< Anden Kongebog 13 >

1 I Ahazjas Søns, Kong Joas af Judas, tre og tyvende Regeringsaar blev Joahaz, Jehus Søn, Konge over Israel, og han herskede sytten Aar i Samaria.
Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, became king of Israel in the twenty-third year of the reign of Joash, son of Ahaziah, king of Judah. He reigned in Samaria for seventeen years.
2 Han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i HERRENS Øjne, og vandrede i de Synder, Jeroboam, Nebats Søn, havde forledt Israel til; fra dem veg han ikke.
He did what was evil in the Lord's sight, and followed the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat, had made Israel commit; he did not end them.
3 Da blussede HERRENS Vrede op mod Israel, og han gav dem til Stadighed i Kong Hazael af Arams og hans Søn Benhadads Haand.
So the Lord was angry with Israel, and he repeatedly allowed them to be defeated by Hazael, king of Aram, and his son Ben-hadad.
4 Men Joahaz bad HERREN om Naade, og HERREN bønhørte ham, fordi han saa Israels Trængsel; thi Arams Konge bragte Trængsel over dem;
Jehoahaz asked the Lord for help, and the Lord responded to his request because he saw how badly the king of Aram was treating Israel.
5 og HERREN gav Israel en Befrier, som friede dem af Arams Haand; saa boede Israeliterne i deres Telte som før.
The Lord gave Israel someone who would save them so they no longer were under Aramean rule. Then the Israelites were able to go back to living in safety as before.
6 Dog veg de ikke fra de Synder, Jeroboams Hus havde forledt Israel til, men vandrede i dem; ogsaa Asjerastøtten blev staaende i Samaria.
Even so they did not end the sins that the house of Jeroboam had made Israel commit—they continued to follow them. The Asherah idol still stood in Samaria.
7 Thi Arams Konge levnede ikke Joahaz flere Krigsfolk end halvtredsindstyve Ryttere, ti Stridsvogne og ti Tusinde Mand Fodfolk, men han tilintetgjorde dem og knuste dem til Støv.
All that was left of Jehoahaz's army were fifty horsemen, ten chariots, and ten thousand soldiers, for the king of Aram had destroyed the rest, turning them into dust like that when grain is threshed.
8 Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Joahaz, alt, hvad han udførte, og hans Heltegerninger staar jo optegnet i Israels Kongers Krønike.
The rest of what happened in Jehoahaz's reign, all he did, and his great achievements are recorded in the Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
9 Saa lagde Joahaz sig til Hvile hos sine Fædre, og man jordede ham i Samaria; og hans Søn Joas blev Konge i hans Sted.
Jehoahaz died and was buried in Samaria. His son Jehoash succeeded him as king.
10 I Kong Joas af Judas syv og tredivte Regeringsaar blev Joas, Joahaz's Søn, Konge over Israel, og han herskede seksten Aar i Samaria.
Jehoash, son of Jehoahaz, became king of Israel in Samaria in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of King Joash of Judah, and he reigned for sixteen years.
11 Han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i HERRENS Øjne, og veg ikke fra nogen af de Synder, Jeroboam, Nebats Søn, havde forledt Israel til, men vandrede i dem.
He did what was evil in the Lord's sight and did not end all the sins that Jeroboam, son of Nebat, had made Israel commit—he continued to follow them.
12 Hvad der ellers er at fortælle om Joas, alt, hvad han udførte, og hans Heltegerninger, hvorledes han førte Krig med Kong Amazja af Juda, staar jo optegnet i Israels Kongers Krønike.
The rest of what happened in Jehoash's reign, all he did, and his great achievements such as his war against Amaziah, king of Judah, are recorded in the Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.
13 Saa lagde Joas sig til Hvile hos sine Fædre; og Jeroboam satte sig paa hans Trone. Joas blev jordet i Samaria hos Israels Konger.
Jehoash died, and Jeroboam sat on his throne. Jehoash was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel.
