< Anden Kongebog 5 >

1 Na'aman, Kongen af Arams Hærfører, havde meget at sige hos sin Herre og var højt agtet; thi ved ham havde HERREN givet Aramæerne Sejr; men Manden var spedalsk.
Now Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man in his master’s sight and highly regarded, for through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. And he was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper.
2 Nu havde Aramæerne engang paa et Strejftog røvet en lille Pige i Israels Land; hun var kommet i Tjeneste hos Na'amans Hustru,
At this time the Arameans had gone out in bands and had taken a young girl from the land of Israel, and she was serving Naaman’s wife.
3 og hun sagde til sin Frue: »Gid min Herre var hos Profeten i Samaria; han vilde sikkert skille ham af med hans Spedalskhed!«
She said to her mistress, “If only my master would go to the prophet who is in Samaria, he would cure him of his leprosy.”
4 Saa kom Na'aman og fortalte sin Herre, hvad Pigen fra Israels Land havde sagt.
And Naaman went and told his master what the girl from the land of Israel had said.
5 Da sagde Arams Konge: »Rejs derhen! Jeg skal sende et Brev med til Israels Konge!« Saa rejste han og tog ti Talenter Sølv, 6000 Sekel Guld og ti Sæt Festklæder med.
“Go now,” said the king of Aram, “and I will send you with a letter to the king of Israel.” So Naaman departed, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten sets of clothing.
6 Og han overbragte Israels Konge Brevet. Deri stod der: »Naar dette Brev kommer dig i Hænde, skal du vide, at jeg sender min Tjener Na'aman til dig, for at du skal skille ham af med hans Spedalskhed!«
And the letter that he took to the king of Israel stated: “With this letter I am sending my servant Naaman, so that you may cure him of his leprosy.”
7 Da Israels Konge havde læst Brevet, sønderrev han sine klæder og sagde: »Er jeg Gud, saa jeg raader over Liv og Død, siden han skriver til mig, at jeg skal skille en Mand af med hans Spedalskhed Nej, I kan da se, at han søger Lejlighed til Strid med mig!«
When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and asked, “Am I God, killing and giving life, that this man expects me to cure a leper? Surely you can see that he is seeking a quarrel with me!”
8 Men da den Guds Mand Elisa hørte, at Israels Konge havde sønderrevet sine klæder, sendte han det Bud til Kongen: »Hvorfor sønderriver du dine Klæder? Lad ham komme til mig, saa skal han kende, at der er en Profet i Israel!«
Now when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent a message to the king: “Why have you torn your clothes? Please let the man come to me, and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
9 Da kom Na'aman med Heste og Vogne og holdt uden for Døren til Elisas Hus.
So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood at the door of Elisha’s house.
10 Elisa sendte et Bud ud til ham og lod sige: »Gaa hen og bad dig syv Gange i Jordan, saa bliver dit Legeme atter friskt, og du bliver ren!«
Then Elisha sent him a messenger, who said, “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored, and you will be clean.”
11 Men Na'aman blev vred og drog bort med de Ord: »Se, jeg havde tænkt, at han vilde komme ud til mig, staa og paakalde HERREN sin Guds Navn og svinge sin Haand i Retning af Helligdommen og saaledes gøre Ende paa Spedalskheden!
But Naaman went away angry, saying, “I thought that he would surely come out, stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the spot to cure my leprosy.
12 Er ikke Damaskus's Floder Abana og Parpar fuldt saa gode som alle Israels Vande? Kunde jeg ikke blive ren ved at bade mig i dem?« Og han vendte sig og drog bort i Vrede.
Are not the Abanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not have washed in them and been cleansed?” So he turned and went away in a rage.
13 Men hans Trælle kom og sagde til ham: »Dersom Profeten havde paalagt dig noget, som var vanskeligt vilde du saa ikke have gjort det? Hvor meget mere da nu, da han sagde til dig: Bad dig, saa bliver du ren!«
Naaman’s servants, however, approached him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’?”
14 Saa drog han ned og dykkede sig syv Gange i Jordan efter den Guds Mands Ord; og hans Legeme blev atter friskt som et Barns, og han blev ren.
So Naaman went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored and became like that of a little child, and he was clean.
15 Saa vendte han med hele sit Følge tilbage til den Guds Mand, og da han var kommet derhen, traadte han frem for ham og sagde: »Nu ved jeg, at der ingensteds paa Jorden er nogen Gud uden i Israel! Saa modtag nu en Takkegave af din Træl!«
Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God, stood before him, and declared, “Now I know for sure that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. So please accept a gift from your servant.”
