< Apostelenes gerninger 10 >
1 Men en Mand i Kæsarea ved Navn Kornelius, en Høvedsmand ved den Afdeling, som kaldes den italienske,
And there was a certain man in Caesarea, whose name was Cornelius, a centurion of the regiment called the Italian.
2 en from Mand, der frygtede Gud tillige med hele sit Hus og gav Folket mange Almisser og altid bad til Gud,
And he was righteous, and feared God, he and all his house; and he did much alms among the people, and prayed to God at all times.
3 han saa klarlig i et Syn omtrent ved den niende Time paa Dagen en Guds Engel, som kom ind til ham og sagde til ham: „Kornelius!‟
This man distinctly saw, in a vision, about the ninth hour of the day, an angel of God, who came in to him and said to him: Cornelius!
4 Men han stirrede paa ham og blev forfærdet og sagde: „Hvad er det, Herre?‟ Han sagde til ham: „Dine Bønner og dine Almisser ere opstegne til Ihukommelse for Gud.
And he looked upon him, and was afraid; and he said: What, my Lord? And the angel said to him: Thy prayers and thy alms have come up in remembrance before God.
5 Og send nu nogle Mænd til Joppe, og lad hente en vis Simon med Tilnavn Peter.
And now, send men to the city of Joppa, and bring Simon who is called Cephas.
6 Han har Herberge hos en vis Simon, en Garver, hvis Hus er ved Havet.‟
Lo, he lodgeth in the house of Simon the tanner, which is by the side of the sea.
7 Men da Engelen, som talte til ham, var gaaet bort, kaldte han to af sine Husfolk og en gudfrygtig Stridsmand af dem, som stadigt vare om ham.
And when the angel that talked with him was gone, he called two of his household, and a soldier who feared God and was obedient to him.
8 Og han fortalte dem det alt sammen og sendte dem til Joppe.
And he related to them all that he had seen, and sent them to Joppa.
9 Men den næste Dag, da disse vare undervejs og nærmede sig til Byen, steg Peter op paa Taget for at bede ved den sjette Time.
And the next day, as they travelled the road and approached the city, Simon ascended the roof to pray, at the sixth hour.
10 Og han blev meget hungrig og vilde have noget at spise; men medens de lavede det til, kom der en Henrykkelse over ham,
And he became hungry, and desired to eat. And while they were providing for him, he fell into a trance.
11 og han saa Himmelen aabnet og noget, der dalede ned, ligesom en stor Dug, der ved de fire Hjørner sænkedes ned paa Jorden;
And he saw the heavens opened, and a certain vessel fastened at the four corners, and it was like a great sheet; and it descended from heaven to the a earth.
12 og i denne var der alle Jordens firføddede Dyr og krybende Dyr og Himmelens Fugle.
And there were in it all fourfooted animals, and creeping things of the earth, and fowls of heaven.
13 Og en Røst lød til ham: „Staa op, Peter, slagt og spis!‟
And a voice came to him, which said: Simon, arise, slay and eat.
14 Men Peter sagde: „Ingenlunde, Herre! thi aldrig har jeg spist noget vanhelligt og urent.‟
And Simon said: Far be it, my Lord: for never have I eaten any thing unclean and polluted.
15 Og atter for anden Gang lød der en Røst til ham: „Hvad Gud har renset, holde du ikke for vanhelligt!‟
And again the second time, there was a voice to him: What God hath cleansed, make thou not unclean.
16 Og dette skete tre Gange, og straks blev Dugen igen optagen til Himmelen.
And this was done three times; and the vessel was taken up to heaven.
17 Men medens Peter var tvivlraadig med sig selv om, hvad det Syn, som han havde set, maatte betyde, se, da havde de Mænd, som vare udsendte af Kornelius, opspurgt Simons Hus og stode for Porten.
And while Simon was wondering with himself, what the vision he had seen could denote, the men who were sent by Cornelius arrived; and they inquired for the house in which Simon lodged, and came and stood at the gate of the court.
