< Salme 29 >
1 Giver Herren, I Guds Børn! giver Herren Ære og Styrke.
melody to/for David to give to/for LORD son: type of god to give to/for LORD glory and strength
2 Giver Herren hans Navns Ære, tilbeder for Herren i hellig Prydelse.
to give to/for LORD glory name his to bow to/for LORD in/on/with adornment holiness
3 Herrens Røst er over Vandene; Ærens Gud tordner; Herren er over de store Vande.
voice LORD upon [the] water God [the] glory to thunder LORD upon water many
4 Herrens Røst er med Kraft; Herrens Røst er med Herlighed.
voice LORD in/on/with strength voice LORD in/on/with glory
5 Herrens Røst sønderbryder Cedre, og Herren har sønderbrudt Libanons Cedre.
voice LORD to break cedar and to break LORD [obj] cedar [the] Lebanon
6 Og han gør, at de springe som en Kalv, Libanon og Sirjon som en ung Enhjørning.
and to skip about them like calf Lebanon and Sirion like son: young animal wild ox
7 Herrens Røst slaar ned med Ildsluer.
voice LORD to hew flame fire
8 Herrens Røst gør, at Ørken bæver; Herren gør, at Kades's Ørk bæver.
voice LORD to twist: tremble wilderness to twist: tremble LORD wilderness Kadesh
9 Herrens Røst bringer Hinder til at føde og blotter Skovene; men i hans Tempel siger enhver: „Ære!”
voice LORD to twist: dance doe and to strip wood and in/on/with temple his all his to say glory
10 Herren har siddet ved Syndfloden, og Herren sidder, en Konge evindelig.
LORD to/for flood to dwell and to dwell LORD king to/for forever: enduring
11 Herren skal give sit Folk Kraft; Herren skal velsigne sit Folk i Freden.
LORD strength to/for people his to give: give LORD to bless [obj] people his in/on/with peace