14 Da Elisa blev ramt af den Sygdom, han døde af, kom Kong Joas af Israel ned til ham, bøjede sig grædende over ham og sagde: »Min Fader, min Fader, du Israels Vogne og Ryttere!«
Elisha had become ill with a disease that would eventually kill him. Jehoash, king of Israel, went to visit him, and wept over him, saying, “My father, my father, the chariots and the horsemen of Israel!”
15 Men Elisa sagde til ham: »Bring Bue og Pile!« Og han bragte ham Bue og Pile.
Elisha told him, “Find a bow and some arrows.” So Jehoash found a bow and some arrows.
16 Da sagde han til Israels Konge: »Læg din Haand paa Buen!« Og da han gjorde det, lagde Elisa sine Hænder paa Kongens
Then Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Pick up the bow.” So the king picked up the bow. Elisha placed his hands on the king's hands.
17 og sagde: »Luk Vinduet op mod Øst!« Og da han havde gjort det, sagde Elisa: »Skyd!« Og han skød. Da sagde Elisa: »En Sejrspil fra HERREN, en Sejrspil mod Aram! Du skal tilføje Aram et afgørende Nederlag ved Afek!«
“Open the east window,” he told him. So the king opened it and Elisha said, “Shoot!” So he fired an arrow. Then Elisha explained, “This is the Lord's victory arrow representing the arrow of victory over the Arameans. You will attack the Arameans in Aphek and finish them off.”
18 Derpaa sagde han: »Tag Pilene!« Og han tog dem. Da sagde han til Israels Konge: »Slaa paa Jorden!« Og han slog tre Gange, men holdt saa op.
Then Elisha said, “Pick up the arrows!” So he picked them up. Elisha told the king of Israel, “Hit the ground with them!” He hit the ground three times, and then stopped.
19 Da vrededes den Guds Mand paa ham og sagde: »Du burde have slaaet fem-seks Gange, saa skulde du have tilføjet Aram et afgørende Nederlag, men nu skal du kun slaa Aram tre Gange!«
The man of God got angry with him, telling him, “You should have hit the ground five or six times. Then you would have attacked the Arameans until you had completely destroyed them. But now you will only attack the Arameans three times.”
20 Saa døde Elisa, og de jordede ham. Aar efter Aar trængte moabitiske Strejfskarer ind i Landet;
Elisha died and was buried. Raiders from the country of Moab used to invade Israel every spring.
21 og da nogle Israeliter engang fik Øje paa en saadan Skare, netop som de var ved at jorde en Mand, kastede de Manden i Elisas Grav og løb deres Vej. Men da Manden kom i Berøring med Elisas Ben, blev han levende og rejste sig op.
On time some Israelites were burying a man when suddenly they saw some raiders coming, so they quickly threw the man into Elisha's tomb. As soon as he touched Elisha's bones, the man came back to life and stood up.
22 Kong Hazael af Aram trængte Israel haardt, saa længe Joahaz levede.
Hazael, king of Aram, caused problems for Israel through all Jehoahaz's reign.
23 Men HERREN forbarmede sig og ynkedes over dem og vendte sig til dem paa Grund af sin Pagt med Abraham, Isak og Jakob; han vilde ikke tilintetgøre dem og havde endnu ikke stødt dem bort fra sit Aasyn.
But the Lord graciously helped them and was kind to them. He looked after them because of his agreement with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Even to this day he's been unwilling to destroy them or to throw them out of his presence.
24 Men da Kong Hazael af Aram døde, og hans Søn Benhadad blev Konge i hans Sted,
When Hazael, king of Aram, died, his son Ben-hadad succeeded him as king.
25 tog Joas, Joahaz's Søn, de Byer tilbage fra Benhadad, Hazaels Søn, som han i Krigen havde frataget hans Fader Joahaz. Tre Gange slog Joas ham og tog de israelitiske Byer tilbage.
Then Jehoash, son of Jehoahaz, recovered from Ben-hadad son of Hazael, the towns that Hazael had captured from his father Jehoahaz. Jehoash defeated Ben-hadad three times, and so recaptured the Israelite towns.

< Anden Kongebog 13 >