< 2 Samuel 12 >

1 Og HERREN sendte Natan til David. Da han kom ind til ham, sagde han: »Der boede to Mænd i samme By, en rig og en fattig.
So then Yahweh sent Nathan the prophet unto David, —who therefore came unto him and said to him—Two men, there were in a certain city, the one, rich, and, the other, poor.
2 Den rige havde Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg i Mængde,
The, rich, man had flocks and herds exceeding many;
3 medens den fattige ikke ejede andet end et eneste lille Lam, som han havde købt og opdrættet, og som var vokset op hos ham sammen med hans Børn; det aad af hans Brød, drak af hans Bæger og laa i hans Skød og var ham som en Datter.
whereas the, poor, man had, nothing, —save one little lamb, which he had made his own, and sustained, and it had grown up with him and with his children, all together, —of his own morsel, used it to eat, and, out of his own cup, used it to drink, and, in his own bosom, used it to lie, and it was to him, as a daughter.
4 Men da den rige Mand engang fik Besøg, ømmede han sig ved at tage noget af sit eget Smaakvæg eller Hornkvæg og tillave det til den vejfarende Mand, som var kommet til ham, men tog den fattige Mands Lam og tillavede det til sin Gæst!«
Now there came a traveller to the rich man, but he thought it a pity to take of his own flock, or his own herd, to make ready for the wayfarer who had come to him, —so he took the lamb of his poor neighbour, and made ready for the man who had come to him.
5 Da blussede Davids Vrede heftigt op mod den Mand, og han sagde til Natan: »Saa sandt HERREN lever: Den Mand, som gjorde det, er dødsens,
Then was kindled the anger of David against the man, fiercely, —and he said unto Nathan, By the life of Yahweh, doomed to death, is the man that hath done this;
6 og Lammet skal han erstatte firefold, fordi han handlede saa hjerteløst!«
and, the lamb, shall he pay back sevenfold, —because he did this thing, and, for that he had no pity.
7 Men Natan sagde til David: »Du er Manden! Saa siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Jeg salvede dig til Konge over Israel, og jeg friede dig af Sauls Haand;
Then said Nathan unto David: Thou, art the man! Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel—I, anointed thee to be king over Israel, and, I, delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;
8 jeg gav dig din Herres Hus, lagde din Herres Hustruer i din Favn og gav dig Israels og Judas Hus; og var det for lidet, vilde jeg have givet dig endnu mere, baade det ene og det andet.
and gave unto thee the household of thy lord, and the wives of thy lord, into thy bosom, and gave unto thee the house of Israel and Judah. And, if this had been too little, I could have further given thee more and more of such things.
9 Hvorfor har du da ringeagtet HERRENS Ord og gjort, hvad der er ondt i hans Øjne? Hetiten Urias har du dræbt med Sværdet; hans Hustru har du taget til Ægte, og ham har du slaaet ihjel med Ammoniternes Sværd.
Wherefore, hast thou despised the word of Yahweh, by doing that which is wicked in mine eyes? Uriah the Hittite, hast thou smitten with the sword, and, his wife, hast thou taken to thyself to wife, yea, him, hast thou slain with the sword of the sons of Ammon!
10 Saa skal nu Sværdet aldrig vige fra dit Hus, fordi du ringeagtede mig og tog Hetiten Urias's Hustru til Ægte.
Now, therefore, the sword shall not depart from thy house, unto age-abiding times, —because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.
11 Saa siger HERREN: Se, jeg lader Ulykke komme over dig fra dit eget Hus, og jeg tager dine Hustruer bort for Øjnene af dig og giver dem til en anden, som skal ligge hos dine Hustruer ved højlys Dag.
Thus, saith Yahweh, —Behold me! raising up over thee calamity out of thine own household, and I will take thy wives, before thine eyes, and give unto thy neighbour, and he will lie with thy wives, in the eyes of this sun.
12 Thi du handlede i det skjulte, men jeg vil opfylde dette Ord i hele Israels Paasyn og ved højlys Dag!«
For, thou, didst it, in secret, —but, I, will do this thing, before all Israel, and before the sun.
13 Da sagde David til Natan: »Jeg har syndet mod HERREN!« Og Natan sagde til David: »Saa har HERREN ogsaa tilgivet dig din Synd; du skal ikke dø.
And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against Yahweh. Then said Nathan unto David, —Yahweh also, hath put away thy sin, thou shalt not die!
14 Men fordi du ved denne Gerning har vist Foragt for HERREN, skal Sønnen, som er født dig, visselig dø!«
Nevertheless, because thou hast greatly blasphemed Yahweh, by this thing, the very son that is born to thee, shall, die.
15 Derpaa gik Natan til sit Hus. Og HERREN ramte det Barn, Urias's Hustru havde født David, med Sygdom.
And Nathan departed unto his own house, —and Yahweh struck the child that the wife of Uriah had borne unto David, and it fell sick.
