< Zakarias 7 >

1 Og det skete i Kong Darius's fjerde Aar, at Herrens Ord kom til Sakarias paa den fjerde Dag i den niende Maaned, det er i Kislev.
When King Darius had been ruler for four years, on the fourth day of Kislev (which was the ninth month), the word of Yahweh came to Zechariah.
2 Og Bethel sendte Sarezer og Regem-Melek og hans Mænd for at bede ydmygelig for Herrens Ansigt,
The people of Bethel had sent Sharezer and Regem-Melek and their men to beg before the face of Yahweh.
3 idet de skulde sige til Præsterne, som vare ved den Herre Zebaoths Hus, og til Profeterne saaledes: Mon jeg skal græde i den femte Maaned under Afholdenhed, som jeg har gjort nu saa mange Aar?
They spoke to the priests who were at the house of Yahweh of hosts and to the prophets; they said, “Should I mourn in the fifth month by means of a fast, as I have done these many years?”
4 Da kom den Herre Zebaoths Ord til mig saalunde:
So the word of Yahweh of hosts came to me, saying,
5 Sig til alt Folket i Landet og til Præsterne: Naar I have fastet og sørget i den femte og i den syvende Maaned, og dette nu i halvfjerdsindstyve Aar, mon I da virkelig have fastet for mig?
“Speak to all the people of the land and to the priests and say, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and in the seventh month for these seventy years, were you truly fasting for me?
6 Og naar I æde, og naar I drikke, er det da ikke eder, som æde, og eder, som drikke?
When you ate and drank, did you not eat and drink for yourselves?
7 Mindes I ikke de Ord, som Herren forkyndte ved de første Profeter, der Jerusalem var beboet og var rolig, og dens Stæder trindt omkring den og Sydlandet og Lavlandet vare beboede?
Were these not the same words that Yahweh proclaimed by the mouth of the former prophets, when you still inhabited Jerusalem and the surrounding cities in prosperity and were settled in the Negev, and the foothills to the west?'”
8 Og Herrens Ord kom til Sakarias saaledes:
The word of Yahweh came to Zechariah, saying,
9 Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth: Dømmer Sandheds Dom, og gører Miskundhed og Barmhjertighed, hver imod sin Broder,
“Yahweh of hosts says this, 'Judge with true justice, covenant faithfulness, and mercy. Let each man do this for his brother.
10 og undertrykker ikke Enken eller den faderløse, den fremmede eller den elendige; og optænker ikke ondt imod en Broder i eders Hjerte!
About the widow and orphan, the foreigner, and the poor person—do not oppress them, and let none of you plot any harm against another in your heart.'
11 Men de vægrede sig ved at give Agt derpaa og vendte modvilligt Ryg, og de gjorde deres Øren tunghørende for ikke at høre.
But they refused to pay attention and set their shoulders stubbornly. They stopped up their ears so they would not hear.
12 Og de gjorde deres Hjerte som Demant for ikke at høre Loven og Ordene, hvilke den Herre Zebaoth sendte ved sin Aand igennem de første Profeter, og der kom en stor Vrede fra den Herre Zebaoth.
They made their hearts as hard as rock so they would not hear the law or the words of Yahweh of hosts. He had sent these messages to the people by his Spirit in earlier times, by the mouth of the prophets. But the people refused to listen, so Yahweh of hosts was very angry with them.
13 Og det skete, ligesom han raabte, og de hørte ikke: Saaledes skulle de raabe, og jeg vil ikke høre, sagde den Herre Zebaoth;
It happened that when he called, they did not listen. In the same way,” said Yahweh of hosts, “they will call out to me, but I will not listen.
14 men jeg vil bortdrive dem som ved en Storm iblandt alle de Hedningefolk, som de ikke have kendt, og Landet skal være ødelagt efter dem, saa at ingen gaar igennem det frem eller tilbage. Og de gjorde det herlige Land til en Ørk.
For I will scatter them with a whirlwind to all the nations that they have not seen, and the land will be desolate after them. For no one will pass through the land or return to it since the people have made their delightful land into a wasteland.”

< Zakarias 7 >