< Romerne 1 >
1 Paulus, Jesu Kristi Tjener, Apostel ifølge Kald, udtagen til at forkynde Guds Evangelium,
PAUL, a servant of Jesus the Messiah, called and sent; and separated unto the gospel of God,
2 hvilket han forud forjættede ved sine Profeter i hellige Skrifter,
(which he had before promised, by his prophets, in the holy scriptures,
3 om hans Søn, født af Davids Sæd efter Kødet,
concerning his Son, (who was born in the flesh, of seed of the house of David,
4 kraftelig bevist som Guds Søn efter Helligheds Aand ved Opstandelse fra de døde, Jesus Kristus, vor Herre,
and was made known as the Son of God, by power, and by the Holy Spirit, ) who arose from the dead, Jesus Messiah, our Lord,
5 ved hvem vi have faaet Naade og Apostelgerning til at virke Tros-Lydighed iblandt alle Hedningerne for hans Navns Skyld,
by whom we have received grace, and a mission among all the Gentiles, to the end that they may obey the faith in his name;
6 iblandt hvilke ogsaa I ere Jesu Kristi kaldede:
among whom, ye also are called by Jesus Messiah; )
7 Til alle Guds elskede, som ere i Rom, kaldede hellige. Naade være med eder og Fred fra Gud vor Fader og den Herre Jesus Kristus!
to all those who are at Rome, beloved of God, called and sanctified: Peace and grace be with you, from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Messiah.
8 Først takker jeg min Gud ved Jesus Kristus for eder alle, fordi eders Tro omtales i den hele Verden.
In the first place, I give thanks to God by Jesus Messiah, on account of you all; because your faith is heard of in all the world.
9 Thi Gud er mit Vidne, hvem jeg i min Aand tjener i hans Søns Evangelium, hvor uafladeligt jeg kommer eder i Hu,
And God, whom in spirit I serve in the gospel of his Son, is my witness, that I unceasingly make mention of you, at all times, in my prayers.
10 idet jeg bestandig i mine Bønner beder om, at jeg dog endelig engang maatte faa Lykke til ved Guds Villie at komme til eder.
And I likewise supplicate, that hereafter a door may be opened to me, by the good pleasure of God, to come unto you.
11 Thi jeg længes efter at se eder, for at jeg kunde meddele eder nogen aandelig Naadegave, for at I maatte styrkes,
For I long much to see you; and to impart to you the gift of the Spirit, whereby ye may be established;
12 det vil sige, for sammen at opmuntres hos eder ved hinandens Tro, baade eders og min.
and that we may have comfort together, in the faith of both yourselves and me.
13 Og jeg vil ikke, Brødre! at I skulle være uvidende om, at jeg ofte har sat mig for at komme til eder (men hidindtil er jeg bleven forhindret), for at jeg maatte faa nogen Frugt ogsaa iblandt eder, ligesom iblandt de øvrige Hedninger.
And I wish you to know, my brethren, that I have many times desired to come to you, (though prevented hitherto, ) that I might have some fruit among you also; even as among other Gentiles,
14 Baade til Grækere og Barbarer, baade til vise og uforstandige staar jeg i Gæld.
Greeks and barbarians, the wise and the unwise: for to every man am I a debtor, to preach to him.
15 Saaledes er jeg, hvad mig angaar, redebon til at forkynde Evangeliet ogsaa for eder, som ere i Rom.
And so I am eager to preach to you also who are at Rome.
16 Thi jeg skammer mig ikke ved Evangeliet; thi det er en Guds Kraft til Frelse for hver den, som tror, baade for Jøde først og for Græker.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel; for it is the power of God unto life, to all who believe in it; whether first they are of the Jews, or whether they are of the Gentiles.
17 Thi deri aabenbares Guds Retfærdighed af Tro for Tro, som der er skrevet: „Men den retfærdige skal leve af Tro.‟
For in it is revealed the righteousness of God, from faith to faith; as it is written, The righteous by faith, shall live.
