< Apostelenes gerninger 23 >
1 Da saa Paulus fast paa Raadet og sagde: „I Mænd, Brødre! jeg har med al god Samvittighed vandret for Gud indtil denne Dag.‟
And when Paul had looked on the assembly of them, he said: Men, my brethren; I have lived in all good conscience before God up to this day.
2 Men Ypperstepræsten Ananias befalede dem, som stode hos ham, at slaa ham paa Munden.
And Ananias, the priest, commanded those who stood by his side, to smite Paul on the mouth.
3 Da sagde Paulus til ham: „Gud skal slaa dig, du kalkede Væg! Og du sidder for at dømme mig efter Loven, og tvært imod Loven befaler du, at jeg skal slaas.‟
And Paul said to him: God is here-after to smite thee, thou Whited Wall! For, sittest thou judging me agreeably to law, while thou transgressest the law, and commandest to smite me?
4 Men de, som stode hos, sagde: „Udskælder du Guds Ypperstepræst?‟
And those standing by, said to him: Dost thou reproach the priest of God!
5 Og Paulus sagde: „Brødre! jeg vidste ikke, at han er Ypperstepræst; thi der er skrevet: En Fyrste i dit Folk maa du ikke tale ondt imod.‟
Paul said to them: I was not aware, my brethren, that he was the priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people.
6 Men da Paulus vidste, at den ene Del bestod af Saddukæere, men den anden af Farisæere, raabte han i Raadet: „I Mænd, Brødre! jeg er en Farisæer, Søn af Farisæere, for Haab og for dødes Opstandelse er det, jeg dømmes.‟
And, as Paul knew that a part of the people were of the Sadducees, and a part of the Pharisees, he cried out, in the assembly: Men, my brethren; I am a Pharisee the son of a Pharisee; and for the hope of the resurrection of the dead, I am judged.
7 Men da han udtalte dette, opkom der Splid imellem Farisæerne og Saddukæerne, og Mængden blev uenig.
And when he had said this, the Pharisees and Sadducees fell upon one another, and the people were divided
8 Thi Saddukæerne sige, at der ingen Opstandelse er, ej heller nogen Engel eller Aand; men Farisæerne hævde begge Dele.
For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angels, nor a spirit: but the Pharisees confess all these.
9 Men der opstod en stærk Raaben; og nogle af de skriftkloge af Farisæernes Parti stode op, strede heftigt og sagde: „Vi finde intet ondt hos dette Menneske; men hvad om en Aand eller en Engel har talt til ham!‟
And there was great vociferation. And some Scribes of the party of the Pharisees rose up, and contended with them, and said. We have found nothing evil in this man: for if a spirit or an angel hath conversed with him, what is there in that?
10 Men da der blev stærk Splid, frygtede Krigsøversten, at Paulus skulde blive sønderslidt af dem, og befalede Krigsfolket at gaa ned og rive ham ud fra dem og føre ham ind i Borgen.
And, as there was great commotion among them, the Chiliarch was afraid lest they should tear Paul in pieces. And he sent Romans, to go and pluck him from their midst, and bring him into the castle.
11 Men Natten derefter stod Herren for ham og sagde: „Vær frimodig, thi ligesom du har vidnet om mig i Jerusalem, saaledes skal du ogsaa vidne i Rom.‟
And when night came, our Lord appeared to Paul, and said to him: Be strong; for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so also art thou to testify at Rome.
12 Men da det var blevet Dag, sloge Jøderne sig sammen og forpligtede sig under Forbandelser til hverken at spise eller drikke, førend de havde slaaet Paulus ihjel.
And when it was morning, several of the Jews assembled together, and bound themselves by imprecations that they would neither eat nor drink until they had slain Paul.
13 Og de, som havde indgaaet denne Sammensværgelse, vare flere end fyrretyve i Tal.
And they who had established this compact by oath, were more than forty persons.
14 Disse gik da til Ypperstepræsterne og de Ældste og sagde: „Vi have under Forbandelser forpligtet os til ikke at smage noget, førend vi have slaaet Paulus ihjel.
And they went to the priests and Elders, and said: We have bound ourselves by imprecations, that we will taste of nothing, until we shall have slain Paul.
15 Saa giver nu I tillige med Raadet Krigsøversten Meddelelse, for at han maa føre ham ned til eder, som om I ville undersøge hans Sag nøjere; men vi ere rede til at slaa ham ihjel, førend han kommer derhen.‟
And now, do ye and the chiefs of the congregation request of the Chiliarch, that he would bring him unto you, as if ye were desirous to investigate truly his conduct: and we are prepared to slay him, ere he shall come to you.
16 Men Paulus's Søstersøn, som havde hørt om dette Anslag, kom og gik ind i Borgen og fortalte Paulus det.
And the son of Paul's sister, heard of this plot: and he went into the castle, and informed Paul.
17 Men Paulus kaldte en af Høvedsmændene til sig og sagde: „Før denne unge Mand hen til Krigsøversten; thi han har noget at melde ham.‟
And Paul sent and called one of the centurions, and said to him: Conduct this youth to the Chiliarch; for he hath something to tell him.