18 Og de raabte og spurgte, om Simon med Tilnavn Peter havde Herberge der.
And there they called out, and asked if Simon who is called Cephas lodged there?
19 Men idet Peter grublede over Synet, sagde Aanden til ham: „Se, der er tre Mænd, som søge efter dig;
And while Simon was reflecting on the vision, the Spirit said to him: Lo, three men are inquiring for thee.
20 men staa op, stig ned, og drag med dem uden at tvivle; thi det er mig, som har sendt dem.‟
Arise, go down, and accompany them; and let not thy mind hesitate, for I have sent them.
21 Saa steg Peter ned til Mændene og sagde: „Se, jeg er den, som I søge efter; hvad er Aarsagen, hvorfor I ere komne?‟
Then Simon went down to the men, and said to them: I am he for whom ye inquire: what is the cause for which ye have come?
22 Men de sagde: „Høvedsmanden Kornelius, en retfærdig og gudfrygtig Mand, som har godt Vidnesbyrd af hele Jødernes Folk, har af en hellig Engel faaet Befaling fra Gud til at lade dig hente til sit Hus og høre, hvad du har at sige.‟
They say to him: A certain man whose name is Cornelius, a centurion fearing God, and of whom all the people of the Jews bear good report, was told in vision, by a holy angel, to send and bring thee to his house, that he might hear discourse from thee.
23 Da kaldte han dem ind og gav dem Herberge. Men den næste Dag stod han op og drog bort med dem, og nogle af Brødrene fra Joppe droge med ham.
And Simon led them in, and entertained them where he lodged. And the following day, he arose, departed, and went with them: and some of the brethren of Joppa also went with them.
24 Og den følgende Dag kom de til Kæsarea. Men Kornelius ventede paa dem og havde sammenkaldt sine Frænder og nærmeste Venner.
And the next day, they entered Caesarea. And Cornelius was expecting them: and all the kindred of his family, and also such intimate friends as he had, were assembled with him.
25 Men da det nu skete, at Peter kom ind, gik Kornelius ham i Møde og faldt ned for hans Fødder og tilbad ham.
And as Simon came up, Cornelius met him, and fell down worshipping at his feet.
26 Men Peter rejste ham op og sagde: „Staa op! ogsaa jeg er selv et Menneske.‟
And Simon raised him up, and said to him: Arise; I also am a man.
27 Og under Samtale med ham gik han ind og fandt mange samlede.
And as he talked with him, he went in, and found that many had come there.
28 Og han sagde til dem: „I vide, hvor utilbørligt det er for en jødisk Mand at omgaas med eller komme til nogen, som er af et fremmed Folk; men mig har Gud vist, at jeg ikke skulde kalde noget Menneske vanhelligt eller urent.
And he said to them: Ye know, that it is not lawful for a Jewish man, to associate with an alien who is not of his race: but God hath showed me, that I should not say of any one, that he is defiled or unclean.
29 Derfor kom jeg ogsaa uden Indvending, da jeg blev hentet; og jeg spørger eder da, af hvad Aarsag I hentede mig?‟
Therefore I came readily, when ye sent for me. But, I ask you, for what cause did ye send for me?
30 Og Kornelius sagde: „For fire Dage siden fastede jeg indtil denne Time, og ved den niende Time bad jeg i mit Hus; og se, en Mand stod for mig i et straalende Klædebon,
And Cornelius said to him: It is four days ago, that, lo, I was fasting; and at the ninth hour, while I was praying in my house, a certain man stood before me, clothed in white,
31 og han sagde: Kornelius! din Bøn er hørt, og dine Almisser ere ihukommede for Gud.
and said to me: Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and there remembrance of thy alms before God.
32 Send derfor Bud til Joppe og lad Simon med Tilnavn Peter kalde til dig; han har Herberge i Garveren Simons Hus ved Havet; han skal tale til dig, naar han kommer.
