< Højsangen 3 >

1 Paa mit Leje om Natten søgte jeg den, som min Sjæl elsker; jeg søgte efter ham, men fandt ham ikke.
On bed my in the nights I sought whom it loves self my I sought him and not I found him.
2 Jeg vil dog staa op og gaa omkring i Staden, paa Stræderne og paa Gaderne, jeg vil søge efter den, som min Sjæl elsker; jeg søgte efter ham og fandt ham ikke.
I will arise please and I will go around in the city in the streets and in the open places I will seek whom it loves self my I sought him and not I found him.
3 Vægterne, som gaa omkring i Staden, fandt mig; til dem sagde jeg: Have I set den, som min Sjæl elsker?
They found me the watchmen who go around in the city whom it loves self my have you seen?
4 Næppe var jeg kommen forbi dem, førend jeg fandt den, som min Sjæl elsker; jeg greb ham og vil ikke lade ham fare, førend jeg faar bragt ham til min Moders Hus og til hendes Kammer, som undfangede mig.
Like a little that I had passed away from them until that I found whom it loves self my I grasped him and not I let go him until that I had brought him to [the] house of mother my and to [the] room of [the one who] conceived me.
5 Jeg besværger eder, I Jerusalems Døtre! ved Raaerne eller Hinderne paa Marken, at I ikke vække eller forstyrre den kære, førend hun har Lyst dertil.
I adjure you O daughters of Jerusalem by gazelles or by [the] does of the field if you will awaken - and if you will arouse love until that it will please.
6 Hvo er hun, der kommer op fra Ørken, som Støtter af Røg, omduftet af Myrra og Virak, af alle Haande vellugtende Sager?
Who? this [is] coming up from the wilderness like columns of smoke [who is] perfumed of myrrh and frankincense from all [the] scent-powder of a trader.
7 Se Salomos Seng! der staar tresindstyve vældige trindt omkring den, af de vældige i Israel.
There! bed his which [belongs] to Solomon sixty warriors [are] around it some of [the] warriors of Israel.
8 Alle forstaa de at bruge Sværd, de ere oplærte til Krig; hver har sit Sværd ved sin Side imod Nattens Rædsel.
All of them [are] grasped of a sword [are] trained of warfare each one sword his [is] on thigh his from dread (in the nights. *L(abh)*)
9 Kong Salomo lod sig gøre en Bærestol af Træ fra Libanon.
A litter he has made for himself the king Solomon from [the] wood of Lebanon.
10 Dens Stolper gjorde han af Sølv og Ryggen dertil af Guld, dens Sæde af Purpur; dens Indre var belagt med Kærlighed af Jerusalems Døtre.
Posts its he made silver back its gold seat its purple wool middle its [was] fitted out leather from [the] daughters of Jerusalem.
11 I Zions Døtre! gaar ud og ser paa Kong Salomo med den Krone, som hans Moder kronede ham med paa hans Bryllupsdag og paa hans Hjertes Glædes Dag.
Come out - and look O daughters of Zion on the king Solomon on the crown that crowned him mother his on [the] day of wedding his and on [the] day of [the] rejoicing of heart his.

< Højsangen 3 >