18 Da tog han ham og førte ham til Krigsøversten og siger: „Den fangne Paulus kaldte mig og bad mig føre denne unge Mand til dig, da han har noget at tale med dig om.‟
And the centurion took the young man, and introduced him to the Chiliarch, and said: Paul the prisoner called me, and requested me to bring this youth to thee, for he hath something to tell thee.
19 Men Krigsøversten tog ham ved Haanden, gik hen til en Side og spurgte: „Hvad er det, som du har at melde mig?‟
And the Chiliarch took the young man by his hand, and led him one side, and asked him: What hast thou to tell me?
20 Men han sagde: „Jøderne have aftalt at bede dig om at lade Paulus føre ned for Raadet i Morgen under Foregivende af at ville have nøjere Underretning om ham.
And the young man said to him: The Jews have projected to ask thee to bring down Paul to-morrow to their assembly, as if wishing to learn something more from him.
21 Lad du dig nu ikke overtale af dem; thi mere end fyrretyve Mænd af dem lure paa ham, og de have under Forbandelser forpligtet sig til hverken at spise eller at drikke, førend de have slaaet ham ihjel; og nu ere de rede og vente paa dit Tilsagn.‟
But be not thou persuaded by them: for, lo, more than forty persons of them watch for him in ambush, and have bound themselves by imprecations, that they will neither eat nor drink until they shall have slain him: and lo, they are prepared, and are waiting for thy promise
22 Da lod Krigsøversten det unge Menneske fare og bød ham: „Du skal ingen sige, at du har givet mig dette til Kende.‟
And the Chiliarch dismissed the young man, after charging him: Let no man know, that thou hast showed me these things.
23 Og han kaldte et Par af Høvedsmændene til sig og sagde: „Gører to Hundrede Stridsmænd rede til at drage til Kæsarea og halvfjerdsindstyve Ryttere og to Hundrede Spydkastere fra den tredje Time i Nat; ‟
And he called two centurions, and said to them: Go and prepare two hundred Romans to go to Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and shooters with the right hand two hundred; and let them set out at the third hour of the night.
24 og at de skulde bringe Lastdyr for at kunne lade Paulus ride og føre ham sikkert til Landshøvdingen Feliks.
And provide also a saddle beast, that they may set Paul on it, and carry him safely to Felix the governor.
25 Og han skrev et Brev af følgende Indhold:
And he wrote a letter and gave them, in which was, thus:
26 „Klaudius Lysias hilser den mægtigste Landshøvding Feliks.
Claudius Lysias to the excellent governor Felix; greeting.
27 Denne Mand havde Jøderne grebet og vilde have slaaet ham ihjel; men jeg kom til med Krigsfolket og udfriede ham, da jeg erfarede, at han var en Romer.
The Jews seized this man, in order to kill him; but I came with Romans, and rescued him, when I learned that he was a Roman.
28 Og da jeg vilde vide Aarsagen, hvorfor de anklagede ham, førte jeg ham ned for deres Raad
And as I wished to know the offence, for which they criminated him, I brought him to their assembly.
29 og fandt ham anklaget i Anledning af nogle Stridsspørgsmaal i deres Lov, men uden nogen Beskyldning, som fortjente Død eller Fængsel.
And I found, that it was about questions of their law they accused him, and that an offence worthy of bonds or of death, was not upon him.
30 Men da jeg har faaet Underretning om, at der skulde være et hemmeligt Anslag af Jøderne imod Manden, har jeg straks sendt ham til dig efter ogsaa at have befalet Anklagerne at fremføre for dig, hvad de have imod ham.‟
And when the wiles of a plot formed by the Jews against him came to my knowledge, I forthwith sent him to thee. And I have directed his accusers, to go and contend with him, before thee. Farewell.
31 Da toge Stridsmændene Paulus, som det var dem befalet, og førte ham om Natten til Antipatris.
Then the Romans, as they had been commanded, took Paul by night, and brought him to the city of Antipatris.
32 Men næste Dag lode de Rytterne drage videre med ham og vendte selv tilbage til Borgen.
And the next day, the horsemen dismissed the footmen their associates, that they might return to the castle.
33 Da hine nu kom til Kæsarea og havde overgivet Landshøvdingen Brevet, fremstillede de ogsaa Paulus for ham.
And they brought him to Caesarea: and they delivered the letter to the governor, and set Paul before him.
34 Men da han havde læst Brevet og spurgt, fra hvilken Provins han var, og havde erfaret, at han var fra Kilikien, sagde han:
And when he had read the letter, he asked him of what province he was? And when he learned that he was of Cilicia,
35 „Jeg vil forhøre dig, naar ogsaa dine Anklagere komme til Stede.‟ Og han bød, at han skulde holdes bevogtet i Herodes's Borg.
he said to him: I will give thee audience, when thy accusers arrive. And he ordered him to be kept in the Praetorium of Herod.