< Ester 9 >

1 Paa den trettende Dag i den tolvte Maaned, det er Adar Maaned, det er den Dag, da Kongens Befaling og Forordning skulde udføres, den Dag, da Jødernes Fjender havde haabet at kunne overvælde dem, medens det nu omvendt blev Jøderne, der paa den Dag skulde overvælde deres Avindsmænd,
The first law that the king had commanded was to be made effective on March 7th. On that day the enemies of the Jews hoped to get rid of them. But instead, on that same day the Jews defeated their enemies.
2 sluttede Jøderne sig sammen i deres Byer i alle Kong Ahasverus's Lande for at lægge Haand paa dem, der vilde dem ondt; og ingen holdt Stand imod dem, thi Frygt for dem var faldet paa alle Folkene.
Throughout the empire, the Jews gathered together in their cities to attack those who wanted to get rid of them. No one could fight against the Jews, because all the other people in the areas where the Jews lived were afraid of them, [so they did not want to help anyone who attacked the Jews].
3 Og alle Landenes Fyrster og Satraperne og Statholderne og de kongelige Embedsmænd hjalp Jøderne, thi Frygt for Mordokaj var faldet paa dem.
All the governors and [other] officials and important people in all the provinces helped the Jews, because they were afraid of Mordecai.
4 Thi Mordokaj havde meget at sige ved Kongens Hof, og der gik Ry af ham i alle Lande; thi samme Mordokaj blev mægtigere og mægtigere.
They were afraid of him because in all the provinces [they knew that] Mordecai was now the king’s most important official, [with the authority that Haman previously had]. Mordecai was becoming more famous because [the king was giving him] more and more power.
5 Saaledes slog Jøderne løs paa alle deres Fjender med Sværdhug, Drab og Ødelæggelse, og de handlede med deres Avindsmænd, som de havde Lyst.
[On March 7th, ] the Jews attacked and killed with their swords all of their enemies. They did whatever they wanted to do, to the people who hated them.
6 I Borgen Susan dræbte og tilintetgjorde Jøderne 500 Mand;
[Just] in Susa alone, the capital city, they killed 500 people.
7 og Parsjandata, Dalfon, Aspata,
Among those whom they killed were the ten sons of Haman. [Their names were] Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha,
8 Porata, Adalja, Aridata,
Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha,
9 Parmasjta, Arisaj, Aridaj og Vajezata,
Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha.
10 de ti Sønner af Haman, Hammedatas Søn, Jødernes Fjende, dræbte de. Men efter Byttet rakte de ikke Hænderne ud.
Those were grandsons of Hammedatha and sons of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. The Jews killed them, but they did not take the things that belonged to the people whom they killed.
11 Samme Dag kom Tallet paa dem, der var dræbt i Borgen Susan, Kongen for Øre.
[At the end of] that day someone reported to the king the number of people whom the Jews killed in Susa.
12 Da sagde Kongen til Dronning Ester: I Borgen Susan har Jøderne dræbt og tilintetgjort 500 Mand, ogsaa Hamans ti Sønner; hvad maa de da ikke have gjort i de andre kongelige Landsdele! Dog, hvad er din Bøn? Du skal faa den opfyldt. Og hvad er yderligere dit Ønske? Det skal tilstaas dig!
Then the king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have killed 500 people here in Susa, including the ten sons of Haman! [So I think that] they must have killed many more people in the rest of my empire [RHQ]! [But okay], now what else do you want me to do for you. You tell me, and I will do it.”
13 Ester svarede: Hvis Kongen synes, lad det saa ogsaa i Morgen tillades Jøderne i Susan at handle som i Dag og lad Hamans ti Sønner blive hængt op i Galger!
Esther replied, “If it pleases you, allow the Jews here in Susa to do again tomorrow what [you] commanded [them] to do today. And command that the bodies of Haman’s ten sons be hanged on the gallows/poles.”
14 Da bød Kongen, at det skulde ske; og der udgik en Forordning derom i Susan, og Hamans ti Sønner blev hængt op i Galger.
So the king commanded that the Jews be permitted to kill more of their enemies the next day. After he issued [another] order in Susa, the bodies of Haman’s ten sons were hanged.
15 Saa sluttede Jøderne i Susan sig ogsaa sammen paa den fjortende Dag i Adar Maaned og dræbte 300 Mand i Susan. Men efter Byttet rakte de ikke Hænderne ud.
On the next day, the Jews in Susa gathered together and killed 300 more people. But [again, ] they did not take the things that belonged to the people whom they killed.
16 Men ogsaa de andre Jøder i Kongens Lande sluttede sig sammen og værgede deres Liv og tog Hævn over deres Fjender og dræbte blandt deres Avindsmænd 75 000
That happened on March 8th. On the following day, the Jews [in Susa] rested and celebrated. In all the other provinces, the Jewish people gathered together to defend themselves, and they killed 75,000 people who hated them, but [again] they did not take the things that belonged to the people whom they killed.
17 paa den trettende Dag i Adar Maaned; men efter Byttet rakte de ikke Hænderne ud; og de hvilede paa den fjortende og gjorde den til en Gæstebuds— og Glædesdag.
That occurred on March 7th, and on the following day they rested and celebrated.
18 Men Jøderne i Susan sluttede sig sammen baade den trettende og fjortende Dag i Maaneden og hvilede paa den femtende, og den gjorde de til Gæstebuds— og Glædesdag.
