< Anden Krønikebog 18 >

1 Da Josafat havde vundet stor Rigdom og Hæder, besvogrede han sig med Akab.
And it came to pass, when Jehoshaphat had riches and honour, in abundance, that he contracted, by marriage, affinity with Ahab.
2 Efter nogle Aars Forløb drog han ned til Akab i Samaria, og Akab lod slagte en Mængde Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg til ham og Folkene, han havde med sig; og saa overtalte han ham til at drage op mod Ramot i Gilead.
So he went down, at the end of some years, unto Ahab, to Samaria, Ahab therefore sacrificed for him, sheep and oxen, in abundance, also for the people whom he had with him, -and then persuaded him to go up against Ramoth-gilead.
3 Kong Akab af Israel sagde nemlig til Kong Josafat af Juda: »Vil du drage med mig mod Ramot i Gilead?« Han svarede ham: »Jeg som du, mit Folk som dit, jeg gaar med i Krigen.«
For Ahab king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Wilt thou go up with me to Ramoth-gilead? And he said unto him—So am I, even as thou, and, like thy people, are my people, and, with thee, in the war.
4 Josafat sagde fremdeles til Israels Konge: »Spørg dog først om, hvad HERREN siger!«
Then said Jehoshaphat, unto the king of Israel, —Seek, I pray thee, some time to-day, the word of Yahweh.
5 Da lod Israels Konge Profeterne kalde sammen, 400 Mand, og spurgte dem: »Skal jeg drage i Krig mod Ramot i Gilead, eller skal jeg lade være?« De svarede: »Drag derop, saa vil Gud give det i Kongens Haand!«
So the king of Israel gathered together the prophets, four hundred men, and said unto them, Shall we go up against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And they said—Go up, and may God deliver it into the hand of the king!
6 Men Josafat spurgte: »Er her ikke endnu en af HERRENS Profeter, vi kan spørge?«
Then said Jehoshaphat, Is there not here a prophet of Yahweh, besides, —that we may seek, from him?
7 Israels Konge svarede: »Her er endnu en Mand, ved hvem vi kan raadspørge HERREN; men jeg hader ham, fordi han aldrig spaar mig godt, men altid ondt; det er Mika, Jimlas Søn.« Men Josafat sagde: »Saaledes maa Kongen ikke tale!«
Then said the king of Israel unto Jehoshaphat—There is yet one man, by whom to seek Yahweh, but, I, hate him, for he is never prophesying, concerning me, anything good—but—all his days—evil, the same, is Micaiah, son of Imla. Then said Jehoshaphat, Let not the king say, so!
8 Da kaldte Israels Konge paa en Hofmand og sagde: »Hent hurtigt Mika, Jimlas Søn!«
And the king of Israel called for a certain officer, —and said, Haste, Micaiah son of Imla!
9 Imidlertid sad Israels Konge og Kong Josafat af Juda, iført deres Skrud, hver paa sin Trone i Samarias Portaabning, og alle Profeterne spaaede foran dem.
Now, the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, were sitting, each upon his throne, clothed in robes, and they were sitting in an open space, at the entrance of the gate of Samaria, —and, all the prophets, were prophesying before them.
10 Da lavede Zidkija, Kena'anas Søn, sig Horn af Jern og sagde: »Saa siger HERREN: Med saadanne skal du støde Aramæerne ned, til de er tilintetgjort!«
Then did Zedekiah son of Chenaanah make him horns of iron, —and said—Thus, saith Yahweh, With these, shalt thou push Syria, until they are consumed.
11 Og alle Profeterne spaaede det samme og sagde: »Drag op mod Ramot i Gilead, saa skal Lykken følge dig, og HERREN vil give det i Kongens Haand!«
And, all the prophets, were prophesying, so, saying, -Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and prosper, and Yahweh will deliver [it] into the hand of the king.
12 Men Budet der var gaaet efter Mika, sagde til ham: »Se, Profeterne har alle som een givet Kongen gunstigt Svar. Tal du nu som de og giv gunstigt Svar!«
And, the messenger who went to call Micaiah, spake unto him, saying, Lo! the words of the prophets, with one mouth, are good for the king, —be thy word then, I pray thee, like one of theirs, so wilt thou speak good.
13 Men Mika svarede: »Saa sandt HERREN lever: Hvad min Gud siger, det vil jeg tale!«
Then said Micaiah, —By the life of Yahweh, whatsoever my God shall say, that, must I speak.
14 Da han kom til Kongen, spurgte denne ham: »Mika, skal vi drage i Krig mod Ramot i Gilead, eller skal vi lade være?« Da svarede han: »Drag derop, saa skal Lykken følge eder, og de skal gives i eders Haand!«
Now, when he came unto the king, the king said unto him, Micah, shall we go against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? And he said, Go ye up and prosper, and may they be delivered into your hand.
15 Men Kongen sagde til ham: »Hvor mange Gange skal jeg besværge dig, at du ikke siger mig andet end Sandheden i HERRENS Navn?«
Then the king said unto him, How many times, must, I, be putting thee on oath, —that thou speak unto me nothing but the truth in the name of Yahweh?
16 Da sagde han: »Jeg saa hele Israel spredt paa Bjergene som en Hjord uden Hyrde; og HERREN sagde: De Folk har ingen Herre, lad dem vende tilbage i Fred, hver til sit!«
So he said, I saw all Israel, scattered upon the mountains, like sheep that have no shepherd, -and Yahweh said, No masters, have these! let them return every man unto his own house, in peace.
