalte Portens Tærskel til eet Maal i Bredden,
Then came he unto the gate which looked in the direction toward the east, and went up its steps, and measured the threshold of the gate, one rod in breadth, and the other threshold one rod in breadth.
7 hvert af Portens Siderum ligeledes til eet Maal i Længden og eet i Bredden, Murpillerne mellem Siderummene til fem Alen og Tærskelen ved Portens Forhal paa den Side,
And every cell was one rod long, and one rod broad; and between the cells were five cubits: and the threshold of the gate near by the porch of the gate within was one rod.
8 der vendte indad i Porten, til eet Maal.
He measured also the porch of the gate within, one rod.
9 Og han maalte Portens Forhal til otte Alen og dens Murpiller til to; Portens Forhal laa paa indersiden.
Then measured he the porch of the gate, eight cubits, and its door-posts, two cubits: and the porch of the gate was inward.
10 Portens Siderum, tre paa hver Side, laa over for hverandre; de var lige store alle tre; ogsaa Murpillerne paa begge Sider var lige store.
And the cells of the gate in the eastern direction were three on this side, and three on that side, one measure was for all the three; and there was one measure for the door-posts on this side and on that side.
11 Saa maalte han Portindgangens Bredde til ti Alen og Portgangens til tretten.
And he measured the breadth of the entrance of the gate, ten cubits, [and] the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.
12 Foran Siderummene var der paa begge Sider afspærrede Pladser paa een Alen, og selve Siderummene paa begge Sider var seks Alen.
And there was a space before the cells of one cubit on this side, and one cubit space was there on that side: and every cell was of six cubits on this side, and of six cubits on that side.
13 Saa maalte han Porten fra Indervæggen i et Siderum til Indervæggen i Siderummet lige overfor til en Bredde af fem og tyve Alen, Dør over for Dør.
And he measured the gate from the roof of [one] cell to the roof of [another], in breadth five and twenty cubits, one door being against [the other] door.
14 Saa maalte han Forhallen til tyve Alen; og Forgaarden omgav Portens Forhal.
And he made door-posts of sixty cubits, and around the door-posts the court and the gate all round about.
15 Fra Portens Forside udad til Portforhallens Forside indad var der halvtredsindstyve Alen.
And the height of the gate of the entrance as also the height of the porch of the inner gate was fifty cubits.
16 Porten havde paa begge Sider Gittervinduer, som udvidede sig indad i Siderummene og deres Murpiller; ligeledes havde Forhallen paa alle Sider Vinduer, som udvidede sig indad. Paa Murpillerne til begge Sider var der Palmer.
And there were narrow windows in the cells, and by their door-posts within the gate all round about, and likewise in the porches: and windows were all round about inward; and on each door post were palm-shaped [capitals].
17 Derpaa førte han mig ind i den ydre Forgaard. Og se, der var Kamre, og Forgaarden rundt var der et stenlagt Stykke; der var tredive Kamre paa Stenlægningen.
Then brought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court all round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement.
18 Det stenlagte Stykke stødte op til Portenes Sidemure, lige saa bredt som Portene var lange; det var den nedre Stenlægning.
And the pavement by the side of the gates was all along the whole length of the gates: this was the lower pavement.
19 Han maalte Forgaardens Bredde fra den nedre Ports indre Forside til den indre Ports ydre Forside til hundrede Alen. Og han førte mig mod Nord,
Then measured he the breadth from the front of the lower gate unto the front of the inner court, without, one hundred cubits, eastward and northward.
20 og se, der var en Port, som vendte mod Nord, i den ydre Forgaard, og han maalte dens Længde og Bredde.
And the gate of the outer court that looked in a northern direction, he measured after its length, and its breadth.
21 Den havde tre Siderum til hver Side, og Murpillerne og Forhallen havde samme Maal som i den første Port; den var halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og fem og tyve Alen bred.
And its cells were three on this side and three on that side; and its door-posts and its porches were after the measure of the first gate: fifty cubits was its length, and its breadth five and twenty cubits.
22 Vinduer, Forhal og Palmer havde samme Maal som i den Port, hvis Forside vendte mod Øst; ad syv Trin steg man op dertil, og Forhallen laa inderst inde.
And its windows, and its porches, and their palm-shaped capitals, were after the measure of the gate that looked in an eastern direction: and by seven steps did they go up unto it, and to its porches which were before them.
23 En Port til den indre Forgaard laa over for Nordporten, ligesom Forholdet var ved Østporten; og han maalte fra Port til Port hundrede Alen.
And the gates of the inner court were opposite the gates on the north, and on the east: and he measured from gate to gate one hundred cubits.
24 Saa førte han mig mod Syd og se, der var ogsaa en Port mod Syd, og han maalte dens Murpiller og Forhal; de havde samme Maal som de andre.
After that he led me forth to the south side, and behold there was a gate on the south side: and he measured its door-posts and its porches after these measures.
25 Porten og dens Forhal havde Vinduer af samme Slags som de andre. Den var halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og fem og tyve Alen bred;
And there were windows in it and in its porches all round about, like the other windows: it was fifty cubits in length, and in breadth five and twenty cubits.
26 syv Trin førte op til den; Forhallen laa inderst inde, og der var Palmer paa Murpillerne til begge Sider.
And by seven steps was the ascent to it, and to its porches which were before them; and it had palm-shaped capitals, one on this side, and another on that side, upon its door-posts.
27 Endelig var der en Port til den indre Forgaard over for Sydporten: han maalte hundrede Alen fra Port til Port.
And there was a gate in the inner court on the south side: and he measured from gate to gate on the south side one hundred cubits.
