< Zakarias 2 >

1 Og jeg opløftede mine Øjne og saa, og se, en Mand og en Maalesnor i hans Haand!
And I lifted up eyes my and I saw and there! a man and [was] in hand his a cord of measurement.
2 Og jeg sagde: Hvor gaar du hen? og han sagde til mig: Hen at maale Jerusalem for at se, hvor stor dens Bredde, og hvor stor dens Længde er.
And I said where? [are] you going and he said to me to measure Jerusalem to see how much? [is] breadth its and how much? [is] length its.
3 Og se, Engelen, som talte med mig, gik ud, og en anden Engel gik ud imod ham.
And there! the angel who was speaking with me [was] going out and an angel another [was] going out to meet him.
4 Og han sagde til ham: Løb, tal til denne unge Karl, og sig: Jerusalem skal ligge som aabne Byer, formedelst den Mangfoldighed af Mennesker og Kvæg, som er midt i den.
And he said (to him *Q(k)*) run speak to the young man this saying open regions it will remain Jerusalem from [the] multitude of person[s] and livestock in [the] midst of it.
5 Og jeg, jeg vil være den en Ildmur trindt omkring, siger Herren, og jeg vil være til Herlighed midt i den.
And I I will be to it [the] utterance of Yahweh a wall of fire all around and glory I will become in [the] middle of it.
6 Ve! ve! flyr da ud af Nordens Land, siger Herren; thi som Himmelens fire Vejr har jeg udbredet eder, siger Herren.
Alas! alas! flee from [the] land of [the] north [the] utterance of Yahweh that like [the] four [the] winds of the heavens I have scattered you [the] utterance of Yahweh.
7 Ve! Zion, red dig, du, som bor hos Babels Datter!
Alas! O Zion escape O inhabitant[s] of [the] daughter of Babylon.
8 Thi saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, at han har sendt mig efter Ære ud til Hedningerne, som plyndrede eder; thi den, som rører ved eder, rører ved hans Øjesten.
For thus he says Yahweh of hosts after honor he has sent me to the nations who plundered you for the [one who] touches you [is] touching [the] pupil of eye his.
9 Thi se, jeg svinger min Haand over dem, og de skulle blive et Bytte for dem, som tjente dem; og I skulle fornemme, at den Herre Zebaoth har sendt mig.
For here I [am] about to brandish hand my on them and they will be plunder for own slaves their and you will know that Yahweh of hosts he has sent me.
10 Syng og vær glad, du Zions Datter! thi se, jeg kommer og vil bo i din Midte, siger Herren.
Shout for joy and rejoice O daughter of Zion for here I [am] about to come and I will dwell in midst of you [the] utterance of Yahweh.
11 Og mange Hedningefolk skulle slutte sig til Herren paa den Dag, og de skulle blive mig et Folk, og jeg vil bo i din Midte, og du skal fornemme, at den Herre Zebaoth har sendt mig til dig.
And they will join themselves nations many to Yahweh in the day that and they will become for me a people and I will dwell in midst of you and you will know that Yahweh of hosts he has sent me to you.
12 Og Herren skal tage Juda som sin Del til Eje paa den hellige Jordbund, og han skal fremdeles udvælge Jerusalem.
And he will inherit Yahweh Judah portion his on [the] land of holiness and he will choose again Jerusalem.
13 Stille, alt Kød, for Herrens Ansigt; thi han har rejst sig fra sin hellige Bolig.
Hush! O all flesh from before Yahweh for he has roused himself from [the] dwelling place of holiness his.

< Zakarias 2 >