< Første Krønikebog 26 >
1 Dørvogternes Skifter var følgende: af Koraiterne Mesjelemja, en Søn af Kore af Abi'asafs Sønner.
And for the divisions of the gates: the sons of the Corites [were] Mosellemia, of the sons of Asaph.
2 Mesjelemja havde Sønner: Zekarja den førstefødte, Jediael den anden, Zebadja den tredje, Jatniel den fjerde,
And Mosellemia's firstborn son [was] Zacharias, the second Jadiel, the third Zabadia, the fourth Jenuel,
3 Elam den femte, Johanan den sjette og Eljoenaj den syvende.
the fifth Jolam, the sixth Jonathan, the seventh Elionai, the eighth Abdedom.
4 Obed-Edom havde Sønner: Sjemaja den førstefødte, Jozabad den anden, Joa den tredje, Sakar den fjerde, Netan'el den femte,
And to Abdedom [there were born] sons, Samaias the firstborn, Jozabath the second, Joath the third, Sachar the fourth, Nathanael the fifth,
5 Ammiel den sjette, Issakar den syvende og Pe'ulletaj den ottende; thi Gud havde velsignet ham.
Amiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Phelathi the eighth: for God blessed him.
6 Hans Søn Sjemaja fødtes Sønner, som var Herskere i deres Fædrenehus, da de var dygtige Folk.
And to Samaias his son were born the sons of his firstborn, chiefs over the house of their father, for they were mighty.
7 Sjemajas Sønner var: Otni, Refael, Obed, Elzabad og hans Brødre, dygtige Folk, Elihu og Semakja;
The sons of Samai; Othni, and Raphael, and Obed, and Elzabath, and Achiud, mighty men, Heliu, and Sabachia, and Isbacom.
8 alle disse hørte tillige med deres Sønner og Brødre til Obed-Edoms Sønner, dygtige Folk med Evner til Tjenesten, i alt to og tresindstyve Efterkommere af Obed-Edom.
All [these were] of the sons of Abdedom, they and their sons and their brethren, doing mightily in service: in all sixty-two [born] to Abdedom.
9 Mesjelemja havde Sønner og Brødre, dygtige Folk, atten.
And Mosellemia [had] eighteen sons and brethren, mighty men.
10 Hosa at Meraris Sønner havde Sønner: Sjimri, som var Overhoved — thi skønt han ikke var den førstefødte, gjorde hans Fader ham til Overhoved —
And to Osa of the sons of Merari [there were born] sons, keeping the dominion; though he was not the firstborn, yet his father made him chief of the second division.
11 Hilkija den anden, Tebalja den tredje og Zekarja den fjerde. Hosas Sønner og Brødre var i alt tretten.
Chelcias the second, Tablai the third, Zacharias the fourth: all these [were] the sons and brethren of Osa, thirteen.
12 Disse Dørvogternes Skifter, deres Overhoveder sammen med deres Brødre, blev Vagttjenesten overdraget, og saaledes gjorde de Tjeneste i HERRENS Hus;
To these [were assigned] the divisions of the gates, to the chiefs of the mighty men the daily courses, even their brethren, to minister in the house of the Lord.
13 og om hver enkelt Port kastede de Lod mellem smaa som store, efter deres Fædrenehuse.
And they cast lots for the small as well as for the great, for the several gates, according to their families.
14 Loddet for Østporten ramte Sjelemja. Ogsaa for hans Søn Zekarja, en klog Raadgiver, kastede man Lod, og Loddet traf Nordporten.
And the lot of the east gates fell to Selemias, and Zacharias: the sons of Soaz cast lots for Melchias, and the lot came out northward.
15 For Obed-Edom traf det Sydporten og for hans Sønner Forraadskamrene.
To Abdedom [they gave by lot] the south, opposite the house of Esephim.
16 Og for Hosa traf Loddet Vestporten tillige med Sjalleketporten ved Vejen, der fører opad, den ene Vagtpost ved den anden.
[They gave the lot] for the second to Osa westward, after the gate of the chamber by the ascent, watch against watch.
17 Mod Øst var der seks Leviter, mod Nord daglig fire, mod Syd daglig tre, ved hvert af Forraadskamrene to,
Eastward [were] six [watchmen] in the day; northward four by the day; southward four by the day; and two at the Esephim,
18 ved Parbar mod Vest var der fire ved Vejen, to ved Parbar.
to relieve guard, also for Osa westward after the chamber-gate, three. [There was] a ward over against the ward of the ascent eastward, six [men] in a day, and four for the north, and four for the south, and at the Esephim two to relieve guard, and four by the west, and two to relieve guard at the pathway.
