< 2 Mosebog 22 >

1 Naar en Mand stjæler en Okse eller et Faar og slagter eller sælger dem, skal han give fem Okser i Erstatning for Oksen og fire Faar for Faaret.
If he will steal anyone an ox or a sheep and he will slaughter it or he has sold it five cattle he will repay in place of the ox and four sheep in place of the sheep.
2 (Hvis en Tyv gribes paa fersk Gerning ved et natligt Indbrud og bliver slaaet ihjel, da bliver der ikke Tale om Blodskyld;
If in breaking in he will be found the thief and he will be struck and he will die there not for him [will be] blood.
3 men hvis Solen er staaet op, paadrager man sig Blodskyld). Erstatning skal han give, og ejer han intet, skal han sælges som Træl til Vederlag for det stjaalne;
If it has risen the sun on him blood [will be] for him certainly he will make restitution if nothing [belongs] to him and he will be sold for theft his.
4 hvis derimod det stjaalne findes levende i hans Besiddelse, da skal han give dobbelt Erstatning, hvad enten det er en Okse, et Æsel, eller et Faar.
If actually it will be found in hand his the thing stolen from an ox unto a donkey unto a sheep alive twofold he will make restitution.
5 Naar en Mand afsvider en Mark eller en Vingaard og lader Ilden brede sig, saa den antænder en andens Mark, da skal han give det bedste af sin Mark eller Vingaard i Erstatning;
If he will cause to be grazed over anyone a field or a vineyard and he will let go (cattle his *Q(K)*) and it will graze in [the] field of another [person] [the] best of field his and [the] best of vineyard his he will make compensation.
6 men breder Ilden sig ved at tage fat i Tjørnekrat, og Kornneg eller Sæd brænder, eller en Mark svides af, saa skal den, der antændte Ilden, give simpel Erstatning.
If it will go forth a fire and it will find thornbushes and it will be consumed a heap of sheaves or the standing grain or the field certainly he will make compensation the [one who] kindled the fire.
7 Naar en Mand giver en anden Penge eller Sager i Varetægt, og de stjæles fra hans Hus, da skal Tyven, hvis han findes, give dobbelt Erstatning;
If he will give anyone to neighbor his money or articles to keep [them] and it will be stolen from [the] house of the person if he will be found the thief he will make restitution twofold.
8 men hvis Tyven ikke findes, skal Husets Ejer træde frem for Gud og sværge paa, at han ikke har forgrebet sig paa den andens Gods.
If not he will be found the thief and he will be brought near [the] master of the house to the judges if not he had stretched out hand his on [the] property of neighbor his.
9 I alle Tilfælde hvor det drejer sig om Uredelighed med en Okse, et Æsel, et Faar, en Klædning eller en hvilken som helst bortkommen Ting, hvorom der rejses Krav, skal de to Parters Sag bringes frem for Gud, og den, som Gud dømmer skyldig, skal give den anden dobbelt Erstatning.
On every matter of transgression on an ox on a donkey on a sheep on a garment on every thing lost which anyone will say that [is] it this to the judges it will come [the] case of both of them [the one] whom they will condemn as guilty! [the] judges he will make restitution twofold to neighbor his.
10 Naar en Mand giver en anden et Æsel, en Okse, et Faar eller et andet Stykke Kvæg i Varetægt, og Dyret dør, kommer til Skade eller røves, uden at nogen ser det,
If he will give anyone to neighbor his a donkey or an ox or a sheep and every animal to keep [it] and it will die or it was maimed or it was captured there not [was one who] saw.
11 da skal han sværge ved HERREN paa, at han ikke har forgrebet sig paa den andens Ejendom, og det skal være afgørende imellem dem; Dyrets Ejer skal tage Eden god, og den anden behøver ikke at give Erstatning.
[the] oath of Yahweh it will be between [the] two of them if not he had stretched out hand his on [the] property of neighbor his and he will accept [it] owner its and not he will make compensation.
12 Stjæles det derimod fra ham, skal han give Ejeren Erstatning.
And if certainly it will be stolen from with him he will make restitution to owner its.
