< Ezekiel 32 >
1 I det tolvte Aar paa den første Dag i den tolvte Maaned kom HERRENS Ord til mig saaledes:
And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the tenth month, on the first [day] of the month, [that] the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 Menneskesøn, istem en Klagesang over Farao, Ægyptens Konge, og sig til ham: Du Folkenes Løve, det er ude med dig! Du var som en Drage i Havet med prustende Næse, med Fødderne plumred du Vandet, oproded dets Strømme.
Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharao king of Egypt, and say to him, You are become like a lion of the nations, and as a serpent that is in the sea: and you did make assaults with your rivers, and did disturb the water with your feet, and did trample your rivers.
3 Saa siger den Herre HERREN: Jeg breder mit Garn over dig ved en Sværm af mange Folk, de skal drage dig op i mit Net.
Thus says the Lord; I will also cast over you the nets of many nations, and will bring you up with my hook:
4 Jeg kaster dig paa Land og slænger dig hen paa Marken, lader alle Himlens Fugle slaa sig ned paa dig og al Jordens Dyr blive mætte ved dig.
and I will stretch you upon the earth: the fields shall be covered [with you], and I will cause all the birds of the sky to settle upon you, and I will fill [with you] all the wild beasts of the earth.
5 Jeg lægger dit Kød paa Bjergene, fylder Dalene op med dit Aadsel,
And I will cast your flesh upon the mountains, and will saturate [them] with your blood.
6 vander med dit Udflaad Jorden lige til Bjergene, Kløfterne skal fyldes af dit Blod.
And the land shall be drenched with your dung, because of your multitude upon the mountains: I will fill the valleys with you.
7 Jeg skjuler Himlen, naar du slukkes, klæder dens Stjerner i Sorg, jeg skjuler Solen i Skyer, og Maanen skinner ej mer.
And I will veil the heavens when you are extinguished, and will darken the stars thereof; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light.
8 Alle Himmellys klæder jeg i Sorg for dig, hyller dit Land i Mørke, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
All the [bodies] that give light in the sky, shall be darkened over you, and I will bring darkness upon the earth, says the Lord God.
9 Jeg volder mange Folkeslags Hjerter Kvide, naar jeg bringer dine Fanger til Folkene, til Lande du ikke kender;
And I will provoke to anger the heart of many people, when I shall lead you captive among the nations, to a land which you have not known.
10 jeg lader mange Folkeslag stivne af Rædsel over dig, og deres Konger skal gyse over dig, naar jeg svinger mit Sværd for deres Ansigter; de skal ængstes uafbrudt, hver for sit Liv, den Dag du falder.
And many nations shall mourn over you, and their kings shall be utterly amazed, when my sword flies in their faces, as they wait for their [own] fall from the day of your fall.
11 Thi saa siger den Herre HERREN: Babels Konges Sværd skal komme over dig.
For thus says the Lord God; The sword of the king of Babylon shall come upon you,
12 Jeg styrter din Hob ved Heltes Sværd, de grummeste af alle Folkene; de hærger Ægyptens Pragt, og al dets Hob lægges øde.
with the swords of mighty men; and I will cast down your strength: [they are] all destroying ones from the nations, and they shall destroy the pride of Egypt, and all her strength shall be crushed.
13 Jeg udrydder alt dets Kvæg ved de mange Vande, Menneskefod skal ej plumre dem mer, ej Dyreklov rode dem op;
And I will destroy all her cattle from [beside] the great water; and the foot of man shall not trouble it any more, and the step of cattle shall no more trample it.
14 saa lader jeg Vandene klares og Strømmene flyde som Olie — lyder det fra den Herre HERREN —
Thus shall their waters then be at rest, and their rivers shall flow like oil, says the Lord,
15 naar jeg gør Ægypten til Ørk, saa Landet og dets Fylde er øde, naar jeg nedhugger alle, som bor der, saa de kender, at jeg er HERREN.
when I shall give up Egypt to destruction, and the land shall be made desolate with the fullness thereof; when I shall scatter all that dwell in it, and they shall know that I am the Lord.
16 Dette er en Klagesang, som du skal kvæde; Folkenes Kvinder skal kvæde den; over Ægypten og al dets larmende Hob skal de kvæde den, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
There is a lamentation, and you shall utter it; and the daughters of the nations shall utter it, [even] for Egypt, and they shall mourn for it over all the strength thereof, says the Lord God.
