< Salme 8 >
1 Til Sangmesteren; til Githith; en Psalme af David.
For the leader: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument. Lord our God! How glorious in all the earth is your name! Your praise reaches as high as the heavens,
2 Herre, vort Herskab! hvor herligt er dit Navn over al Jorden, du, som udbreder din Majestæt over Himlene!
from the mouths of children and infants. You have built a fortress against your enemies, to silence the foe and the rebel.
3 Af de spædes og diendes Mund grundfæstede du en Magt for dine Fjenders Skyld for at standse Fjenden og den, som vil hævne sig.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set there,
4 Naar jeg ser din Himmel, dine Fingres Gerning, Maanen og Stjernerne, som du beredte,
what are mortals, that you think of them, humans, that you visit them?
5 hvad er da et Menneske, at du kommer ham i Hu, og et Menneskes Barn, at du besøger ham?
Yet you made them little less than divine, crowned them with glory and majesty,
6 Og du har ladet ham blive lidet ringere end Englene; du kronede ham med Ære og Herlighed.
made them lord of the works of your hands, put all things under their feet –
7 Du gør, at han hersker over dine Hænders Gerninger, du har lagt alting under hans Fødder:
sheep and oxen, all of them; and the wild beasts also:
8 Faar og Øksne, dem alle sammen, ja, ogsaa Markens Dyr,
birds of the air, and fish of the sea, and all that crosses the paths of the ocean.
9 Fuglene under Himmelen og Fiskene i Havet, hvad som farer hen ad Havets Veje. Herre, vort Herskab! hvor herligt er dit Navn over al Jorden!
Lord our God! How glorious in all the earth is your name!