< 2 Samuel 22 >
1 David sang HERREN denne Sang, dengang HERREN havde frelst ham af alle hans Fjenders og af Sauls Haand.
After Yahweh had rescued David from Saul and his other enemies, David sang a song to Yahweh.
2 Han sang: »HERRE, min Klippe, min Borg, min Befrier,
[This is what] he sang: Yahweh, you are like a [huge overhanging] rock [under which I can hide] [MET]; you are like my fortress, and you rescue me.
3 min Gud, mit Bjerg, hvortil jeg tyr, mit Skjold, mit Frelseshorn, mit Værn, min Tilflugt, min Frelser, som frelser mig fra Vold!
Yahweh, you protect me; you are like a shield; you are the powerful one [MET] who saves me; you are like a place where I (find refuge/am safe). You save me from those who act violently toward me.
4 Jeg paakalder HERREN, den Højlovede, og frelses fra mine Fjender.
I call out to you, Yahweh; you deserve to be praised, and you rescue me from my enemies.
5 Dødens Brændinger omsluttede mig, Ødelæggelsens Strømme forfærdede mig,
“almost died [PRS]; it was like [MET] a huge wave had crashed over me, and almost destroyed me like a flood.
6 Dødsrigets Reb omspændte mig, Dødens Snarer faldt over mig; (Sheol )
I thought that I would die; it was as though death wrapped ropes around me; it was as though I was in a trap where I would surely die. [PRS, MET] (Sheol )
7 i min Vaande paakaldte jeg HERREN og raabte til min Gud. Han hørte min Røst fra sin Helligdom, mit Raab fandt ind til hans Ører!
But when I was (very distressed/in great trouble), I called out to you, Yahweh; I cried out to you, my God. And from your temple you heard me; you listened when I called to you to help me.
8 Da rystede Jorden og skjalv, Himlens Grundvolde bæved og rysted, thi hans Vrede blussede op.
“Then [it was as though] the earth quaked and shook; [it was as though] the foundations that ([held up/supported]) the sky trembled, because you were angry.
9 Røg for ud af hans Næse, fortærende Ild af hans Mund, Gløder gnistrede fra ham.
[It was as though] smoke poured out of your nostrils and burning coals and fire that burns everything came out of your mouth.
10 Han sænkede Himlen, steg ned med Skymulm under sine Fødder;
You tore open the sky and came down; there was a thick dark [cloud] under your feet.
11 baaret af Keruber fløj han, svæved paa Vindens Vinger;
You rode [through the sky] on a winged creature; the wind enabled you to travel [swiftly] [MET], like a bird.
12 han omgav sig med Mulm som en Bolig, mørke Vandmasser, vandfyldte Skyer.
The darkness surrounded you, like a blanket; thick clouds that were full of water also surrounded you.
13 Fra Glansen foran ham for der Hagl og Ildgløder ud.
Out of the lightning in front of you fire from burning coals flamed.
14 HERREN tordned fra Himlen, den Højeste lod høre sin Røst;
Then, Yahweh, you spoke like thunder from the sky; it was your voice, God, you who are greater than all other gods, that was heard.
15 han udslynged Pile, adsplittede dem, lod Lynene funkle og skræmmede dem.
When you sent flashes of lightning, [it was as though] [MET] you shot your arrows and scattered your enemies.
16 Havets Bund kom til Syne, Jordens Grundvolde blottedes ved HERRENS Trusel, for hans Vredes Pust.
Then the bottom of the ocean was uncovered; the foundations of the world could be seen when you rebuked [your enemies] with a snort from your nostrils.
17 Han udrakte Haanden fra det høje og greb mig, drog mig op af de vældige Vande,
“Yahweh, you reached down from heaven and lifted me up; you pulled me up from the deep water.
18 frelste mig fra mine mægtige Fjender, fra mine Avindsmænd; de var mig for stærke.
You rescued me from my strong enemies, from those who hated me; [I could not defeat them because] they were very strong.
19 Paa min Ulykkes Dag faldt de over mig, men HERREN blev mig et Værn.
They attacked me when I was experiencing troubles/difficulties, but Yahweh, you protected me.
20 Han førte mig ud i aabent Land, han frelste mig, thi han havde Behag i mig.
You brought me to a place where I was safe; you rescued me because you were pleased with me.
21 HERREN gengældte mig efter min Retfærd, lønned mig efter mine Hænders Uskyld;
“Yahweh, you rewarded me because I do what is right; you did good things for me because I (was innocent/had not done things that are wrong).
22 thi jeg holdt mig til HERRENS Veje, svigted i Gudløshed ikke min Gud;
Yahweh, I have obeyed your laws; I have not turned away from you, my God.
23 hans Bud stod mig alle for Øje, jeg veg ikke fra hans Love.
All of your regulations were in my mind, and I did not turn away from [obeying] all your statutes.
24 Ustraffelig var jeg for ham og vogtede mig for Brøde.
You know that I have not done anything that is evil; I have kept myself from doing things for which I should be punished.
25 HERREN lønned mig efter min Retfærd, mine Hænders Uskyld, som var ham for Øje!
So you have rewarded me in return for my doing what is right, because [you know that] I (am innocent of doing/have not done) wrong things.
