< Anden Krønikebog 5 >
1 Da hele Arbejdet, som Salomo lod udføre ved HERRENS Hus, var færdigt, bragte Salomo sin Fader Davids Helliggaver, Sølvet og Guldet, derind og lagde alle Tingene i Skatkamrene i Guds Hus.
After Solomon’s workers had finished building the temple, Solomon put in the temple storage rooms everything that his father David had dedicated to Yahweh—all the silver and gold and all the other things that were used at the temple.
2 Derpaa kaldte Salomo Israels Ældste og alle Stammernes Overhoveder, Israeliternes Fædrenehuses Øverster, sammen i Jerusalem for at føre HERRENS Pagts Ark op fra Davidsbyen, det er Zion.
Then King Solomon summoned to Jerusalem all the elders of Israel, all the leaders of the tribes and of the families/clans. He wanted them to help to bring to the temple Yahweh’s Sacred Chest from Zion [Hill], where it was in [the part of the city called] ‘The City of David’.
3 Saa samledes alle Israels Mænd hos Kongen paa Højtiden i Etanim Maaned, det er den syvende Maaned.
So all the leaders of Israel gathered together along with the king, during the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters, in October.
4 Og alle Israels Ældste kom, og Leviterne har Arken.
When they had all arrived, the descendants of Levi lifted up the Sacred Chest,
5 Og de bragte Arken op tillige med Aabenbaringsteltet og alle de hellige Ting, der var i Teltet; Præsterne og Leviterne bragte dem op:
and they carried it and the Sacred Tent and the sacred things that were inside it. The priests, who were also descended from Levi, carried them.
6 Og Kong Salomo tillige med hele Israels Menighed, som havde givet Møde hos ham foran Arken, ofrede Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg, saa meget, at det ikke var til at tælle eller overse.
King Solomon and many of the other people of Israel who had gathered there walked in front of the Sacred Chest. And they sacrificed a huge amount of sheep and cattle. No one was able to count them [because there were very many].
7 Saa førte Præsterne HERRENS Pagts Ark ind paa dens Plads i Templets Inderhal, det Allerhelligste, og stillede den under Kerubernes Vinger;
The priests then brought the Sacred Chest into the Most Holy Place, the inner room of the temple, and they placed it under the wings of the statues of winged creatures.
8 og Keruberne udbredte deres Vinger over Pladsen, hvor Arken stod, og saaledes dannede Keruberne et Dække over Arken og dens Bærestænger.
The wings of those statues spread out over the Sacred Chest and over the poles by which it was carried.
9 Stængerne var saa lange, at Enderne af dem kunde ses fra det Hellige foran Inderhallen, men de kunde ikke ses længere ude; og de er der den Dag i Dag.
The poles were very long, with the result that they could be seen by [those who were standing] at the entrance to the Most Holy Place, but they could not be seen by anyone standing outside the temple. Those poles are still there.
10 Der var ikke andet i Arken end de to Tavler, Moses havde lagt ned i den paa Horeb, Tavlerne med den Pagt, HERREN havde sluttet med Israeliterne, da de drog bort fra Ægypten.
The only things that were inside the Sacred Chest were the two stone tablets that Moses had put there at Sinai Mountain, where Yahweh made an agreement with the Israeli people after they came out of Egypt.
11 Da Præsterne derpaa gik ud af Helligdommen — alle de Præster, der var til Stede, havde nemlig helliget sig uden Hensyn til Skifterne;
Then the priests left the Holy Place. All the priests who were there, from every group, had performed the rituals to cause them to be acceptable to God.
12 og alle de levitiske Sangere, Asaf, Heman og Jedutun tillige med deres Sønner og Brødre stod østen for Alteret i Klæder af fint Linned med Cymbler, Harper og Citre, og sammen med dem stod 120 Præster, der blæste i Trompeter —
All the descendants of Levi who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, their sons and their other relatives—stood on the east side of the altar. They were wearing linen clothes, and they were playing cymbals, harps, and lyres. There were 120 other priests who were blowing trumpets.
13 i samme Øjeblik som Trompetblæserne og Sangerne paa een Gang stemte i for at love og prise HERREN og lod Trompeterne, Cymblerne og Musikinstrumenterne klinge og lovede HERREN med Ordene »thi han er god, og hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!« — fyldte Skyen HERRENS Hus,
The men blowing trumpets, those playing the cymbals and other musical instruments, and the singers, made music together, praising Yahweh and singing this song: “Yahweh is good [to us]; he faithfully loves us forever.” Then [suddenly] the temple was filled with a cloud.
14 saa at Præsterne af Skyen hindredes i at staa og udføre deres Tjeneste, thi HERRENS Herlighed fyldte Guds Hus.
The glorious radiance of Yahweh filled the temple, with the result that the priests were not able to continue doing their work.