< 1 Samuel 29 >

1 Filisterne samlede hele deres Hær i Afek, medens Israel havde slaaet lejr om Kilden ved Jizre'el.
Now the Philistines brought all their forces together at Aphek, while Israel camped by the spring in Jezreel.
2 Og Filisternes Fyrster rykkede frem med deres Hundreder og Tusinder, og sidst kom David og hans Mænd sammen med Akisj.
As the Philistine leaders marched out their units of hundreds and thousands, David and his men marched behind them with Achish.
3 Da sagde Filisternes Høvdinger: »Hvad skal de Hebræere her?« Akisj svarede: »Det er jo David, Kong Saul af Israels Tjener, som nu allerede har været hos mig et Par Aar, og jeg har ikke opdaget noget mistænkeligt hos ham, siden han gik over til mig.«
Then the commanders of the Philistines asked, “What about these Hebrews?” Achish replied, “Is this not David, the servant of King Saul of Israel? He has been with me all these days, even years, and from the day he defected until today I have found no fault in him.”
4 Men Filisternes Høvdinger blev vrede paa ham og sagde: »Send den Mand tilbage til det Sted, du har anvist ham. Han maa ikke drage i Kamp med os, for at han ikke skal vende sig imod os under Slaget; thi hvorledes kan denne Mand bedre vinde sin Herres Gunst end med disse Mænds Hoveder?
But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with Achish and told him, “Send that man back and let him return to the place you assigned him. He must not go down with us into battle only to become our adversary during the war. What better way for him to regain the favor of his master than with the heads of our men?
5 Det var jo David, om hvem man sang under Dans: Saul slog sine Tusinder, men David sine Titusinder!«
Is this not the David about whom they sing in their dances: ‘Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands’?”
6 Da lod Akisj David kalde og sagde til ham: »Saa sandt HERREN lever: Du er redelig, og jeg er vel tilfreds med, at du gaar ud og ind hos mig i Lejren, thi jeg har ikke opdaget noget mistænkeligt hos dig, siden du kom til mig; men Fyrsterne er ikke glade for dig.
So Achish summoned David and told him, “As surely as the LORD lives, you have been upright in my sight, and it seems right that you should march in and out with me in the army, because I have found no fault in you from the day you came to me until this day. But you have no favor in the sight of the leaders.
7 Vend nu derfor tilbage og gaa bort i Fred, for at du ikke skal gøre noget, som mishager Filisternes Fyrster!«
Therefore turn back now and go in peace, so that you will not do anything to displease the leaders of the Philistines.”
8 Da sagde David til Akisj: »Hvad har jeg gjort, og hvad har du opdaget hos din Træl, fra den Dag jeg traadte i din Tjeneste, siden jeg ikke maa drage hen og kæmpe mod min Herre Kongens Fjender?«
“But what have I done?” David replied. “What have you found against your servant, from the day I came to you until today, to keep me from going along to fight against the enemies of my lord the king?”
9 Akisj svarede David: »Du ved, at du er mig kær som en Guds Engel, men Filisternes Høvdinger siger: Han maa ikke drage med os i Kampen!
Achish replied, “I know that you are as pleasing in my sight as an angel of God. But the commanders of the Philistines have said, ‘He must not go into battle with us.’
10 Gør dig derfor rede i Morgen tidlig tillige med din Herres Folk, som har fulgt dig, og gaa til det Sted, jeg har anvist eder; tænk ikke ilde om mig, thi du er mig kær; gør eder rede i Morgen tidlig og drag af Sted, saa snart det bliver lyst!«
Now then, get up early in the morning, along with your master’s servants who came with you, and go as soon as it is light.”
11 David og hans Mænd begav sig da tidligt næste Morgen paa Hjemvejen til Filisternes Land, medens Filisterne drog op til Jizre'el.
So David and his men got up early in the morning to return to the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jezreel.

< 1 Samuel 29 >