< 2 Peter 2 >
1 Men der opstod ogsaa falske Profeter iblandt Folket, ligesom der ogsaa iblandt eder vil komme falske Lærere, som ville liste fordærvelige Vranglærdomme ind, idet de endog fornægte den Herre, som købte dem, og bringe en brat Undergang over sig selv,
Just like there were false prophets among the [Israeli] people [long ago], so there will also be teachers who teach false [things] among you. They will enter [your congregations] without you realizing [what/who they are], and they will [spiritually] injure some people by what they teach. Specifically, these teachers will even deny [that] the Lord [Jesus died to] pay [for the guilt of our sins]. As a result, they will soon destroy themselves [spiritually, and God will also punish them].
2 og mange ville efterfølge deres Uterligheder, saa Sandhedens Vej for deres Skyld vil blive bespottet,
And many [people] will behave in an extremely immoral manner, imitating the extremely immoral way [these teachers who teach false things] behave. As a result, [unbelievers] will (discredit the true message/say the true message is false).
3 og i Havesyge ville de med falske Ord skaffe sig Vinding af eder; men Dommen over dem har alt fra gamle Dage været i Virksomhed, og deres Undergang slumrer ikke.
Because [the teachers of false teaching] want a lot of things that other people have, [they think that] by telling you stories that they themselves have (made up/invented), they will get money from you. [God decided] long ago [that he would] punish them, and he has not fallen asleep [LIT]! [He will certainly destroy them]!
4 Thi naar Gud ikke sparede Engle, da de syndede, men nedstyrtede dem i Afgrunden og overgav dem til Mørkets Huler for at bevogtes til Dom, (Tartaroō )
God destroyed [LIT] the angels who sinned. He threw them into the worst place in hell and imprisoned them [there] in darkness in order to keep them there until he judges [and punishes them]. (Tartaroō )
5 og ikke sparede den gamle Verden, men bevarede Retfærdighedens Prædiker Noa selv ottende, da han førte Oversvømmelse over en Verden af ugudelige
He also got rid of [LIT] [the people who lived in] [MTY] the world long ago. He saved [only] eight of them, including Noah, who was a righteous preacher. God saved them when he destroyed in a flood [all] (the ungodly people/the people whose lives were not pleasing to him) [who were living then].
6 og lagde Sodomas og Gomorras Stæder i Aske og domfældte dem til Ødelæggelse, saa han har sat dem til Forbillede for dem, som i Fremtiden vilde leve ugudeligt,
He also condemned Sodom and Gomorrah [cities]; that is, he destroyed them by burning them completely to ashes. [By doing that] he gave a warning to those who afterwards would live in (an ungodly way/a way that is displeasing to him).
7 og udfriede den retfærdige Lot, som plagedes af de ryggesløses uterlige Vandel,
But he rescued [Abraham’s nephew], Lot, who was a righteous [man. Lot] was (greatly distressed/very sad) because the people [in Sodom] were doing very immoral things.
8 (thi medens den retfærdige boede iblandt dem, pintes han Dag for Dag i sin retfærdige Sjæl ved de lovløse Gerninger, som han saa og hørte):
That righteous [man’s] soul (was tormented/suffered great agony) day after day because he saw and heard those wicked people behave in a very lawless/wicked [manner when he was] living among them.
9 — Da ved Herren at udfri gudfrygtige af Fristelse, men at straffe og bevogte uretfærdige til Dommens Dag,
And since the Lord God [rescued Lot, you can be sure that] he knows how to rescue (other godly people/people whose lives please him) from their sufferings, and [he is able] to preserve (ungodly [people/people whose lives do not please him]), [whom he has started to] punish even now, until the time when he will [finish judging them and punish] them.
10 og mest dem, som vandre efter Kød, i Begær efter Besmittelse, og foragte Herskab. Frække, selvbehagelige, bæve de ikke ved at bespotte Herligheder,
[He will punish especially severely] those [ungodly teachers who teach false things] who do the things that their self-directed nature desires, things that (defile them/cause them to be completely impure). Those [teachers of false teachings] despise [all beings who] rule [over them]. 2 Peter 2:10d-16 Because [those teachers of false doctrines are] extremely arrogant/proud [DOU], they (are not afraid to insult/boldly speak evil about) glorious beings [in heaven] (OR, glorious/wonderful beings [who rule over people]).
11 hvor dog Engle, som ere større i Styrke og Magt, ikke fremføre bespottende Dom imod dem for Herren.
In contrast, angels do not insult [those teachers] when those teachers accuse the angels [of blasphemy] while the Lord God is watching, even though the angels are much more powerful [DOU] [than the teachers of false doctrines].