28 Derpaa førte han mig til den indre Forgaard gennem Sydporten, og den maalte han; den havde samme Størrelse som de andre,
And he brought me to the inner court by the south gate; and he measured the south gate after these measures;
29 og dens Siderum, Murpiller og Forhal havde samme Størrelse som de andre; Porten og dens Forhal havde Vinduer rundt om. Den var halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og fem og tyve Alen bred.
And its cells, and its door-posts, and its porches were after these measures; and there were windows in it and in its porches all round about: it was fifty cubits in length, and in breadth five and twenty cubits.
30 (Der var Forhaller rundt om, fem og tyve Alen lange og fem Alen brede).
And arched passages were all round about, five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad.
31 Forhallen vendte ud mod den ydre Forgaard med Palmer paa Murpillerne, og otte Trin dannede dens Opgang.
And its porches were toward the outer court; and palm-shaped capitals were upon its door-posts: and its ascent was by eight steps.
32 Saa førte han mig til Østporten og maalte denne Port; den havde samme Størrelse som de andre,
And he brought me into the inner court on the east side; and he measured the gate after these measures;
33 og Siderum, Murpiller og Forgaard havde samme Størrelse som de andre; Porten og dens Forhal havde Vinduer rundt om. Den var halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og fem og tyve Alen bred.
And its cells and its door-posts, and its porches, were according to these measures; and there were windows in it and in its porches all round about: its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth five and twenty cubits.
34 Forhallen vendte ud mod den ydre Forgaard med Palmer paa Murpillerne til begge Sider, og otte Trin dannede dens Opgang.
And its porches were toward the outward court; and palm-shaped capitals were upon its door-posts, on this side, and on that side: and by eight steps was the ascent to it.
35 Saa førte han mig til Nordporten og maalte den; den havde samme Størrelse som de andre,
And he brought me to the north gate, and he measured it after these measures;
36 ligeledes Siderum, Murpiller og Forhal; Porten og dens Forhal havde Vinduer rundt om. Den var halvtredsindstyve Alen lang og fem og tyve Alen bred.
Its cells, its door-posts, and its porches; and the windows in it were all round about: its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth five and twenty cubits.
37 Forhallen vendte ud mod den ydre Forgaard med Palmer paa Murpillerne til begge Sider, og otte Trin dannede dens Opgang.
And its door-posts were toward the outer court; and palm-shaped capitals were upon its door-posts, on this side, and on that side: and by eight steps was the ascent to it.
38 Derpaa vendte han sig til det Indre, idet han førte mig til Østporten; der skyllede man Brændofferet.
And there was a chamber with its door by the door-posts of the gates, where they washed off the burnt-offerings.
39 Og i Portens Forhal stod to Borde paa den ene Side og to paa den anden til at slagte Brændofferet, Syndofferet og Skyldofferet paa.
And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slaughter thereon the burnt-offerings and the sin-offerings and the trespass-offerings.
40 Ogsaa ved det ydre Hjørne, mod Nord naar man steg op i Portindgangen, stod to Borde og ved Portforhallens andet Hjørne andre to,
And at the side without [the porch], as one went up to the entrance of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side of the porch of the gate were two tables;
41 fire Borde paa hver Side ved Portens Hjørner, i alt otte. Paa dem slagtede man Slagtofferet.
Four tables being on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate, eight tables, whereupon they slaughtered [the sacrifices].
42 Og til Brændofferet stod der tre Kvaderstensborde, halvanden Alen lange, halvanden Alen brede og en Alen høje; paa dem lagde man de Redskaber, med hvilke man slagtede Brændofferet og Slagtofferet.
And there were four tables of hewn stone for the burnt-offerings, of a cubit and a half long, and a cubit and a half broad, and one cubit high: whereupon they laid the instruments wherewith they slaughtered the burnt-offerings and the sacrifices.
43 De havde hele Vejen rundt en Rand paa en Haandsbred, der vendte indad; og oven over Bordene var der Tage til Værn mod Regn og Sol. Derpaa førte han mig atter
And hooks, a hand long, were fastened within all round about: and on the tables was placed the flesh of the offerings.
44 til den indre Forgaard, og se, der var to Kamre, et ved Nordportens Hjørne med Forsiden mod Syd og et andet ved Sydportens Hjørne med Forsiden mod Nord.
And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their front was toward the south side: one was at the side of the east gate having the front toward the north side.
45 Og han sagde til mig: »Kammeret her, hvis Forside vender mod Syd, er for Præsterne, der tager Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage i Templet,
And he spoke unto me, This chamber, the front of which is toward the south, is for the priests who have the charge of the house.
46 og Kammeret der, hvis Forside vender mod Nord, er for Præsterne, der tager Vare paa, hvad der er at varetage ved Alteret. Det er Zadoks Sønner, som alene af Levis Sønner maa nærme sig HERREN for at tjene ham.«
And the chamber, the front of which is toward the north, is for the priests who have the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok, who come near, from among the sons of Levi, to the Lord to minister unto him.
47 Saa maalte han Forgaarden; den var hundrede Alen lang og hundrede Alen bred i Firkant; og Alteret stod foran Templet.
So he measured the court, in length one hundred cubits, and in breadth one hundred cubits, foursquare: and the altar [stood] before the house.
48 Derpaa førte han mig til Templets Forhal og maalte Forhallens Piller; de var fem Alen brede paa begge Sider; Porten var fjorten Alen bred og dens Sidevægge tre Alen paa begge Sider,
And he brought me to the porch of the house, and measured each door-post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.
49 og Forhallen var tyve Alen lang og tolv Alen bred. Ad ti Trin steg man op til den; og der stod Søjler op ad Pillerne, een paa hver Side.
The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits, together with the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the door-posts, one on this side, and another on that side.