18 Thi Guds Vrede aabenbares fra Himmelen over al Ugudelighed og Uretfærdighed hos Mennesker, som holde Sandheden nede ved Uretfærdighed;
For the wrath of God from heaven is revealed against all the iniquity and wickedness of men, who hold the truth in iniquity.
19 thi det, som man kan vide om Gud, er aabenbart iblandt dem; Gud har jo aabenbaret dem det.
Because a knowledge of God is manifest in them; for God hath manifested it in them.
20 Thi hans usynlige Væsen, baade hans evige Kraft og Guddommelighed, skues fra Verdens Skabelse af, idet det forstaas af hans Gerninger, saa at de have ingen Undskyldning. (aïdios )
For, from the foundations of the world, the occult things of God are seen, by the intellect, in the things he created, even his eternal power and divinity; so that they might be without excuse; (aïdios )
21 Thi skønt de kendte Gud, saa ærede eller takkede de ham dog ikke som Gud, men bleve taabelige i deres Tanker, og deres uforstandige Hjerte blev formørket.
because they knew God, and did not glorify him and give thanks to him as God, but became vain in their imaginings, and their unwise heart was darkened.
22 Idet de paastode at være vise, bleve de Daarer
And, while they thought within themselves that they were wise, they became fools.
23 og omskiftede den uforkrænkelige Guds Herlighed med et Billede i Lighed med et forkrænkeligt Menneske og Fugle og firføddede og krybende Dyr.
And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness to the image of a corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and quadrupeds and reptiles on the earth.
24 Derfor gav Gud dem hen i deres Hjerters Begæringer til Urenhed, til at vanære deres Legemer indbyrdes,
For this cause, God gave them up to the filthy lusts of their heart, to dishonor their bodies with them.
25 de, som ombyttede Guds Sandhed med Løgnen og dyrkede og tjente Skabningen fremfor Skaberen, som er højlovet i Evighed! Amen. (aiōn )
And they changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the created things, much more than the Creator of them, to whom belong glory and blessing, for ever and ever: Amen. (aiōn )
26 Derfor gav Gud dem hen i vanærende Lidenskaber; thi baade deres Kvinder ombyttede den naturlige Omgang med den unaturlige,
For this cause, God gave them up to vile passions: for their females changed the use of their natures, and employed that which is unnatural.
27 og ligesaa forlode ogsaa Mændene den naturlige Omgang med Kvinden og optændtes i deres Brynde efter hverandre, saa at Mænd øvede Uterlighed med Mænd og fik deres Vildfarelses Løn, som det burde sig, paa sig selv.
And so also their males forsook the use of females, which is natural, and burned with lust toward one another; and, male with male, they did what is shameful, and received in themselves the just recompense of their error.
28 Og ligesom de forkastede at have Gud i Erkendelse, saaledes gav Gud dem hen i et forkasteligt Sind til at gøre det usømmelige,
And as they did not determine with themselves to know God, God gave them over to a vain mind; that they might do what they ought not,
29 opfyldte med al Uretfærdighed, Ondskab, Havesyge, Slethed; fulde af Avind, Mord, Kiv, Svig, Ondsindethed;
being full of all iniquity, and lewdness, and bitterness, and malice, and covetousness, and envy, and slaughter, and strife, and guile, and evil machinations,
30 Øretudere, Bagvadskere, Gudshadere, Voldsmænd, hovmodige, Pralere, opfindsomme paa ondt, ulydige mod Forældre,
and backbiting, and slander; and being haters of God, scoffers, proud, vain-glorious, devisers of evil things, destitute of reason, disregardful of parents,
31 uforstandige, troløse, ukærlige, ubarmhjertige;
and to whom a covenant is nothing, neither affection, nor peace, and in whom is no compassion.
32 — hvilke jo, skønt de erkende Guds retfærdige Dom, at de, der øve saadanne Ting, fortjene Døden, dog ikke alene gøre det, men ogsaa give dem, som øve det, deres Bifald.
These, while they know the judgment of God, that he condemneth those to death who perpetrate such things, are not only doers of them, but the companions of such as do them.