< Første Kongebog 5 >
1 Da Kong Hiram af Tyrus hørte, at Salomo var salvet til Konge i stedet for sin Fader, sendte han nogle af sine Folk til ham; thi Hiram havde altid været Davids Ven.
And he sent Hiram [the] king of Tyre servants his to Solomon for he had heard that him people had anointed to king in place of father his for a friend he had been Hiram of David all the days.
2 Og Salomo sendte Hiram følgende Bud:
And he sent Solomon to Hiram saying.
3 »Du ved, at min Fader David ikke kunde bygge HERREN sin Guds Navn et Hus for de Kriges Skyld, man fra alle Sider paaførte ham, indtil HERREN lagde hans Fjender under hans Fødder.
You you know David father my that not he was able to build a house for [the] name of Yahweh God his because of the war which they had surrounded him until gave Yahweh them under [the] soles of (feet my. *Q(K)*)
4 Men nu har HERREN min Gud skaffet mig Ro til alle Sider; der findes ingen Modstandere, og der er ingen Fare paa Færde.
And now he has given rest Yahweh God my to me from round about there not [is] an adversary and there not [is] an occurrence evil.
5 Se, derfor har jeg i Sinde at bygge HERREN min Guds Navn et Hus efter HERRENS Ord til min Fader David: Din Søn, som jeg sætter paa din Trone i dit Sted, han skal bygge Huset for mit Navn.
And here I [am] saying to build a house for [the] name of Yahweh God my just as - he spoke Yahweh to David father my saying son your whom I will put in place of you on throne your he he will build the house for name my.
6 Giv derfor Ordre til, at der fældes Cedre til mig paa Libanon. Mine Folk skal arbejde sammen med dine, og jeg vil give dine Folk den Løn, du kræver; thi du ved jo, at der ikke findes nogen hos os, der kan fælde Træer som Zidonierne!«
And therefore command so they may cut for me cedars from Lebanon and servants my they will be with servants your and [the] wage[s] of servants your I will give to you according to all that you will say for - you you know that there not among us [is] anyone [who] knows to cut wood like the Sidonians.
7 Da Hiram modtog dette Bud fra Salomo, glædede det ham meget, og han sagde: »Lovet være HERREN i Dag, fordi han har givet David en viis Søn til at herske over dette store Folk!«
And it was when heard Hiram [the] words of Solomon and he rejoiced exceedingly and he said [be] blessed Yahweh this day who he has given to David a son wise over the people great this.
8 Og Hiram sendte Salomo følgende Svar: »Jeg har modtaget det Bud, du sendte mig, og jeg skal opfylde alt, hvad du ønsker med Hensyn til Ceder— og Cyprestræer;
And he sent Hiram to Solomon saying I have heard [that] which you sent to me I I will do all desire your in wood of cedar and in wood of cypress.
9 mine Folk skal bringe dem fra Libanon ned til Havet, og saa skal jeg lade dem samle til Tømmerflaader paa Havet og sende dem til det Sted, du anviser mig; der skal jeg lade dem skille ad, saa at du kan lade dem hente. Men du vil da ogsaa opfylde mit Ønske og sende Fødevarer til mit Hof!«
Servants my they will bring [them] down from Lebanon [the] sea towards and I I will make them rafts on the sea to the place which you will send to me and I will break up them there and you you will carry [them] away and you you will do desire my by giving [the] food of household my.
10 Saa sendte Hiram Salomo alt, hvad han ønskede af Ceder— og Cyprestræer;
And he was Hiram giving to Solomon wood of cedar and wood of cypress all desire his.
11 og Salomo sendte Hiram 20 000 Kor Hvede til Underhold for hans Hof og 20 Kor Olie af knuste Oliven. Saa meget sendte Salomo Hiram Aar efter Aar.
And Solomon he gave to Hiram twenty thousand cor[s] of wheat food for household his and twenty cor[s] of oil pressed thus he gave Solomon to Hiram a year in a year.
12 Og HERREN gav Salomo Visdom, som han havde lovet ham; og der var Fred mellem Hiram og Salomo, og de sluttede Pagt med hinanden.
And Yahweh he gave wisdom to Solomon just as he had spoken to him and it was peace between Hiram and between Solomon and they made a covenant [the] two of them.
13 Kong Salomo udskrev nu Hoveriarbejdere overalt i Israel, og Hoveriarbejderne udgjorde 30 000 Mand.
And he raised the king Solomon forced labor from all Israel and it was the forced labor thirty thousand man.
14 Dem sendte han saa til Libanon, et Hold paa 10 000 om Maaneden, saaledes at de var en Maaned paa Libanon og to Maaneder hjemme. Adoniram havde Tilsyn med Hoveriarbejderne.
And he sent them Lebanon towards ten thousand in the month relays a month they were in Lebanon two months in home his and Adoniram [was] over the forced labor.
15 Salomo havde 70 000 Lastdragere og 80 000 Stenhuggere i Bjergene
And it belonged to Solomon seventy thousand carrier[s] burden-bearer[s] and eighty thousand stone-cutter[s] in the hill country.
16 foruden Overfogeder, der ledede Arbejdet, 3300 Mand, som havde Opsyn med Folkene, der arbejdede.
Apart from [the] leaders of the overseers of Solomon who [were] over the work three thousand and three hundred who ruled over the people who were doing the work.
17 Paa Kongens Bud brød de store Stenblokke, kostbare Sten til Templets Grundvold, Kvadersten;
And he commanded the king and they quarried stones large stones costly to found the house stones of hewn [stone].
18 og Salomos og Hiroms Bygmestre og Folkene fra Gebal huggede dem til, og de gjorde Træstammerne og Stenene i Stand til Templets Opførelse.
And they cut [them] to shape [the] builders of Solomon and [the] builders of Hiram and the Gebalites and they prepared the wood and the stones to build the house.