16 Men han svarede: »Saa sandt HERREN lever, for hvis Aasyn jeg staar, jeg modtager ikke noget!« Og skønt han nødte ham, vægrede han sig ved at modtage noget.
But Elisha replied, “As surely as the LORD lives, before whom I stand, I will not accept it.” And although Naaman urged him to accept it, he refused.
17 Da sagde Na'aman: »Saa lad da være! Men lad din Træl faa saa meget Jord, som et Par Muldyr kan bære, thi din Træl vil aldrig mere ofre Brændoffer eller Slagtoffer til nogen anden Gud end HERREN!
“If you will not,” said Naaman, “please let me, your servant, be given as much soil as a pair of mules can carry. For your servant will never again make a burnt offering or a sacrifice to any other god but the LORD.
18 Men i een Ting vil HERREN nok bære over med din Træl: Naar min Herre gaar ind i Rimmons Hus for at tilbede og støtter sig til min Arm og jeg saa sammen med ham kaster mig til Jorden i Rimmons Hus, da vil HERREN nok bære over med din Træl i den Ting!«
Yet may the LORD forgive your servant this one thing: When my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my arm, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the LORD forgive your servant in this matter.”
19 Han svarede: »Far i Fred!« Men da han var kommet et Stykke hen ad Vejen,
“Go in peace,” said Elisha. But after Naaman had traveled a short distance,
20 sagde Gehazi, den Guds Mand Elisas Tjener, ved sig selv: »Der har min Herre ladet denne Aramæer Na'aman slippe og ikke modtaget af ham, hvad han havde med; saa sandt HERREN lever, jeg vil løbe efter ham for at faa noget af ham!«
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, “Look, my master has spared this Aramean, Naaman, while not accepting what he brought. As surely as the LORD lives, I will run after him and get something from him.”
21 Saa satte Gehazi efter Na'aman, og da Na'aman saa ham komme løbende efter sig, sprang han af Vognen, gik ham i Møde og spurgte: »Staar det godt til?«
So Gehazi pursued Naaman. And when Naaman saw him running toward him, he got down from the chariot to meet him and asked, “Is everything all right?”
22 Han svarede: »Ja, det staar godt til! Min Herre sender mig med det Bud: Der kom lige nu to unge Mænd, som hører til Profetsønnerne, til mig fra Efraims Bjerge: giv dem en Talent Sølv og to Sæt Festklæder!«
“Everything is all right,” Gehazi replied. “My master has sent me to say, ‘I have just now discovered that two young men from the sons of the prophets have come to me from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two sets of clothing.’”
23 Da sagde Na'aman: »Tag dog mod to Talenter Sølv!« Og han nødte ham. Saa bandt han to Talenter ind i to Punge og tog to Sæt Festklæder og gav to af sine Trælle dem, for at de skulde bære dem foran ham.
But Naaman insisted, “Please, take two talents.” And he urged Gehazi to accept them. Then he tied up two talents of silver in two bags along with two sets of clothing and gave them to two of his servants, who carried them ahead of Gehazi.
24 Men da de kom til Højen, tog han Pengene fra dem, gemte dem i Huset og lod Mændene gaa.
When Gehazi came to the hill, he took the gifts from the servants and stored them in the house. Then he dismissed the men, and they departed.
25 Saa gik han ind til sin Herre og traadte hen til ham. Da spurgte Elisa: »Hvor har du været, Gehazi?« Han svarede: »Din Træl har ingen Steder været!«
When Gehazi went in and stood before his master, Elisha asked him, “Gehazi, where have you been?” “Your servant did not go anywhere,” he replied.
26 Saa sagde han til ham: »Gik jeg ikke i Aanden hos dig, da en stod af sin Vogn og gik tilbage for at møde dig? Nu har du faaet Penge, og du kan faa Klæder, Olivenlunde og Vingaarde, Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg, Trælle og Trælkvinder,
But Elisha questioned him, “Did not my spirit go with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to accept money and clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, menservants and maidservants?
27 men Na'amans Spedalskhed skal hænge ved dig og dit Afkom til evig Tid!« Og Gehazi gik fra ham, hvid som Sne af Spedalskhed.
Therefore, the leprosy of Naaman will cling to you and your descendants forever!” And as Gehazi left his presence, he was leprous—as white as snow.

< Anden Kongebog 5 >