17 Israels Konge sagde da til Josafat: »Sagde jeg dig ikke, at han aldrig spaar mig godt, men kun ondt!«
Then said the king of Israel, unto Jehoshaphat, —Said I not unto thee, He wilt not prophesy concerning me anything good, but evil?
18 Da sagde Mika: »Saa hør da HERRENS Ord! Jeg saa HERREN sidde paa sin Trone og hele Himmelens Hær staa til højre og venstre for ham;
Then said he, Therefore, hear ye the word of Yahweh, —I saw Yahweh, sitting upon his throne, and, all the host of the heavens, standing, on his right hand and his left.
19 og HERREN sagde: Hvem vil daare Kong Akab af Israel, saa han drager op og falder ved Ramot i Gilead? En sagde nu et, en anden et andet;
Then said Yahweh, Who will persuade Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall in Ramoth-gilead? And one spake, saying after this manner, and another, saying after that manner.
20 men saa traadte en Aand frem og stillede sig foran HERREN og Sagde: Jeg vil daare ham! HERREN spurgte ham: Hvorledes?
Then came there forth a spirit and stood before Yahweh, and said, I, will persuade him. And Yahweh said unto him, Wherewith?
21 Han svarede: Jeg vil gaa hen og blive en Løgnens Aand i alle hans Profeters Mund! Da sagde HERREN: Ja, du kan daare ham; gaa hen og gør det!
And he said, I will go forth and become a spirit of falsehood, in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said—Thou mayest persuade, moreover also, thou shalt prevail, go forth, and do, so.
22 Se, saaledes har HERREN lagt en Løgnens Aand i disse dine Profeters Mund, thi HERREN har ondt i Sinde imod dig!«
Now, therefore, lo! Yahweh hath suffered a spirit of falsehood to be put into the mouth of these thy prophets, —but, Yahweh, hath spoken concerning thee—evil.
23 Da traadte Zidkija, Kena'anas Søn, frem og slog Mika paa Kinden og sagde: »Ad hvilken Vej skulde HERRENS Aand have forladt mig for at tale til dig?«
Then drew near Zedekiah son of Chenaanah, and smote Micaiah upon the cheek, —and said, Which then is the way the spirit of Yahweh passed from me, to speak with thee?
24 Men Mika sagde: »Det skal du faa at se, den Dag du flygter fra Kammer til Kammer for at skjule dig!«
Then said Micaiah, Lo! thou shalt see, on that day when thou shalt enter into a chamber within a chamber, to hide thyself.
25 Saa sagde Israels Konge: »Tag Mika og bring ham til Amon, Byens Øverste, og Kongesønnen Joasj
Then said the king of Israel, Take ye Micaiah, and carry him back unto Amon ruler of the city, and unto Joash son of the king;
26 og sig: Saaledes siger Kongen: Kast denne Mand i Fængsel og sæt ham paa Trængselsbrød og Trængselsvand, indtil jeg kommer uskadt tilbage!«
and ye shall say, Thus, saith the king, Put ye this one into the prison, —and feed him with the bread of oppression, and with the water of oppression, until I return in peace.
27 Men Mika sagde: »Kommer du uskadt tilbage, saa har HERREN ikke talet ved mig!« Og han sagde: »Hør, alle I Folkeslag!«
Then said Micaiah, If thou do, at all return, in peace, Yahweh hath not spoken by me. And he said, Hear! ye peoples, all!
28 Saa drog Israels Konge og Kong Josafat af Juda op mod Ramot i Gilead.
Then went up the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, against Ramothgilead.
29 Og Israels Konge sagde til Josafat: »Jeg vil forklæde mig, før jeg drager i Kampen; men tag du dine egne Klæder paa!« Og Israels Konge forklædte sig, og saa drog de i Kampen.
And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, [I am about] to disguise myself, and enter into the battle, but, thou, put on thy robes. So the king of Israel disguised himself, and entered into the battle.
30 Men Arams Konge havde givet sine Vognstyrere den Befaling: »I maa ikke angribe nogen, være sig høj eller lav, uden Israels Konge alene.«
Now, the king of Syria, had commanded the captains of chariots which he had, saying, Ye shall not fight, with small [or] with great, —save with the king of Israel, alone.
31 Da nu Vognstyrerne fik Øje paa Josafat, tænkte de: »Det er sikkert Israels Konge!« Og de rettede deres Angreb mod ham fra alle Sider. Da gav Josafat sig til at, raabe, og HERREN frelste ham, idet Gud lokkede dem bort fra ham;
So it came to pass, when the chariot-captains saw Jehoshaphat, that, they, said, The king of Israel, it is. And they compassed him about, to fight, —but Jehoshaphat made outcry, and, Yahweh, helped him, yea God allured them away from him.
32 og da Vognstyrerne opdagede, at det ikke var Israels Konge, trak de sig bort fra ham.
And so it came to pass, when the chariot-captains saw that it was not the king of Israel, that they turned back from pursuing him;
33 Men en Mand, der skød en Pil af paa Lykke og Fromme, ramte Israels Konge mellem Remmene og Brynjen. Da sagde han til sin Vognstyrer: »Vend og før mig ud af Slaget, thi jeg er saaret!«
but, a certain man, drawing a bow in his innocence, smote the king of Israel between the shoulder-joints and the coat of mail, —wherefore he said to the charioteer, Turn thy hand, and convey me out of the host, for I am sore wounded.
34 Men Kampen blev haardere og haardere den Dag, og Israels Konge holdt sig oprejst i sin Vogn over for Aramæerne til Aften; men da Solen gik ned, døde han.
But the battle increased on that day, and, the king of Israel, was propping himself up in the chariot before the Syrians, until evening, -and died at the time of the going in of the sun.

< Anden Krønikebog 18 >