13 Hvis det sønderrives, skal han bringe det sønderrevne Dyr med som Bevis; det sønderrevne skal han ikke erstatte.
Certainly [if] it will be torn in pieces he will bring it evidence the torn animal not he will make restitution.
14 Naar en laaner et Dyr af en anden, og det kommer til Skade eller dør, uden at Ejeren er til Stede, skal han give Erstatning;
And if he will ask anyone from with neighbor his and it will be maimed or it died owner its not [was] with it certainly he will make restitution.
15 er Ejeren derimod til Stede, skal han ikke give Erstatning; var det lejet, er Lejesummen Erstatning.
If owner its [was] with it not he will make restitution if [was] hired it it came for hire its.
16 Naar en Mand forfører en Jomfru, der ikke er trolovet, og ligger hos hende, skal han udrede Brudekøbesummen for hende og tage hende til Hustru;
And if he will seduce a man a virgin who not she was betrothed and he will lie with her certainly he will pay [the] bride-price for her for himself to a wife.
17 og hvis hendes Fader vægrer sig ved at give ham hende, skal han tilveje ham den sædvanlige Brudekøbesum for en Jomfru.
If absolutely he will refuse father her to give her to him silver he will weigh out according to [the] bride-price of virgins.
18 En Troldkvinde maa du ikke lade leve.
A sorceress not you will let live.
19 Enhver, der har Omgang med Kvæg, skal lide Døden.
Any [one who] lies with an animal certainly he will be put to death.
20 Den, der ofrer til andre Guder end HERREN alene, skal der lægges Band paa.
[one who] sacrifices To the gods he will be dedicated to destruction except to Yahweh to only him.
21 Den fremmede maa du ikke undertrykke eller forulempe, thi I var selv fremmede i Ægypten.
And a sojourner not you must maltreat and not you must oppress him for sojourners you were in [the] land of Egypt.
22 Enken eller den faderløse maa I aldrig mishandle;
Any widow and a fatherless one not you must afflict!
23 hvis I mishandler dem, og de raaber om Hjælp til mig, vil jeg visselig høre paa deres Klageraab,
Certainly [if] you will afflict him that except carefully he will cry out to me certainly I will hear cry of distress his.
24 og da vil min Vrede blusse op, og jeg vil slaa eder ihjel med Sværdet, saa eders egne Hustruer bliver Enker og eders Børn faderløse.
And it will burn anger my and I will kill you with the sword and they will be wives your widows and children your fatherless ones.
25 Naar du laaner Penge til en fattig Mand af mit Folk i dit Nabolag, maa du ikke optræde som en Aagerkarl over for ham. I maa ikke tage Renter af ham.
If money - you will lend to people my the poor [person] with you not you must be to him like a creditor not you must put! on him interest.
26 Hvis du tager din Næstes Kappe i Pant, skal du give ham den tilbage inden Solnedgang;
Certainly [if] you will take as pledge [the] cloak of neighbor your until goes the sun you will return it to him.
27 thi den er det eneste, han har at dække sig med, det er den, han hyller sit Legeme i; hvad skulde han ellers ligge med? Og naar han raaber til mig, vil jeg høre ham, thi jeg er barmhjertig.
For it ([is] covering his *Q(k)*) to alone it it [is] cloak his for skin his in what? will he lie down and it will be that he will cry out to me and I will hear for [am] gracious I.
28 Gud maa du ikke spotte, og dit Folks Øvrighed maa du ikke forbande.
God not you must curse and a leader among people your not you must curse.
29 Din Lades Overflod og din Vinperses Saft maa du ikke holde tilbage. Den førstefødte af dine Sønner skal du give mig.
Full produce your and juice your not you must delay [the] firstborn of sons your you will give to me.
30 Ligesaa skal du gøre med dit Hornkvæg og dit Smaakvæg; i syv Dage skal det blive hos Moderen, men paa den ottende Dag skal I give mig det.
Thus you will do to ox your to sheep your seven days it will be with mother its on the day eighth you will give it to me.
31 I skal være mig hellige Mænd; Kød af sønderrevne Dyr maa I ikke spise, I skal kaste det for Hundene.
And people of holiness you will be! of me and flesh in the field a torn animal not you must eat to the dog[s] you will throw! it.

< 2 Mosebog 22 >