12 Men disse — ligesom ufornuftige Dyr, der af Natur ere fødte til at fanges og ødelægges, skulle de, fordi de bespotte, hvad de ikke kende, ogsaa ødelægges med hines Ødelæggelse,
Because those [teachers of false doctrines are] like animals that cannot think [as humans do] [DOU], they say evil things about [spiritual] things which they know nothing about. [As a result], God will destroy them like [people] destroy [animals], [animals] that are born only in order to be hunted and killed {in order that [people] should hunt and kill them}.
13 idet de faa Uretfærdigheds Løn. De sætte deres Lyst i Vellevned om Dagen, disse Skampletter og Skændselsmennesker! De svælge i deres Bedragerier, medens de holde Gilde med eder;
God will punish [those teachers] in return for the unrighteous actions/things that they have done. They even like (to carouse/to drink and revel noisily) in the daytime [as well as at night]. And as they indulge/enjoy themselves just like they want to while they are feasting with you, they cause you to become impure, [as] [MET] stains and blotches [DOU] [ruin a clean garment].
14 deres Øjne ere fulde af Horeri og kunne ikke faa nok af Synd; de lokke ubefæstede Sjæle; de have et Hjerte, øvet i Havesyge, Forbandelsens Børn;
They [want to commit] [MTY] adultery [with every woman] whom they look at. They never stop seeking opportunities to sin. They entice/persuade those who are [spiritually] unstable [to join them in doing the sinful things that they do]. [Because of] their ever-increasing (greed/desire to have more and more things), they are doomed [to eternal punishment].
15 de have forladt den lige Vej og ere farne vild, følgende Bileams, Beors Søns, Vej, han, som elskede Uretfærdigheds Løn,
They have (rejected good moral standards/quit doing what everyone knows is right). They have imitated [what the prophet] Balaam, the son of Bosor, [did long ago]. He, [acting very] unrighteously, wanted [the enemies of the Jews] to pay him if he [asked God] ([to curse/to do bad thing to]) [the Jews].
16 men fik Revselse for sin Overtrædelse: Et umælende Trældyr talte med menneskelig Røst og hindrede Profetens Afsind.
But God rebuked him for having done that which was wrong [and for] behaving very foolishly. And even though donkeys do not speak, [God used] a donkey to hinder Balaam [by enabling it to] speak to him with a human voice.
17 Disse ere vandløse Kilder og Taageskyer, som drives af Stormvind; for dem er Mørke og Mulm bevaret.
These [teachers who each false things mislead/deceive people by promising what they cannot do], as [MET] dried-up springs [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect to get water from them]. They [mislead/deceive people] [MET] just like clouds that are blown along by strong winds [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect rain, but no rain falls. Therefore], God has reserved the darkness of hell [for those teachers of false doctrines]. ()
18 Thi dem, som ere lige ved at undslippe fra dem, der vandre i Vildfarelse, lokke de i Kødets Begæringer ved Uterligheder, idet de tale Tomheds overmodige Ord
By boasting proudly as they make speeches that are worthless, they entice people who have recently [become believers and] have stopped doing the things that wicked people do. Urged on by their self-directed nature, they entice them [into sin] by encouraging them to [do] evil things.
19 og love dem Frihed, skønt de selv ere Fordærvelsens Trælle; thi man er Træl af det, som man er overvunden af.
[The false teachers] tell people that they are free [to do whatever they want to do, even though] they themselves are [like] slaves [MET] [because their own self-directed nature forces them to do] sinful things. [Think about these well-known words: “Whenever a person is controlled by something] {[something controls a person]}, [it is as though] that person has become a slave of what controls him.”
20 Thi dersom de, efter at have undflyet Verdens Besmittelser ved Erkendelse af vor Herre og Frelser Jesus Kristus, igen lade sig indvikle deri og overvindes, da er det sidste blevet værre med dem end det første.
Those [who teach false truths] learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a result, they stopped doing those things that (defile [people/cause people to become impure]) [spiritually]. Since they have begun to do [those evil things again], with the result that they are unable to stop doing them, they are in a worse condition than [they were in before they knew Jesus Christ].
21 Thi bedre havde det været dem ikke at have erkendt Retfærdighedens Vej end efter at have erkendt den at vende sig bort fra det hellige Bud, som var blevet dem overgivet.
[Because God will severely punish them], it would have been better for them if they had never known what it means to live in a righteous way. It is too bad that although they knew [how to live in a righteous way], they stopped doing the things that God commanded people to do, the things that [were] taught to them ([by us apostles/by Christ]) {that ([we apostles/Christ]) taught to them}.
22 Det er gaaet dem efter det sande Ordsprog: „Hunden vender sig om til sit eget Spy, og den toede So til at vælte sig i Sølen.”
[The way they are behaving again] is just like (the proverbs/what people often say): [They are like] dogs that return to [eat] their vomit, and [they are like] pigs that have been washed and then roll [again] in the mud.