26 Du viser dig from mod den fromme, retsindig mod den retsindige,
“Yahweh, you are faithful/loyal to those who always trust in you; you always do what is good to those whose behavior is always good.
27 du viser dig ren mod den rene og vrang mod den svigefulde.
You act sincerely toward those whose inner beings are pure, but you are hostile to those who are perverse/wicked.
28 De arme giver du Frelse, hovmodiges Øjne Skam!
You rescue those who are humble, but you watch [MTY] those who are proud and humiliate them.
29 Ja, du er min Lampe, HERRE! HERREN opklarer mit Mørke.
Yahweh, you are [like] [MET] a lamp that causes it to become light when I am in the dark.
30 Thi ved din Hjælp søndrer jeg Mure, ved min Guds Hjælp springer jeg over Volde.
With your strength/help I can run through a line of enemy soldiers and I can climb over the wall [that surrounds their city].
31 Fuldkommen er Guds Vej, lutret er HERRENS Ord. Han er et Skjold for alle, der sætter deres Lid til ham.
“My God whom I worship, everything that you do is perfect; you always do what you promise that you will do. You are like a shield [MET] to all those who request you to protect them.
32 Ja, hvem er Gud uden HERREN, hvem er en Klippe uden vor Gud,
Yahweh, you are [RHQ] the only one who is God; only you are like a huge rock [MET] [under which we are protected/safe].
33 den Gud, der omgjorded mig med Kraft, jævnede Vejen for mig,
God, you [whom I worship] are a strong refuge for me; you keep me safe on the roads that I [walk on].
34 gjorde mine Fødder som Hindens og gav mig Fodfæste paa Højne,
[When I walk] in the mountains, you enable me to walk safely, without stumbling [MET] like a deer runs.
35 oplærte min Haand til Krig, saa mine Arme spændte Kobberbuen?
You teach me [how to fight] in a battle in order that I can shoot arrows well from a very strong bow.
36 Du gav mig din Frelses Skjold, din Nedladelse gjorde mig stor;
[It is as though] [MET] you have given me a shield by which you have saved/rescued me, and you have answered my prayers and caused me to become famous/great.
37 du skaffede Plads for mine Skridt, mine Ankler vaklede ikke.
You have not allowed [my enemies] to capture me [IDM], and I have not fallen down [during battles].
38 Jeg jog mine Fjender, indhentede dem, vendte først om, da de var gjort til intet,
“pursued my enemies and defeated them; I did not stop [fighting them] until they were all killed.
39 slog dem ned, saa de ej kunde rejse sig, men laa faldne under min Fod.
I struck them down; I stabbed them with my sword; they fell down at my feet and did not stand up again.
40 Du omgjorded mig med Kraft til Kampen, mine Modstandere tvang du i Knæ for mig;
You have given me strength for fighting battles and caused those who were attacking me to fall down, and I trampled on them.
41 du slog mine Fjender paa Flugt mine Avindsmænd ryddede jeg af Vejen.
You caused my enemies to turn and run away from me; I destroyed those who hated me.
42 De raabte, men ingen hjalp, til HERREN, han svared dem ikke.
They (looked for/wanted) someone to rescue them, but no one did. They cried out to you, Yahweh, [for help, ] but you did not answer them.
43 Jeg knuste dem som Jordens Støv, som Gadeskarn tramped jeg paa dem.
I crushed them, and as a result they became like [SIM] tiny particles of dust. I trampled them, and they became like [SIM] mud in the streets.
44 Du friede mig af Folkekampe, du satte mig til Folkeslags Høvding; nu tjener mig ukendte Folk;
“You rescued me from those who tried to rebel [against me], and you appointed me to rule many nations; people whom I did not know previously are now (under my authority/my slaves).
45 Udlandets Sønner kryber for mig; blot de hører om mig, lyder de mig:
Foreigners humbly bowed down in front of me; as soon as they heard about me, they obeyed me.
46 Udlandets Sønner vansmægter, kommer skælvende frem af deres Skjul.
They became afraid, and they came to me, trembling, from the places where they were hiding.
47 HERREN lever, højlovet min Klippe, ophøjet være min Frelses Gud,
“Yahweh, you are alive! I praise you! You are like [MET] a [huge overhanging] rock under which I am safe/protected! You are the one who rescues me [MET]. Everyone should exalt/honor/praise you.
48 den Gud, som giver mig Hævn, lægger Folkeslag under min Fod
You enable me to conquer my enemies; you cause people of [other] nations to be (under my authority/my slaves).
49 og frier mig fra mine Fjender! Du ophøjer mig over mine Modstandere, fra Voldsmænd frelser du mig.
You delivered me from my enemies; you caused me to be honored more than they were; you rescued me from men who [always] acted violently.
50 HERRE, derfor priser jeg dig blandt Folkene og lovsynger dit Navn,
Because of all that, I exalt you among many people-groups and I sing to praise you.
51 du, som kraftig hjælper din Konge og viser din Salvede Miskundhed. David og hans Æt evindelig.«
You enable me, whom you appointed to be king, to powerfully conquer [my enemies]; you faithfully love me, David, and you will love my descendants forever.