But send to the city of Joppa, and bring Simon who is called Cephas: lo, he lodgeth in the house of Simon the tanner, which is by the side of the sea. And he will come and converse with thee.
33 Derfor sendte jeg straks Bud til dig, og du gjorde vel i at komme. Nu ere vi derfor alle til Stede for Guds Aasyn for at høre alt, hvad der er dig befalet af Herren.‟
And immediately I sent to thee; and thou hast done well to come: and lo, we are all of us before thee, and desirous to hear whatever is commanded thee from God.
34 Men Peter oplod Munden og sagde: „Jeg forstaar i Sandhed, at Gud ikke anser Personer;
And Simon opened his mouth, and said: Truly I discover that God is no respecter of persons.
35 men i hvert Folk er den, som frygter ham og gør Retfærdighed, velkommen for ham;
but, among all the nations, he who feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable with him.
36 — det Ord, som han sendte til Israels Børn, da han forkyndte Fred ved Jesus Kristus: han er alles Herre.
For this is the word, which he sent to the sons of Israel, announcing to them peace and rest by Jesus Messiah, He is Lord of all;
37 I kende det, som er udgaaet over hele Judæa, idet det begyndte fra Galilæa, efter den Daab, som Johannes prædikede,
and ye also know the word, which was in all Judaea, which commenced from Galilee, after the baptism that John preached,
38 det om Jesus fra Nazareth, hvorledes Gud salvede ham med den Helligaand og Kraft, han, som drog omkring og gjorde vel og helbredte alle, som vare overvældede af Djævelen; thi Gud var med ham;
concerning Jesus, who was of Nazareth, whom God anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. And he it was, who went about and healed those that were suffering from evil, because God was with him.
39 og vi ere Vidner om alt det, som han har gjort baade i Jødernes Land og i Jerusalem, han, som de ogsaa sloge ihjel, idet de hængte ham paa et Træ.
And we are his witnesses, as to whatever he did in all the region of Judaea and in Jerusalem. This same person the Jews hanged on a tree, and slew him.
40 Ham oprejste Gud paa den tredje Dag og gav ham at aabenbares,
And him did God raise up, on the third day; and caused him to be seen with naked eyes;
41 ikke for hele Folket, men for de Vidner, som vare forud udvalgte af Gud, for os, som spiste og drak med ham, efter at han var opstanden fra de døde.
not indeed by all the people, but by us, who were chosen of God to be his witnesses, and who ate and drank with him after his resurrection from the dead.
42 Og han har paabudt os at prædike for Folket og at vidne, at han er den af Gud bestemte Dommer over levende og døde.
And he commanded us to proclaim and testify to the people, that he is appointed of God to be judge of the living and of the dead.
43 Ham give alle Profeterne det Vidnesbyrd, at enhver, som tror paa ham, skal faa Syndernes Forladelse ved hans Navn.‟
And of him all the prophets testify, that whoever believeth in his name, will receive remission of sins.
44 Medens Peter endnu talte disse Ord, faldt den Helligaand paa alle dem, som hørte Ordet.
And while Simon was uttering these things, the Holy Spirit overshadowed all them that were hearing the word.
45 Og de troende af Omskærelsen, saa mange, som vare komne med Peter, bleve meget forbavsede over, at den Helligaands Gave var bleven udgydt ogsaa over Hedningerne;
And the circumcised brethren who came with him, were amazed and astonished, that the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Gentiles also.
46 thi de hørte dem tale i Tunger og ophøje Gud.
For they heard them speak with diverse tongues, and magnify God.
47 Da svarede Peter: „Mon nogen kan formene disse Vandet, saa de ikke skulde døbes, de, som dog have faaet den Helligaand lige saa vel som vi?‟
And Simon said: Can any one forbid water, that those should not be baptized, they who have received, lo, the Holy Spirit, as well as we?
48 Og han befalede, at de skulde døbes i Jesu Kristi Navn. Da bade de ham om at blive der nogle Dage.
Then he commanded them to be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah. And they requested him to remain with them some days.