19 Det var Dørvogternes Skifter af Koraiternes og Meraris Efterkommere.
These [are] the divisions of the porters for the sons of Core, and to the sons of Merari.
20 Deres Brødre Leviterne, som havde Tilsyn med Guds Hus's Skatkamre og Skatkamrene til Helliggaverne:
And the Levites their brethren [were] over the treasures of the house of the Lord, and over the treasures of the hallowed things.
21 Ladans Sønner, Gersoniternes Efterkommere gennem Ladan, Overhovederne for Gersoniten Ladans Fædrenehuse: Jehieliterne.
These [were] the sons of Ladan, the sons of the Gersonite: to Ladan [belonged] the heads of the families: [the son] of Ladan the Gersonite [was] Jeiel.
22 Jehieliternes Sønner Zetam og hans Broder Joel havde Tilsynet med HERRENS Hus's Skatte.
The sons of Jeiel [were] Zethom, and Joel; brethren [who were] over the treasures of the house of the Lord.
23 Af Amramiterne, Jizhariterne, Hebroniterne og Uzzieliterne
To Ambram and Issaar belonged Chebron, and Oziel.
24 var Sjubael, en Søn af Moses's Søn Gersom, Overopsynsmand over Skattene.
And Subael the [son] of Gersam, the [son] of Moses, [was] over the treasures.
25 Hans fra Eliezer nedstammende Brødre: Hans Søn Rehabja, hans Søn Jesja'ja, hans Søn Joram, hans Søn Zikri, hans Søn Sjelomit.
And Rabias [was] son to his brother Eliezer, and [so was] Josias, and Joram, and Zechri, and Salomoth.
26 Denne Sjelomit og hans Brødre havde Tilsynet med de Skatte af Helliggaver, som Kong David, Fædrenehusenes Overhoveder, Tusind- og Hundredførerne og Hærførerne havde helliget —
This Salomoth and his brethren [were] over all the sacred treasures, which David the king and the heads of families consecrated, [and] the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and princes of the host,
27 de havde helliget dem af Krigsbyttet til Hjælp ved Bygningen at HERRENS Hus —
things which he took out of cities and from the spoils, and consecrated some of them, so that the building of the house of God should not lack [supplies];
28 og med alt, hvad Seeren Samuel, Saul, Kisj's Søn, Abner, Ners Søn, og Joab, Zerujas Søn, havde helliget; alt, hvad der var helliget, var betroet Sjelomit og hans Brødre.
and over all the holy things of God dedicated by Samuel the prophet, and Saul the son of Kis, and Abenner the son of Ner, and Joab the son of Saruia, whatever they sanctified [was] by the hand of Salomoth and his brethren.
29 Af Jizhariterne udtoges Konanja og hans Sønner til Arbejdet ude i Israel som Fogeder og Dommere.
For the Issaarites, Chonenia, and [his] sons [were over] the outward ministration over Israel, to record and to judge.
30 Af Hebroniterne var Hasjabja og hans Brødre, 1700 dygtige Folk, sat til at varetage alt, hvad der vedrørte HERRENS Tjeneste og Kongens Tjeneste i Israel vesten for Jordan.
For the Chebronites, Asabias and his brethren, a thousand and seven hundred mighty men, [were] over the charge of Israel beyond Jordan westward, for all the service of the Lord and work of the king.
31 Til Hebroniterne hørte Jerija, Overhovedet for Hebroniterne, efter deres Nedstamning, efter Fædrenehusene — i Davids fyrretyvende Regeringsaar blev der iværksat en Undersøgelse angaaende dem, og der fandtes dygtige Folk iblandt dem i Ja'zer i Gilead —
Of the [family] of Chebron Urias [was] chief, even of the Chebronites according to their generations, according to their families. In the forties year of his reign they were numbered, and there were found mighty men amongst them in Jazer of Galaad.
32 og hans Brødre, 2700 dygtige Folk, Overhoveder for Fædrenehusene; dem satte Kong David over Rubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme til at varetage alle Sager, som vedrørte Gud og Kongen.
And his brethren [were] two thousand and seven hundred mighty men, chiefs of their families, and king David set them over the Rubenites, and the Gaddites, and the half-tribe of Manasse, for every ordinance of the Lord, and business of the king.