After the Jews in Susa gathered together [and killed their enemies] on March 7th and 8th, they rested and celebrated on March 9th.
19 Derfor fejrer Jøderne paa Landet, de, der bor i Landsbyerne, den fjortende Dag i Adar Maaned som en Glædes-, Gæstebuds— og Festdag, paa hvilken de sender hverandre Gaver.
That is why [every year], on March 8th, the Jews who live in villages now celebrate [defeating their enemies]. They have feasts and give gifts [of food] to each other.
20 Og Mordokaj nedskrev disse Tildragelser og udsendte Skrivelser til alle Jøder i alle Kong Ahasverus's Lande nær og fjern
Mordecai wrote down all the things that had happened. Then he sent letters to the Jews who lived throughout the empire of King Xerxes.
21 for at gøre det til Pligt for dem hvert Aar at fejre den fjortende og femtende Adar —
He told them that every year they should celebrate on the 8th and 9th of March,
22 de Dage, da Jøderne fik Ro for deres Fjender, og den Maaned, da deres Trængsel vendtes til Glæde og deres Sorg til en Festdag — at fejre dem som Gæstebuds— og Glædesdage, paa hvilke de skulde sende hverandre af deres Mad og de fattige Gaver.
because those were the days when the Jews got rid of their enemies. He also told them that they should celebrate on those days by feasting and giving gifts [of food] to each other and to poor people. They would remember it as the month in which they changed from being very sorrowful to being very joyful, from crying to celebrating.
23 Og Jøderne vedtog, at det, som de nu for første Gang havde gjort, og som Mordokaj havde skrevet til dem om, skulde være en fast Skik.
So the Jews agreed to do what Mordecai wrote. They agreed to celebrate on those days [every year].
24 Fordi Agagiten Haman, Hammedatas Søn, alle Jøders Fjende, havde lagt Raad op imod Jøderne om at tilintetgøre dem og kastet Pur — det er Lod — for at ødelægge og tilintetgøre dem,
They would remember how Haman, son of Hammedatha, a descendant of [King] Agag, became an enemy of all the Jews. [They would remember] how he had made an evil plan to kill the Jews, and that he had (cast lots/thrown small marked stones) to choose the day to kill [DOU] them.
25 men Kongen havde, da det kom ham for Øre, givet skriftlig Befaling til, at det onde Raad, Haman havde lagt op mod Jøderne, skulde falde tilbage paa hans eget Hoved, og ladet ham og hans Sønner hænge i Galgen,
[They would remember] that when Esther told the king about Haman’s plan, the king arranged that the evil plan that Haman had made to kill the Jews would fail, and that he [would be killed] instead of the Jews, and that Haman and that his sons were hanged.
26 derfor kaldte man de Dage Purim efter Ordet Pur. Og derfor, paa Grund af alt, hvad Brevet indeholdt, og hvad de selv havde oplevet i saa Henseende, og hvad der var tilstødt dem,
[Because the (lot/small marked stone) that Haman threw was called] Pur, the Jews called these days Purim. And, because of everything that ([Mordecai] wrote/was written) in that letter, and because of all that happened to them,
27 gjorde Jøderne det til en fast Skik og Brug for sig selv, deres Efterkommere og alle, som sluttede sig til dem, at de ubrødeligt Aar efter Aar skulde fejre de to Dage efter Forskrifterne om dem og til den fastsatte Tid,
the Jews [throughout the empire] agreed to celebrate in that manner on those two days every year. They said that they would tell their descendants and those people who became Jews to be certain to celebrate this festival every year. They should celebrate just as [Mordecai] told them to do [in the letter] that he wrote.
28 og at de Dage skulde ihukommes og fejres i alle Tidsaldre og Slægter, i hvert Land og hver By, saa at disse Purimsdage aldrig skulde gaa af Brug hos Jøderne og deres Ihukommelse aldrig ophøre blandt deres Efterkommere.
They said that they would remember and celebrate on those two days every year, in each family, in every city, and in every province. They solemnly declared that they and their descendants would never stop remembering and celebrating those days called Purim.
29 Derpaa lod Dronning Ester, Abihajils Datter, og Jøden Mordokaj en eftertrykkelig Skrivelse udgaa for at stadfæste dette Brev om Purim.
Then Mordecai and Queen Esther, who was the daughter of Abihail, wrote a second letter about the Purim feast. Esther used the authority that she had because of being the queen to confirm that what Mordecai had written in the first letter was true.
30 Og han sendte Breve til alle Jøder i de 127 Lande i Ahasverus's Rige med Freds og Sandheds Ord
What they wrote [in the second letter] was, “We wish that all of you will be living peacefully and safely/righteously. We want you and your descendants to celebrate Purim each year on the days that we two established, and to do the things that we two told you to do.” In that letter, Queen Esther and Mordecai also gave them instructions about (fasting/abstaining from eating food) and being sorrowful. Then copies of that letter were sent to all the Jews who were living in the 127 provinces of the empire.
31 om at holde disse Purimsdage i Hævd paa den fastsatte Tid, saaledes som Jøden Mordokaj og Dronning Ester havde gjort det til Pligt for dem, og saaledes som de havde bundet sig selv og deres Efterkommere til de foreskrevne Faster og Klageraab.
32 Saaledes stadfæstedes disse Purimsforskrifter ved Esters Befaling; og det blev optegnet i en Bog.
The letter that Esther wrote about the manner in which they should celebrate the Purim feast was also written in an official record.

< Ester 9 >