< Ester 4 >
1 Da Mordokaj fik at vide alt, hvad der var sket, sønderrev han sine Klæder, klædte sig i Sæk og Aske og gik ud i Byen og udstødte høje Veraab;
And Mordecai has known all that has been done, and Mordecai tears his garments, and puts on sackcloth and ashes, and goes forth into the midst of the city and cries—a cry loud and bitter,
2 og han kom hen paa Pladsen foran Kongens Port, men heller ikke længere, fordi det ikke var tilladt at gaa ind i Kongens Port, naar man var klædt i Sæk.
and he comes to the front of the gate of the king, but none is to come to the gate of the king with a sackcloth-garment.
3 Og i hver eneste Landsdel, overalt, hvor Kongens Bud og Forordning naaede hen, var der blandt Jøderne stor Sorg og Faste, Graad og Klage, og mange af dem redte sig et Leje af Sæk og Aske.
And in each and every province, the place where the word of the king, even his law, is coming, the Jews have a great mourning, and fasting, and weeping, and lamenting: sackcloth and ashes are spread for many.
4 Da nu Esters Piger og Hofmænd kom og fortalte hende det, grebes Dronningen af heftig Smerte; og hun sendte Klæder ud til Mordokaj, for at man skulde give ham dem paa og tage Sørgeklæderne af ham; men han tog ikke imod dem.
And young women of Esther come in and her eunuchs, and declare [it] to her, and the queen is exceedingly pained, and sends garments to clothe Mordecai, and to turn aside his sackcloth from off him, and he has not received [them].
5 Da lod Ester Hatak, en af Kongens Hofmænd, som han havde stillet til hendes Tjeneste, kalde, og sendte ham til Mordokaj for at faa at vide, hvad det skulde betyde, og hvad Grunden var dertil.
And Esther calls to Hatach, of the eunuchs of the king, whom he has stationed before her, and gives him a charge for Mordecai, to know what this [is], and why this [is].
6 Da Hatak kom ud til Mordokaj paa Byens Torv foran Kongens Port,
And Hatach goes out to Mordecai, to a broad place of the city, that [is] before the gate of the king,
7 fortalte Mordokaj ham alt, hvad der var hændt ham, og opgav ham nøje, hvor meget Sølv Haman havde lovet at tilveje Kongens Skatkamre for at faa Lov til at tilintetgøre Jøderne.
and Mordecai declares to him all that has met him, and the explanation of the money that Haman said to weigh to the treasuries of the king for the Jews, to destroy them,
8 Desuden gav han ham en Afskrift af Skrivelsen med den i Susan udgaaede Forordning om at udrydde dem, for at han skulde vise Ester den og tilkendegive hende det og paalægge hende at gaa ind til Kongen og bede ham om Naade og gaa i Forbøn hos ham for sit Folk.
and the copy of the writing of the law that had been given in Shushan to destroy them he has given to him, to show Esther, and to declare [it] to her, and to lay a charge on her to go in to the king, to make supplication to him, and to seek from before him, for her people.
9 Hatak gik saa ind og lod Ester vide, hvad Mordokaj havde sagt.
And Hatach comes in and declares to Esther the words of Mordecai,
10 Men Ester sendte Hatak til Mordokaj med følgende Svar:
and Esther speaks to Hatach, and charges him for Mordecai:
11 »Alle Kongens Tjenere og Folkene i Kongens Lande ved, at der for enhver, Mand eller Kvinde, som ukaldet gaar ind til Kongen i den inderste Gaard, kun gælder een Lov, den, at han skal lide Døden, medmindre Kongen rækker sit gyldne Scepter ud imod ham; i saa Fald beholder han Livet. Men jeg har nu i tredive Dage ikke været kaldt til Kongen!«
“All servants of the king, and people of the provinces of the king, know that any man and woman who comes to the king, into the inner court, who is not called—one law of his [is] to put [them] to death, apart from him to whom the king holds out the golden scepter, then he has lived; and I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days.”
12 Da han havde meddelt Mordokaj Esters Ord,
And they declare to Mordecai the words of Esther,
13 bød Mordokaj ham svare Ester: »Tro ikke, at du alene af alle Jøder skal undslippe, fordi du er i Kongens Hus!
and Mordecai commands to send back to Esther: “Do not think in your soul to be delivered [in] the house of the king, more than all the Jews,
14 Nej, dersom du virkelig tier ved denne Lejlighed, saa kommer der andetsteds fra Hjælp og Redning til Jøderne; men du og din Slægt skal omkomme. Hvem ved, om det ikke netop er for sligt Tilfældes Skyld, at du er kommet til kongelig Værdighed!«
but if you keep entirely silent at this time, respite and deliverance remains to the Jews from another place, and you and the house of your fathers are destroyed; and who knows whether for a time like this you have come to the kingdom?”
15 Da sendte Ester Mordokaj det Svar:
And Esther commands to send back to Mordecai:
16 »Gaa hen og kald alle Susans Jøder sammen og hold Faste for mig, saaledes at I hverken spiser eller drikker Dag eller Nat i tre Døgn; paa samme Maade vil ogsaa jeg og mine Terner faste; og derefter vil jeg gaa ind til Kongen, skønt det er imod Loven; skal jeg omkomme, saa lad mig da omkomme!«
“Go, gather all the Jews who are found in Shushan, and fast for me, and do not eat nor drink three days, by night and by day; also I and my young women fast likewise, and so I go in to the king, that [is] not according to law, and when I have perished—I have perished.”
17 Saa gik Mordokaj hen og gjorde ganske som Ester havde paalagt ham.
And Mordecai passes on, and does according to all that Esther has charged on him.