17 I det tolvte Aar paa den femtende Dag i ... Maaned kom HERRENS Ord til mig saaledes:
And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the first month, on the fifteenth [day] of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
18 Menneskesøn, klag over Ægyptens larmende Hob; syng Klagesang over den, du og Folkenes Kvinder! Far ned i Underverdenen blandt dem, der steg ned i Dybet!
Son of man, lament over the strength of Egypt, for the nations shall bring down her daughters dead to the depth of the earth, to them that go down to the pit.
19 Er du lifligere end nogen anden? Stig ned og lig blandt de uomskaarne!
20 Midt iblandt sværdslagne skal han segne, og al hans larmende Hob skal ligge hos ham.
They shall fall with him in the midst of them [that are] slain with the sword, and all his strength shall perish: the giants also shall say to you,
21 Heltenes Førere skal tale til ham midt i Dødsriget: »Er du mægtigere end nogen anden? Stig ned og lig blandt de uomskaarne!« (Sheol )
Be you in the depth of the pit: to whom are you superior? yes, go down, and lie with the uncircumcised, in the midst of them [that are] slain with the sword. (Sheol )
22 Der er Assur og hele hans Flok rundt om hans Grav; alle er de dræbt, faldet for Sværd;
There are Assur and all his company: all [his] slain have been laid there:
23 han fik sin Grav i en Krog af Dybet, og hans Flok ligger rundt om hans Grav; alle er de dræbt, faldet for Sværd, de, som spredte Rædsel i de levendes Land.
and their burial is in the depth of the pit, and his company are set around about his tomb: all the slain that fell by the sword, who had caused the fear of them [to be] upon the land of the living.
24 Der er Elam med al sin larmende Hob rundt om sin Grav; alle er de dræbt, faldet før Sværd, og de for uomskaarne ned i Underverdenen, de, som spredte Rædsel i de levendes Land; nu bærer de deres Skændsel blandt dem, der steg ned i Dybet.
There is Aelam and all his host round about his tomb: all the slain that fell by the sword, and the uncircumcised that go down to the deep of the earth, who caused their fear to be upon the land of the living: and they have received their punishment with them that go down to the pit,
25 Iblandt dræbte fik han et Leje med al sin larmende Hob rundt om sin Grav; alle er de uomskaarne, sværdslagne; thi Rædsel for dem bredte sig i de levendes Land; nu bærer de deres Skændsel blandt dem, der steg ned i Dybet; de lagdes blandt dræbte.
in the midst of the slain.
26 Der er Mesjek og Tubal med al deres larmende Hob rundt om deres Grave; alle er de uomskaarne, sværdslagne; thi de spredte Rædsel i de levendes Land;
There were laid Mosoch, and Thobel, and all his strength round about his tomb: all his slain men, all the uncircumcised, slain with the sword, who caused their fear to be in the land of the living.
27 de kom ikke til at ligge hos Heltene, Fortidens Kæmper, som for til Dødsriget i deres Rustninger, hvis Sværd blev lagt under deres Hoveder, og hvis Skjolde dækkede deres Knogler; thi Rædsel for Heltene raadede i de levendes Land. (Sheol )
And they are laid with the giants that fell of old, who went down to Hades with [their] weapons of war: and they laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities were upon their bones, because they terrified all men during their life. (Sheol )
28 Ogsaa du skal ligge knust imellem de uomskaarne, blandt de sværdslagne.
And you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with them that have been slain by the sword.
29 Der er Edom med sine Konger og alle sine Fyrster, som fik deres Grave hos de sværdslagne; hos de uomskaarne ligger de, hos dem, der steg ned i Dybet.
There are laid the princes of Assur, who yielded their strength to a wound of the sword: these are laid with the slain, with them that go down to the pit.
30 Der er Nordens Herskere alle sammen og alle Zidoniere, som for ned til de dræbte, beskæmmede trods den Rædsel, de spredte ved deres Heltekraft; de ligger uomskaarne blandt de sværdslagne, de bærer deres Skændsel blandt dem, der steg ned i Dybet.
There are the princes of the north, [even] all the captains of Assur, who go down slain [to Hades]: they lie uncircumcised among the slain with the sword together with their terror and their strength, and they have received their punishment with them that go down to the pit.
31 Dem ser Farao og trøster sig over al sin larmende Hob, lyder det fra HERREN.
King Pharao shall see them, and shall be comforted over all their force, says the Lord God.
32 Thi han spredte Rædsel i de levendes Land, men nu ligger han imellem uomskaarne, blandt de sværdslagne, Farao med al sin larmende Hob, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
For I have caused his fear to be upon the land of the living yet he shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, [even] Pharao, and all his multitude with him, says the Lord God.