< Første Kongebog 13 >

1 Og se, paa HERRENS Bud kom en Guds Mand fra Juda til Betel, netop som Jeroboam stod paa Alteret for at tænde Offerild.
And lo! a man of God, came in out of Judah, by the word of Yahweh, unto Bethel, —as Jeroboam was standing by the altar, to make a perfume.
2 Og han raabte med HERRENS Ord imod Alteret: »Alter, Alter! Saa siger HERREN: Der skal fødes Davids Hus en Søn ved Navn Josias, og paa dig skal han ofre Højenes Præster, som tænder Offerild paa dig, og han skal brænde Menneskeknogler paa dig!«
And he made proclamation against the altar, by the word of Yahweh, and said, O altar! altar! Thus, saith Yahweh, —Lo! a son to be born unto the house of David, Josiah his name, who shall sacrifice upon thee the priests of the high-places, who are making a perfume upon thee, and, human bones, shall be burned upon thee;
3 Og samtidig kundgjorde han et Tegn, idet han sagde: »Dette er Tegnet paa, at HERREN har talet: Se, Alteret skal revne, saa Asken derpaa vælter ud!«
and he shall give, on that day, a sign, saying, This, is the sign of which Yahweh hath spoken, —Lo! the altar, is to be rent, and the ashes that are upon thee shall be, poured out!
4 Da nu Kongen hørte de Ord, den Guds Mand raabte mod Alteret i Betel, rakte Jeroboam sin Haand ud fra Alteret og sagde: »Grib ham!« Men Haanden, han rakte ud imod ham, visnede, og han kunde ikke tage den til sig igen;
And it came to pass, when the king heard the word of the man of God which he proclaimed against the altar in Bethel, Jeroboam thrust forth his hand, from off the altar, saying—Lay hold of him! and his hand which he had thrust forth against him was dried up, that he could not draw it back to him.
5 og Alteret revnede, saa Asken væltede ud fra Alteret — det Tegn, den Guds Mand havde kundgjort med HERRENS Ord.
Moreover, the altar, was rent, and the ashes poured out from the altar, —according to the sign which the man of God had given, by the word of Yahweh.
6 Da tog Kongen til Orde og sagde til den Guds Mand: »Bed dog HERREN din Gud om Naade og gaa i Forbøn for mig, at jeg kan tage Haanden til mig igen!« Og den Guds Mand bad HERREN om Naade, og Kongen kunde tage Haanden til sig igen, og den var som før.
Then responded the king and said unto the man of God—Appease, I pray thee, the face of Yahweh thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored unto me. So the man of God appeased the face of Yahweh, and the hand of the king was restored unto him, and became as aforetime.
7 Derpaa sagde Kongen til den Guds Mand: »Følg med mig hjem og vederkvæg dig, saa vil jeg give dig en Gave!«
Then spake the king unto the man of God, Come home with me, and refresh thyself, —and let me give thee a present.
8 Men den Guds Mand svarede Kongen: »Om du saa giver mig Halvdelen af dit Hus, vil jeg ikke følge med dig, og jeg vil hverken spise eller drikke paa dette Sted;
But the man of God said unto the king—If thou wouldst give me the half of thy house, I would not go in with thee, —neither would I eat bread or drink water, in this place;
9 thi det Bud har jeg faaet med HERRENS Ord: Du maa hverken spise eller drikke, og du maa ikke vende hjem ad den Vej, du kom!«
for, so, he charged me, by the word of Yahweh, saying, Thou shalt not eat bread, nor shalt thou drink water, —neither shalt thou come back by the way thou wentest.
10 Derpaa drog han bort ad en anden Vej og vendte ikke hjem ad den Vej, han var kommet til Betel.
So he departed another way, —and went not back by the way by which he came unto Bethel.
11 Nu boede der i Betel en gammel Profet; hans Sønner kom og fortalte ham om alt, hvad den Guds Mand den Dag havde gjort i Betel, og om de Ord, han havde talt til Kongen. Men da de havde fortalt deres Fader det,
But, a certain aged prophet, was dwelling in Bethel, —whose sons came in and related to him all the deeds which the man of God had done that day in Bethel—and the words which he had spoken unto the king, and they related them to their father.
12 spurgte han dem: »Hvilken Vej gik han?« Og hans Sønner viste ham, hvilken Vej den Guds Mand, der var kommet fra Juda, var gaaet.
And their father said unto them, Which way then went he? Now his sons had seen the way which the man of God went who had come in out of Judah.
13 Da sagde han til sine Sønner: »Læg Sadelen paa mit Æsel!« Og da de havde sadlet Æselet, satte han sig op,
So he said unto his sons, Saddle for me, the ass. And they saddled for him the ass, and he rode thereon;
14 red efter den Guds Mand og traf ham siddende under Egetræet. Han spurgte ham da: »Er du den Guds Mand, der kom fra Juda?« Han svarede: »Ja!«
and went after the man of God, and found him, sitting under an oak. And he said unto him—Art, thou, the man of God who came in out of Judah? And he said—I am.
15 Saa sagde han til ham: »Kom med mig hjem og faa noget at spise!«
Then said he unto him, Come home with me, —and eat bread.
16 Men han svarede: »Jeg kan ikke vende om og følge med dig, og jeg kan hverken spise eller drikke sammen med dig paa dette Sted,
And he said—I may not return with thee, nor go in with thee, —neither will I eat bread or drink water with thee, in this place;
17 thi der er sagt mig med HERRENS Ord: Du maa hverken spise eller drikke der, og du maa ikke vende tilbage ad den Vej, du kom!«
for there came a message unto me by the word of Yahweh, Thou shalt neither eat bread, nor drink water there, —thou shalt not turn back to come by the way by which thou wentest.
