< Prædikeren 10 >
1 Døde Fluer gør Salveblanderens Olie stinkende, lidt Daarskab ødelægger Visdommens Værd.
Pestilent flies will corrupt a preparation of sweet ointment: [and] a little wisdom is more precious than great glory of folly.
2 Den vise har sin Forstand til højre, Taaben har sin til venstre,
A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.
3 Hvor Daaren end færdes, svigter hans Forstand, og han røber for alle, at han er en Daare.
Yes, and whenever a fool walks by the way, his heart will fail him, and all that he thinks of is folly.
4 Naar en Herskers Vrede rejser sig mod dig, forlad ikke derfor din Plads; thi Sagtmodighed hindrer store Synder.
If the spirit of the ruler rise up against you, leave not your place; for soothing will put an end to great offenses.
5 Der er et Onde, jeg saa under Solen; det ser ud som et Misgreb af ham, som har Magten:
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, wherein an error has proceeded from the ruler.
6 Daarskab sættes i Højsædet, nederst sidder de rige.
The fool has been set in very high places, while rich men would sit in a low one.
7 Trælle saa jeg højt til Hest og Høvdinger til Fods som Trælle.
I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants on the earth.
8 Den, som graver en Grav, falder selv deri; den, som nedbryder en Mur, ham bider en Slange;
He that digs a pit shall fall into it; and him that breaks down a hedge a serpent shall bite.
9 den, som bryder Sten, kan saare sig paa dem; den, som kløver Træ, er i Fare.
He that removes stones shall be troubled thereby; he that cleaves wood shall be endangered thereby.
10 Naar Øksen er sløv og dens Æg ej hvæsses, maa Kraft lægges i; men den dygtiges Fortrin er Visdom.
If the axe-head should fall off, then the man troubles his countenance, and he must put forth more strength: and [in that case] skill is of no advantage to a man.
11 Bider en Slange, før den besværges, har Besværgeren ingen Gavn af sin Kunst.
If a serpent bite when there is no [charmer's] whisper, then there is no advantage to the charmer.
12 Ord fra Vismands Mund vinder Yndest, en Daares Læber bringer ham Vaade;
The words of a wise mouth are gracious: but the lips of a fool will swallow him up.
13 hans Tale begynder med Daarskab og ender med den værste Galskab.
The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly: and the end of his talk mischievous madness.
14 Taaben bruger mange Ord. Ej ved Mennesket, hvad der skal ske; hvad der efter hans Død skal ske, hvo siger ham det?
A fool moreover multiplies words: man knows not what has been, nor what will be: who shall tell him what will come after him?
15 Daarens Flid gør ham træt, thi end ikke til Bys ved han Vej.
The labor of fools will afflict them, [as that of one] who knows not to go to the city.
16 Ve dig, du Land, hvis Konge er en Dreng og hvis Fyrster holder Gilde ved Gry.
Woe to you, O city, whose king is young, and your princes eat in the morning!
17 Held dig; du Land, hvis Konge er ædelbaaren, hvis Fyrster holder Gilde til sømmelig Tid som Mænd og ikke som Drankere.
Blessed are you, O land, whose king is a son of nobles, and whose princes shall eat seasonably, for strength, and shall not be ashamed.
18 Ved Ladhed synker Bjælkelaget; naar Hænderne slappes, drypper det i Huset.
By slothful neglect a building will be brought low: and by idleness of the hands the house will fall to pieces.
19 Til Morskab holder man Gæstebud, og Vin gør de levende glade; men Penge skaffer alt til Veje.
Men prepare bread for laughter, and wine and oil that the living should rejoice: but to money all things will humbly yield obedience.
20 End ikke i din Tanke maa du bande en Konge, end ikke i dit Sovekammer en, som er rig; thi Himlens Fugle kan udsprede Ordet, de vingede røbe, hvad du siger.
Even in your conscience, curse not the king; and curse not the rich in your bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry your voice, and that which has wings shall report your speech.