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1 Derfor, da vi ikke længer kunde udholde det, besluttede vi at lades alene tilbage i Athen,
Therefore when we could not stand it any longer, we thought it good to be left behind at Athens alone,
2 og vi sendte Timotheus, vor Broder og Guds Tjener i Kristi Evangelium, for at styrke eder og formane eder angaaende eders Tro,
and sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in the Good News of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith,
3 for at ingen skulde blive vankelmodig i disse Trængsler; I vide jo selv, at dertil ere vi bestemte.
that no one would be moved by these afflictions. For you know that we are appointed to this task.
4 Thi ogsaa da vi vare hos eder, sagde vi eder det forud, at vi skulde komme til at lide Trængsler, som det ogsaa er sket, og som I vide.
For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.
5 Derfor sendte ogsaa jeg Bud, da jeg ikke længer kunde udholde det, for at faa Besked om eders Tro, om maaske Fristeren skulde have fristet eder, og vor Møje skulde blive forgæves.
For this cause I also, when I could not stand it any longer, sent that I might know your faith, for fear that by any means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor would have been in vain.
6 Men nu, da Timotheus er kommen til os fra eder og har bragt os godt Budskab om eders Tro og Kærlighed og om, at I altid have os i god Ihukommelse, idet I længes efter at se os, ligesom vi efter eder;
But Timothy has just now come to us from you, and brought us glad news of your faith and love, and that you have good memories of us always, longing to see us, even as we also long to see you.
7 saa ere vi af den Grund, Brødre! blevne trøstede med Hensyn til eder under al vor Nød og Trængsel, ved eders Tro.
For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.
8 Thi nu leve vi, naar I staa fast i Herren.
For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.
9 Thi hvilken Tak kunne vi bringe Gud for eder til Gengæld for al den Glæde, hvormed vi glæde os over eder for vor Guds Aasyn,
For what thanksgiving can we render again to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sakes before our God,
10 idet vi Nat og Dag inderligt bede om at maatte faa eder selv at se og raade Bod paa eders Tros Mangler?
night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and may perfect that which is lacking in your faith?
11 Men han selv, vor Gud og Fader, og vor Herre Jesus Kristus styre vor Vej til eder!
Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you.
12 Men eder lade Herren vokse og blive overvættes rige i Kærligheden til hverandre og til alle, ligesom vi have den til eder,
May the Lord make you to increase and abound in love toward one another and toward all men, even as we also do toward you,
13 saa at han styrker eders Hjerter og gør dem udadlelige i Hellighed for Gud og vor Fader i vor Herres Jesu Tilkommelse med alle hans hellige!
to the end he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.

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