18 Da sagde han til ham: »Ogsaa jeg er Profet som du, og en Engel har med HERRENS Ord sagt til mig: Tag ham med dig hjem, for at han kan faa noget at spise og drikke!« Men han løj for ham.
And he said to him-I also, am a prophet, like unto thee, and, a messenger, hath spoken unto me, by the word of Yahweh, saying—Bring him back with thee, into thy house, that he may eat bread, and drink water. He deceived him.
19 Saa vendte han tilbage med ham og spiste og drak i hans Hus.
So he went back with him, and did eat bread in his house, and drank water.
20 Men medens de sad til Bords, kom HERRENS Ord til Profeten, der havde faaet ham tilbage,
And so it was, as, they, were sitting at the table, yea, so it was, that the word of Yahweh came unto the prophet who had brought him back;
21 og han raabte til den Guds Mand, der var kommet fra Juda: »Saa siger HERREN: Fordi du har været genstridig mod HERRENS Ord og ikke holdt det Bud, HERREN din Gud paalagde dig,
and he cried out unto the man of God who had come in out of Judah, saying, Thus, saith Yahweh, —Forasmuch as thou hast rebelled against the bidding of Yahweh, and hast not kept the commandment which Yahweh thy God commanded thee;
22 men vendte tilbage og spiste og drak paa det Sted, hvor han sagde, du ikke maatte spise og drikke, derfor skal dit Lig ikke komme i dine Fædres Grav!«
but hast returned, and eaten bread and drunk water, in the place of which he said unto thee, Thou mayest neither eat bread nor drink water: thy dead body shall not enter the burying-place of thy fathers.
23 Efter at han havde spist og drukket, sadlede han Æselet til ham, og han gav sig paa Hjemvejen.
And it came to pass, after he had eaten bread, and after he had drunk, that he saddled for him the ass, for the prophet whom he had brought back.
24 Men en Løve kom imod ham paa Vejen og dræbte ham. Og hans Lig laa henslængt paa Vejen, og Æselet stod ved Siden af; ogsaa Løven stod ved Siden af Liget.
And, when he had gone, there met him a lion by the way, and slew him, —and his dead body was cast out in the way, and, the ass, was standing near it, and, the lion, was standing near the dead body.
25 Og se, nogle Mænd kom der forbi og saa Liget ligge henslængt paa Vejen, og Løven staa ved Siden af, og de kom og fortalte det i Byen, hvor den gamle Profet boede;
And lo! certain men, passing by, saw the dead body, cast out in the way, and the lion standing near the dead body, —so they came in, and spake [of it] in the city, wherein, the aged prophet, dwelt.
26 og da Profeten, der havde faaet ham til at vende om, hørte det, sagde han: »Det er den Guds Mand, som var genstridig mod HERRENS Ord; derfor har HERREN givet ham i Løvens Vold, og den har sønderrevet ham og dræbt ham efter det Ord, HERREN talede til ham!«
And, when the prophet who had brought him back from the way heard of it, he said—The man of God, it is, who rebelled against the bidding of Yahweh, —therefore did Yahweh deliver him unto the lion, and it hath torn him and slain him, according to the word of Yahweh which he spake unto him.
27 Derpaa sagde han til sine Sønner: »Læg Sadelen paa mit Æsel!« Og da de havde gjort det,
And he spake unto his sons, saying, Saddle for me the ass. And they saddled it.
28 red han hen og fandt hans Lig liggende henslængt paa Vejen og Æselet og Løven staaende ved Siden af, uden at Løven havde ædt Liget eller sønderrevet Æselet.
So he went and found his dead body, cast out in the way, with, the ass and the lion, standing near the dead body, —the lion had neither eaten the dead body, nor had it torn the ass.
29 Da løftede Profeten den Guds Mands Lig op, lagde ham paa Æselet og førte ham tilbage til Byen for at holde Dødeklage og jorde ham;
And the prophet took up the dead body of the man of God, and laid it upon the ass, and brought it back, —and the aged prophet came into the city, to make lamentation, and to bury him.
30 og da han havde lagt Liget i sin egen Grav, holdt de Dødeklage over ham og sagde: »Ak ve min Broder!«
And he laid his dead body in his own grave, —and they lamented over him, [saying] —Alas, my brother!
31 Og efter at have jordet ham sagde han til sine Sønner: »Naar jeg dør, skal I lægge mig i samme Grav, som den Guds Mand ligger i; ved Siden af hans Ben skal I lægge mig, for at mine Ben kan blive skaanet sammen md hans;
And it came to pass, after he had buried him, that he spake unto his sons, saying, When I die, then shall ye bury me in the grave wherein the man of God is buried; beside his bones, lay my bones;
32 thi det Ord skal gaa i Opfyldelse, som han med HERRENS Ord raabte mod Alteret i Betel og alle Offerhusene paa Højene i Samarias Byer!«
For the message which he proclaimed, by the ward of Yahweh, against the altar which is in Bethel, —and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, shall surely come to pass.
33 Heller ikke efter denne Begivenhed opgav Jeroboam sin onde Færd, men gjorde paa ny alle Slags Folk til Præster paa Højene, idet han indsatte enhver, der havde Lyst, til Præst paa Højene.
After this thing, Jeroboam turned not from his wicked way, —but again made, from the whole compass of the people, priests of high places, whomsoever he would, he installed, and he became priest of high places.
34 Og det blev Jeroboams Hus til Synd og førte til, at det blev tilintetgjort og udryddet af Jorden.
And so this thing became the sin of the house of Jeroboam, —that it should be both taken away and destroyed, from off the face of the ground.

< Første Kongebog 13 >