16 Da søgte David Gud for Barnet, holdt Faste og gik hen og lagde sig om Natten paa Jorden i Sæk.
David therefore earnestly sought God in behalf of the boy, —and David kept a fast, and used to go in and pass the night, and lie upon the ground.
17 De ældste i hans Hus kom til ham for at faa ham til at rejse sig, men han vilde ikke, og han holdt ikke Maaltid sammen med dem.
And the elders of his house stood up over him, to raise him from the ground, —but he would not, neither would he eat food with them.
18 Syvendedagen døde Barnet; men Davids Folk turde ikke lade ham vide, at Barnet var død, thi de tænkte: »Da Barnet levede, vilde han ikke laane os Øre, naar vi talte til ham; hvor kan vi da nu sige til ham, at Barnet er død? Han kunde gøre en Ulykke!«
And it came to pass, on the seventh day, that the child died, —but the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead, for said they—Lo! while the child was living, we spake unto him, and he hearkened not unto our voice, how then can we say unto him, The child is dead, and so he do [himself] harm?
19 Men da David saa, at hans Folk hviskede sammen, skønnede han, at Barnet var død. Saa spurgte David sine Folk: »Er Barnet død?« Og de svarede: »Ja, han er død!«
But, when David saw that his servants were whispering among themselves, then understood David that the child was dead, —and David said unto his servants—Is the child, dead? And they answered—Dead!
20 Da rejste David sig fra Jorden, tvættede og salvede sig, tog andre Klæder paa og gik ind i HERRENS Hus og bad; saa gik han hjem, forlangte at faa Mad sat frem og spiste.
Then David arose from the ground, and bathed and anointed, and changed his apparel, and, entering into the house of Yahweh, bowed himself down, —then came he into his own house, and asked, and they set before him food, and he did eat.
21 Da sagde hans Folk til ham: »Hvorledes er det dog, du bærer dig ad? Medens Barnet endnu levede, fastede du og græd; og nu da Barnet er død, rejser du dig og spiser!«
Then said his servants unto him, What is this thing that thou hast done? For the child’s sake, while living, thou didst fast and weep, but, as soon as the child was dead, thou didst arise and eat food.
22 Han svarede: »Saa længe Barnet levede, fastede jeg og græd; thi jeg tænkte: Maaske er HERREN mig naadig, saa Barnet bliver i Live.
And he said, —While yet the child lived, I fasted, and wept, —for I said—Who knoweth whether Yahweh may not grant me favour, and the child live?
23 Men hvorfor skulde jeg faste, nu han er død? Kan jeg bringe ham tilbage igen? Jeg gaar til ham, men han kommer ikke tilbage til mig!«
But, now, that he is dead, wherefore should I go on fasting? can I bring him back again? I am going unto him, but, he, will not come back unto me.
24 Derpaa trøstede David sin Hustru Batseba, og efter at han var gaaet ind til hende og havde ligget hos hende, fødte hun en Søn, som han kaldte Salomo, og ham elskede HERREN.
And David consoled Bath-sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her, —and she bare a son, and called his name, Solomon, and Yahweh loved him.
25 Han overgav ham til Profeten Natan, og paa HERRENS Ord kaldte denne ham Jedidja.
And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and called his name Jedidiah ["Beloved of Yah"], for Yahweh’s sake.
26 Joab angreb imidlertid Rabba i Ammon og indtog Vandbyen.
And Joab fought against Rabbah, of the sons of Ammon, —and captured the royal city.
27 Derpaa sendte Joab Bud til David og lod sige: »Jeg har angrebet Rabba og indtaget Vandbyen;
Then Joab sent messengers unto David, —and said—I have fought against Rabbah, I have also captured the city of the waters.
28 kald nu Resten af Hæren sammen, saa du kan belejre Byen og indtage den, for at det ikke skal blive mig, der indtager den og faar mit Navn udraabt over den!«
Now, therefore, gather thou together the rest of the people, and encamp against the city, and capture it, —lest, I, capture the city, and it be called by my name.
29 Da samlede David hele Hæren og drog til Rabba, angreb og indtog det.
So David gathered together all the people, and went to Rabbah, —and fought against it, and captured it.
30 Og han tog Kronen af Milkoms Hoved; den var af Guld og vejede en Talent; der var en Ædelsten paa den, og den blev sat paa Davids Hoved. Et vældigt Bytte fra Byen førte han med sig,
Then took he the crown of Milcom from off his head, the weight thereof, being a talent of gold, with the precious stones, and it remained on the head of David, —the spoil of the city also, brought he forth in great abundance;
31 og Indbyggerne slæbte han bort, satte dem til Savene, Jernhakkerne og Jernøkserne og lod dem trælle ved Teglovnene. Saaledes gjorde han ved alle Ammoniternes Byer. Derpaa vendte David og hele Hæren tilbage til Jerusalem.
the people also that were therein, brought he forth, and put them to the saw, and to threshing sledges of iron, and to axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln, and thus used he to do unto all the cities of the sons of Ammon. And David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem.

< 2 Samuel 12 >