< Salme 65 >
1 Til Sangmesteren; en Psalme af David; en Sang.
Praise waits for thee, O God, in Zion. And to thee the vow shall be performed.
2 Gud! man lover dig i det stille i Zion, og dig skal betales Løfte.
O thou who hear prayer, to thee all flesh shall come.
3 Du, som hører Bønnen, hen til dig tyr alt Kød.
Iniquities prevail against me. As for our transgressions, thou will forgive them.
4 Misgerningerne ere blevne mig for svare; vore Overtrædelser, dem ville du sone!
Blessed is the man whom thou choose and cause to approach, that he may dwell in thy courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, thy holy temple.
5 Salig er den, som du udvælger og lader komme nær, at han maa bo i dine Forgaarde; vi skulle mættes med dit Hus's Gode, i dit Tempels Helligdom.
By awesome things thou will answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, thou who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are afar off upon the sea,
6 Forfærdelige Ting skal du, vor Frelses Gud, svare os i Retfærdighed, du, som er en Fortrøstning for den hele vide Jord og Havet i det fjerne.
who by his strength sets firm the mountains, being girded about with might,
7 Han gør Bjergene faste ved sin Kraft, han er omgjordet med Vælde;
who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the peoples.
8 han stiller Havets Brusen, dets Bølgers Brusen derudi og Folkenes Bulder.
They also who dwell in the outermost parts are afraid at thy signs. Thou make the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.
9 Og de, som bo ved det yderste, frygte for dine Tegn; du fylder Morgenens og Aftenens Frembrud med Jubel.
Thou visit the earth, and water it; thou greatly enrich it. The river of God is full of water. Thou provide them grain when thou have so prepared the earth.
10 Du har besøgt Jorden og givet den Overflod, du gør den meget rig; Guds Bæk er fuld af Vand, du bereder dem Korn, thi dertil gør du Jorden skikket.
Thou water its furrows abundantly. Thou settle the ridges of it. Thou make it soft with showers. Thou bless the springing of it.
11 Du vander dens Furer, du nedtrykker det pløjede; du gør den blød med Regn, du velsigner dens Grøde.
Thou crown the year with thy goodness, and thy paths drop fatness.
12 Du kroner Aaret med dit Gode, og dine Fodspor dryppe med Fedme.
They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness, and the hills are girded with joy.
13 Græsgangene i Ørken dryppe, og Højene ere omgjordede med Fryd. Engene ere klædte med Faarehjorde, og Dalene ere skjulte med Korn; de juble, ja de synge.
The pastures are clothed with flocks. The valleys also are covered over with grain. They shout for joy; they also sing.